Author's note: I've always had millions of ideas for fanfictions but never really bothered to write them down, and this here piece of writing is going to change that.

Since there doesn't seem to be a lot of english Ojamajo Doremi fanfics I've decided to help in adding to the collection, since I just LOVE the characters in this anime, even the minor ones.

Request: This is my first fanfic EVER. Friendly criticism is accepted and any helpful reviews are appreciated. Please don't flame unless you have a valid reason.

Disclaimer: I do not own Ojamajo Doremi or its characters. They are the copyright of Toei Animation.

Hazuki sprinted down the gloomy corridor, her skirt catching on branches and thorns as she ran blindly through the dark and dreary maze. Her chest heaved and perspiration dripped along her face as the young witch turned left and right only to find another looming path before her.


Her toe caught onto a snarling root and Hazuki gasped, falling violently to the ground, only to catch herself on her grimy, cut hands. She paused in pain, holding back the tears threatening to spill from her eyes.

She slowly sat upon the rough ground and brought up her filthy hands. She closed them over the front of her face and bent over in defeat. The orange ojamajo, scared out of her wits and broken, let the salty tears sift through her fingers, carrying blood and dirt with them. Sharp, piercing gusts of wind tore at her hair and dug deep into the gash that gleamed bleakly across her forearm. It raced through her veins into the depths of her soul, destroying what little hope she had left.

But before it could destroy the young girl, she looked up into the foggy shadows. They engulfed her features with a barrier of despair yet there was something breaking through.

A song faintly pierced the gloom, a distant but powerful echo. It enriched her with newfound energy, and Hazuki lifted herself from her dismal corner. She looked to the right, where the sound was coming from, and took a cautious step in its direction. The soul-lifting melody became just a tidbit louder from that one little step, but it was all she needed.

The witch clenched her fists in determination and took off in its direction, desperate to find the source of the sound that seemed so familiar. Twisted, ugly roots were ripped aside as she tore through the underbrush of the maze, towards the sound that was getting louder and louder with every step. It started to take a more instrumental form that she almost recognized, morphing to become more familiar.

Hazuki slowed and wheeled to the left blinking in awe as she saw a dim light peeking through the end of the path. Her legs automatically increased pace as a smile started to spread across her face. The melody gave her spirit, which she desperately needed, spreading all over to protect her from the thorns and fog. She smiled as she finally recognized the song and a fire alit in her citrus eyes.

The exit was but a few feet away before Hazuki suddenly blacked out, trapped in the maze of her fears.

Hazuki jerked upright, breathing like she was seconds away from death. She examined her hands to find no scratches or tears, and her breaths slowly quieted to a regular pace.

A shaft of light was drawn over the carpet of her floor, signaling the early morning. It passed through the quietly sleeping figure of Hazuki's fairy, ReRe, who was encased in her crystal ball.

The witch snatched her glasses from the bedside table. She shifted to see that the clock read 6:00. Hazuki rubbed her eyes and yawned. She slipped out of bed, unable to sleep after the terrifying nightmare. Her bare feet paced to the bathroom with an eerie rhythm.

ReRe opened her droopy eyelids, sensing her master's feelings like a great tidal wave. She stepped out of the ball and flew over next to Hazuki, concerned.

"ReRe?" The fairy furrowed her tiny eyebrows.

Hazuki began to force a smile, but soon dropped it, knowing she couldn't lie to ReRe. She stared at the floor.

"Just a bad dream ReRe.....a very scary and strange bad dream."

ReRe sensed the confused feelings in Hazuki's voice and moved to land on her shoulder.

"ReRe! ReRe ReRe?"

Hazuki stepped up to the sink and brushed her teeth slower then usual. The brunette took off her glasses afterwards and splashed cold water onto her face. She rubbed her cheeks with a towel, all the while staring at her solemn reflection in the mirror. The witches eyes were slightly bloodshot as if she had been crying in her sleep. Dark circles had welded themselves under her lids and her complexion was paler then usual.

ReRe circled around her head.

"ReRe ReRe ReRe?! "

"It's nothing ReRe. I'm just a little shaken thats all."

Hazuki stripped herself of her clothes and slipped into the shower, turning up the water heat. She stiffly shampooed and scrubbed her hair, afraid to look down and see trails of blood and grime trickling down her body. She rinsed off and stepped out, wrapping her long hair and body in towels.

She gave ReRe a small smile.

"It was only a dream after all."

The ojamajo want back to her room and grabbed a comb, smoothing out her tangles in front of her mirror.

"ReRe. . ."

The fairy didn't feel convinced. The dream obviously had troubled her owner. ReRe continued to look at Hazuki with concerned eyes.

The almond haired girl dried off and dressed in her usual yellow puffy-sleeved shirt, and orange skirt. She tied her hair back into a ponytail with an orange ribbon, pulling the sides into a bow. She grabbed her backpack off her desk chair and headed downstairs for breakfast.

Her nanny, Baaya was waiting in the dining room, with breakfast already laid out on the table.

"Good morning Hazuki ojo-sama," the old woman greeted.

"Good morning Baaya-san." Hazuki smiled and sat in her chair.


She unclasped her hands and started to eat. The nightmare had left her exhausted for some reason, and Hazuki was unexplainably hungry.

Baaya's face wrinkled into a grin. "Aren't we hungry this morning."

Hazuki swallowed.

"I had some trouble sleeping last night. It makes me famished."

She continued to eat the last of her meal.

"Then you must need the energy. What happened to be keeping you up, Hazuki ojo-sama?"

The old woman scrutinized her.

"Ah. . ." She recoiled a bit from Baaya's gaze.

"Just a dream."

The witch gulped down the last of her water. She sat for a few minutes, letting the food relax in her stomach.

"You know, they say that dreams foretell what is to come. That dreams are windows to the future and past. Their cryptic but absolutely possible in every way."

Baaya chuckled.

"An old friend of mine used to tell me that, but I never believed her until it was too late."

She gave Hazuki a solemn but genuine smile.

"Maybe you're right..."

Hazuki pushed in her chair in and hoisted up her backpack.

"I'll be going now Baaya-san, thank you very much for breakfast." She bowed and walked out the door, heading off for school.

Foretell what is to come... The young witch pondered silently.