The last part, please treasure & enjoy...

The Other Side Of The Rainbow

Part 10 - Epilogue.

Gabriella smiled while she sighed to herself, totally unaware of the chaos happening around her. Her fingertips grazed over the window panes, watching the rain pour down over the glass and trickle its way don until it finally reached the bottom. Running a hand through her hair which tumbled over her shoulders her eyes followed they droplets as they made their way to there final destination. Sighing once more, she became aware of the sounds around her, and slowly turned around. She shook her head at the sight.

In front of the television was a small girl, aged six, glued to the television. Her glossy caramel curls landed neatly on her shoulders, after battles with her mother to get it cut. Her smile curved in and out, occasionally biting her lip at whatever was on the screen. She was Bethany.

A smaller child, aged two, ran endless around the living room, in and out of the tables and chairs, laughing all the way. His small tufts of hair shot up and out in all directions, whatever direction he went. His cheerful and cute screams were heard all through out the household, and never failed to make Gabriella smile.

And then she laughed as she saw the guy of her dreams, the guys she'd finally found again after four torture-full years, chasing after their two year old son, Daniel. She giggled as he caught him in his arms, lifting him into the air, squealing as he was turned around and around. Troy settled him down, smiling at his wife of 7 years before him. His wink still managed to turn her legs weak, and she blushed, as always at his silliness.

"Right, Daniel, you need some clothes on!" Troy voice sounded.

The child squealed, pouting his mothers pout. "Nuh-uh!"

Troy nodded his head while battling with him up the stairs. "Yuh-huh, Mister. We have to get going soon."

Gabriella turned back to the window, watching the rain fall once more. Her life was practically perfect now. She had everything she'd ever wanted; a family, an exciting life full of surprises, and Troy. He was the person who made everything right again in her life, and without him she knew she'd be totally lost.

She heard Troy's voice call from the top of the stairs to their daughter. "Bee, come get ready now!"

Their daughter didn't reply.

"Bethany! Now!"

Gabriella pictured her daughters face, and heard her sigh in anger. "But Dad! It's still got five minutes to go. I need to find out if they find the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow after all."

Gabriella turned at her words, and her eyes fell on Troy's at the exact same moment. Troy smiled, before blowing her a kiss, and continuing to try and get their daughter to move.

"I'm sure they do, Bee, if it's fate it'll happen."

Bethany sighed once more. " But what if they don't. I need to watch it to find out!"

"Bethany!" Troy was losing patience, and Gabriella sensed it.

She cleared her throat. "Bethany, go and do as your told. We will tape the rest of the programme for you."

Bethany smile up at her mother, before taking to the stairs, muttering to Troy that 'at least Mum had sense'.

For the rest of the time, she just stared out the window. She had gotten used to not having time to herself - being a mother was a time consuming thing - but as times like this, when Troy took over, and let her relax, she always went to the rain. Ever since that fateful day in Albuquerque she had always felt a connection with the rain, that is would bring her luck, courage, help and success if she saw it. Some people thought her strange for thinking that, but it was just something she believed in. And, she guessed, it had worked so far. After all, Troy was her god send.

"Honey, we've got to go now."

She jumped slightly when her husband's hand rubbed her shoulder, kissing her cheek as he whispered to her. She smiled; he always knew how to cheer her up, touch her, and make her feel like she held his heart.

"Okay, lets go. Get this show on the road."

He smiled at her, and took her hand as he led her out of the house, the children now safely packed away in the car. After sliding into the seat, buckling up and settling down, she closed her eyes as the soothing sounds of Colbie Calliat came on through the speakers.

You've got magic inside your finger tips

Its leaking out all over my skin

Every time that I get close to you

Your making me weak with the way you

Look through those eyes…


Her eyes snapped open again, and she rubbed them gently. "Yes Bee?"

The daughter smiled, "We learned a new song in school yesterday, want to hear it?"

Gabriella smiled. She loved it when her daughter sang. It reminded her of when she used to sing, in her childhood.

"Sure." The parents both said in unison, smiling at each other as their daughter took deep breaths getting ready.

"Red and yellow and pink and green…"

Gabriella's eyes locked on Troy's and she shook her head. This couldn't be happening - it was too unreal. Their daughter was singing… about rainbows. It was too funny.

"…orange and purple and blue…"

And all I see is your face

All I need is your touch

As they stopped at the lights Troy's hand reached over to Gabriella's grasping it tightly and sighing in pleasure. She squeezed his hand, looking up at him. Yes, it was perfect.

