Romance under the Moonlight

Ch1: The Reunion

"Ladies and Gentlemen, here standing next to me is the new Sinnoh League champ, Ash Ketchum, from Pallet Town. Here's your trophy, Ash, as proof of your victory." the emcee's voice blared through the speakers, congratulating the young champ.

The fifteen yr. old with raven black hair, brown eyes had won the Sinnoh League. He was tall, but not insanely rip, but he did muscles. He held the trophy high in the air, a gesture that was accompanied with a roar of applause. He had a Pikachu on his shoulder that jumped in the air, and sent a powerful Thunder attack in to the air, illuminating the evening sky.

"I have some concluding news before we dismiss the arena. This year, two months from now the Pokemon Master Competition will be held in the Indigo Plateau. Details of the competition will be mailed to your homes respectively, trainers. Three weeks from now the Master Rank Contest will also be held in the Indigo Plateau, all people whose friends or relatives are coordinators will want to see the contest. And as final news the Congratulations Party will be held tonight at seven in the mail lobby. Oh. And trainers make sure to bring along a date, haha. All are welcome, you are now dismissed"

"Lets go, buddy" Ash told his Pikachu.

"Pika-pi," answered the Electric mouse pokemon.

Ash left the arena and went to meet an exited group, which included of Dawn, an amateur coordinator; Brock, one of Ash's long time friends and the leader of the Pewter city gym; Gary Oak, Ash's friend/rival; Professor Oak, a famous pokeologist who helped Ash start his journey; and finally Delia Ketchum, Ash's mom who was accompanied by her pokemon Mr. Mime. Ash walked over to them and they started to congratulate him.

Ash thanked them and then his stomach grumbled.

"Looks like Ash is hungry"

And then the group's stomach grumbled

"Looks like he's not the only one" said Pr.Oak, sweat dropping

"Then, first let's freshen up and then go to the buffet," suggested Brock"

They all agreed. They each went to their rooms. Mr. Mime stopped by Ash's to have a chat with Pikachu. He let him in and jumped on the bed. He looked at the ceiling, which was sapphire blue. It reminded him of a pair of eyes. And those pair of eyes belonged to a special friend. And that friend went by the name...May

Pikachu's and Mr. Mime's conversation and POV (Point Of View)

"Hey Pikachu" said Mr. Mime

"What's up?" asked Pikachu

" I just stopped by to say congrats, that was a great battle. It literally welded my hands in to the seat.

"Glad you liked it, it took a lot of training but it finally paid of"

" What's up with Ash?" inquired Mr. Mime

"I don't know, but I'm worried. He's usually not like this," said a very worried Pikachu.

"Would you like to find out what he's thinking?"

"What do you mean?"

"I'm a Psychic type pokemon, remember?"

"Oh yeah"

"All we have to do is wait for him to fall asleep and then I can use my Sleep Talk attack to rummage inside his mind." right after Mr. Mime explained to Pikachu, Ash fell asleep.

"That was convenient," said a puzzled Pikachu.

"Talk about coincidences. All right I'm going in"

Mr. Mime stretched his hands in front of him, and his eyes glowed bright blue. And he stood there.


Mr. Mime successfully went inside Ash's mind and five seconds was enough for him to figure out what was wrong with Ash. Ash's entire mind was black and empty except for a shining figure of a girl. Mr. Mime immediately realized who it was and left Ash's mind and came back to the room.

"So what's with Ash?" asked Pikachu

"One word" said Mr. Mime." May"

"What is that---"?


Back to Ash.

Ash woke up to the noise of his mom yelling at his door. Ash woke up from his sleep and sheepishly walked to the door. When he opened the door and saw who it was, he snapped out his sheepishness in a snap

"May" Ash said in a loud whisper, with a shocked expression on his face.

The young girl, too, had a shocked expression on his face.

"Ash" she said...