Chapter 82
(June 2009)
I was in a rather melancholy mood as I flipped through my record albums, finally deciding on Ray Charles. My birthday was only a week away. I was about to hit the big Five-O, or as I preferred to call it, the big Fuck-O. How the hell did I get to be so damn old? Wilson had been teasing me and calling me 'old man' for weeks now, payback for all the teasing that I had given him back in February when he turned 40. I pretended that it didn't bother me, but the approaching milestone filled me with trepidation. This 'old man' had a fourteen-month-old daughter; I hated to think how old I was going to be when she graduated from high school. Of course, I had known this going into the game, but as I slid down the slope towards 50, it hit just a bit harder.
I poured myself three fingers of Maker's Mark and settled back in my recliner to listen to ol' Ray sing. Elle was down the hall, putting Rachel to bed. I closed my eyes and smiled as I thought of my girls. I may be aging chronologically, but they were keeping me young in other ways. My hot young wife kept my blood pumping and took good care of me. I had never felt so loved and cherished in my whole life as I felt with Elle. And together we had produced this very precious child. Our daughter was a little pistol. She looked like her mother and yet she seemed to have my personality. She had already mastered the House eye-roll. Her brain was like a little sponge, absorbing everything that came her way, and it was fascinating watching her learn new things. We'd have to keep a close eye on her when she started school; I didn't want her to be bored and start acting out the way that I had.
I took another sip of bourbon as I pictured our daily rituals. Every night when I came home from work, she'd squeal and come running to me and every night I thought my heart would burst from happiness. I'd pick her up and we'd spent a little time together right here in my recliner. I would tell her about my day and she would listen solemnly, occasionally bursting out with 'Dase!' or 'Dam'ron!' when I mentioned a duckling's name. Then I would show her something new. This week we were learning the parts of the face. So far, she had learned 'nose', 'ear' and 'mouth'. I had asked her to kiss my nose tonight and she responded appropriately, which thrilled me to no end. Then she said: "Daa-dee, kiss Ra-Ra nose." And she collapsed in a fit of giggles when I did just that. When Elle walked into the room, Rachel requested the same thing from her Mama. There was a lot of nose kissing and giggles tonight. Rachel had needed three stories to settle down enough for bedtime.
My reminiscing was interrupted when Elle walked into the room. My 38-year-old hot mama was wearing a pale pink tank top over faded low rider jeans. She walked over to the recliner and perched her lovely ass on the arm of the chair. I silently offered her my glass and she accepted it. Her eyes locked with mine as she took a deep sip and then she whispered: "Rachel's asleep."
My ears perked up, along with another part of my anatomy. When said with a certain urgency, those words had become foreplay for us. Since becoming parents, the quantity of our sex life had declined somewhat, but the quality had only grown better.
"Is she now?"
Elle set the glass down on the coffee table and gave me a playful look over her shoulder: "Mmm, hmmm."
Ray was crooning 'Georgia on My Mind' as I stood up and pulled her into my arms. We swayed together to the slow song, our lips gently brushing together and pulling away, a game we played to build the heat between us. I could feel her breasts pressing against my chest, nipples already standing at attention. Her hands slipped under my shirt and she caressed my bare back. As the song ended, I grabbed her ass and pressed her against my growing desire. Lips hovering mere millimeters apart, I whispered: "Wanna get naked?"
Her reply was breathless: "Thought you'd never ask."
Ray was singing 'The Night Time is the Right Time' as we slipped our arms around each other and made our way to the bedroom. We quickly peeled each other's clothes off and then Elle playfully pushed me down on the bed. I grinned as she climbed on top of me, straddling my hips and placing my hands above my head.
She pressed my wrists into the pillow. "You're not allowed to move until I say so."
I smirked: "Yes, Mistress."
She warned: "Be a good boy now and you'll get a lovely reward."
Changing to a more sultry tone, I answered: "Yes, Mistress."
Elle slowly kissed and licked her way down my body, my erection growing ever harder as she nibbled my earlobe, nipped the sweet spot on my neck and flicked my nipples with her tongue. When her tongue dipped into my belly button, I groaned out her name.
Hands possessively squeezing my hips, she whispered: "Patience, my love. I'll get to him."