I remember the way that you move

Your dancing easily through my dreams

Its hitting me harder and harder with all your smiles

You are crazy gentle in the way you kiss

"…I can sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow, sing a rainbow too. Red…"

After a few more minutes, Gabriella sighed, detangling her hair and trying to block out the sounds for the radio and her daughter's song, which surely didn't have to be repeated… and repeated… and repeated.

"…sing a rainbow too. R--"

Gabriella clapped her hands over the sounds and shouted. "Well done, Bethany. Great job. Now how about we play a game? Let's see who can be the quietest during the journey to Gran's, huh?"

Both children quietened down, while Troy looked over at his stressed wife. He rubbed her thigh gently. "You okay?"

Gabriella shut her eyes, and muttered. "Yeah, fine, just tired."

He smiled, leaning gently over to her and pressing a sweet kiss on her forehead. She smiled, eyes still closed at the contact.

"Yuck!" squealed Daniel.

The young boy threw his arms in the air fro dramatic effect. Gabriella turned around to him with a smirk on her face. "Right, squirt! That's you out the game."

She left her son pouting.


"Gabriella, my girl. How are you?"

The whole family were greeted warmly when they arrived at Gabriella's parents house that afternoon. After the hugs and kisses were done, the children retired to the garden, ready to let off steam and having to sit in the car for a whole 20 minutes!

Gabriella snuggled down into her parents couch, the familiar homely smell seeping through the material into her clothes. Troy sank down beside her, his arms latching protectively onto her waist as she lent into him. She opened her eyes to see her mother looking on suspiciously.

"What?" she asked.

Her mother avoided the question.

"Tea, anyone?"

Gabriella's mother excused herself to the kitchen, with Gabriella hot on her heels. While her mother pottered around the kitchen Gabriella tapped her fingers on the table top, waiting for her mother to notice.

"If you keep tapping the table will break."

Gabriella huffed, "What was that about?"

Her mother looked around innocently.

"What are you talking about?"

"The funny looks." Gabriella would get to the bottom of this.

"Well, aren't you touchy today."

Gabriella rolled her eyes. "That's just because --"

"-- your pregnant again?"

Her mother swivelled around to she her daughter staring at her in shock. Her mouth opened and shut, while her mother moved to the door, shutting it, giving them some privacy.

"How long have you known" Her mother interrogated.

Gabriella decided to answer, there was not point in putting off the news that even her husband didn't know about yet. "About a week."

Her mother grasped her hand, tears sparkling in her eyes. "I'm so happy for you, baby. You have done well, made a great family that just keeps growing. If you're father had been here he would have loved all of them."

Gabriella smiled tearfully. "I'm sure he would have Mom."

She rushed around the table, and hugged her mother. Suddenly the door opened and Troy stepped in.

"Now, where's this tea?"

Later on in the afternoon, after much dragging the two children finally got their parents out of the house to sit outside and watch them play. Bethany was dancing around the grass, the shreds in between her toes, and Daniel stumbling around in his nappy. Somehow he'd got his trousers off, but where they were was a mystery.

Gabriella was currently sitting on Troy's lap, the sun lounger fully occupied. From the window, Gabriella's mother watched her daughter debate through her mind how she was going to tell her husband about their third child. But she knew he would be pleased, Troy had always been a fan of a big family.

Gabriella's fingers played with the material of Troy's shirt, his fingers stoking the bare skin where her top had been lifted. She sighed silently, knowing it was now or never.

"This is prefect, isn't it?" Gabriella asked, waiting for his reply.

He smiled, "Yeah, it is."

"A little too perfect maybe?"

He turned her around and looked straight into her eyes. "Where is this going, honey?"

She kissed his lips chastely.

"Well, don't you sometimes think that there's too many of us?"

Troy rolled his eyes. "Never!"

Gabriella relaxed a little. "Good."

His brow wrinkled. He was confused. "How?"

"Cos I'm pregnant."

Troy's eyes jumped out there sockets before Gabriella was brought into an earth shattering hug.

"Really?! Yes!"

"Your happy?"

"More than happy! Everything is gonna be perfect!"

And he couldn't have been more right.

Charlotte Arco Iris Bolton.

Born on September 16th 2008.

To loving parents, Troy and Gabriella Bolton.

Thank you, thank you & thank you again for all the lovely reviews you have given this story. It has been a pleasure to write and very enjoyable. I hope you liked the epilogue, and I'm terribly sorry if there are any spelling mistakes. Please continue to re-read this story and look out for my other's too. Thanks again, & lets give this story one last flow of reviews.