As she kissed her way across my abdomen to my hips, her hands pushed my thighs apart and she settled herself between my spread legs. Her kisses and delicate nibbles on my inner thighs were making me crazy; my cock twitched in anticipation of her touch.
When she licked my balls, I moaned loudly: "Oh, gawd, Elle, please."
"Please, what?"
"Please lick my cock."
"Like this?"
She gave me one long swipe from base to head.
I moaned: "More."
She ran her tongue around the head, toyed with the hole and then licked her way down the shaft again. She treated Mt Gregory as if he was a Sugar Daddy sucker and she had all day to lick on him. I had to fist the pillow to keep my hands in place. Her ministrations were lovely, yet agonizingly slow and I wanted her to pick up the pace. Suddenly she deep-throated me, hard and fast, and I cried out with pleasure. Elle sucked me until I was close to the edge and then she stopped and just held me balls-deep in her mouth. Her tongue wagged back and forth on the underside of my cock as she slowly withdrew me from her mouth.
Grinning mischievously as she reached for a condom, she said: "You were a very good boy. You're going to get your reward now."
She tore the condom open and positioned in on the head. Using her lips, she rolled it down my shaft, until my covered cock was once again balls-deep in her mouth.
I bucked up and moaned: "Oh baby, get up here and ride your cowboy."
She gave me that sultry smile again as she moved up my body. Her hand took my cock and rubbed it against her wet slit. She'd pop the head in just a bit and then slide me back out again. The teasing was agonizing, yet delicious. Just when I thought I couldn't take any more, she slowly slid down the full length of my cock.
I groaned at finally being completely inside of her. Elle smiled at my response and continued to slowly ride my cock. I thrust up against her, desperately trying to increase the speed. I needed more and I needed it now. She had topped me long enough; it was my turn now.
My hands flew to her hips and I held her firmly against my body, my cock deeply buried inside of her. In one deft move, I rolled us over.
She gasped at the change of position. I smirked: "Naughty girl. Teasing me for so long. It's my turn now."
I grabbed both of her hands and placed them above her head, securing both to the pillow with my left hand. My mouth found the sweet spot on her neck and I nipped her hard. She cried out and I did it again, suckling the spot to ensure that I left a mark. I thrust hard and deep into her; she arched her hips to take me even more fully.
I kissed her mouth hard; her lips parted to admit my tongue and we had a fiery dance. We broke apart with a gasp; our breathing grew more labored as our passion increased.
I changed the angle of my thrust so that I was rubbing right up against her swollen clit. "Are you mine?"
She screamed: "Yes, yes, I'm yours. Oh god, yes!"
A fresh flood of moisture hit my cock and her walls tightened around me as her orgasm hit. I fell over the edge right behind her. A few more thrusts to ride out our orgasms and I collapsed on top of her. I released her hands and she wrapped her arms around my sweaty body. I didn't want to move. I was breathless, exhausted and yet completely exhilarated lying in my wife's arms. However, I didn't want to squash her so I attempted to roll off but she held me firmly. I smiled and kissed her neck; I knew she relished the feel of my body covering hers as much as I loved doing it.
We held each other for a few minutes, panting a bit as we tried to catch our breaths. Elle planted several kisses on my shoulder and gave me a big squeeze; I recognized that as my signal that she was ready for me to roll off of her. I grasped the end of the condom and did just that.
Something didn't feel quite right; I glanced down and saw the problem right away.
Elle frowned: "What's the matter, Greg?"
I pointed my finger at the problem.
She lifted her head and took a look. Then she looked at me, eyes wide: "Oh, crap."
The condom had completely split apart at the end. I may as well have been taking a bareback ride for all the good it had done us. I rolled off the useless item and tossed it towards the small trashcan. Groaning, I lay back with my arm draped across my eyes. Elle sighed and nestled her head on my shoulder, her arm draped across my chest.
I was pretty sure I knew, but I asked anyway: "So where are you in your cycle?"
She snorted: "Like you don't know. Right smack in the middle of where we don't want to be."
We cuddled silently for a while, each lost in our own thoughts. Elle's fingers played with my chest hair and I lightly stroked her back.
Finally Elle broke the silence: "Do you want to write me a script for Plan B? I know you don't want me to take hormones, but I think it would be OK, just this once, and then I guess we need to think about some better birth control."
I rolled over to face her. My hands caressed her face and ran down her body, touching her breasts and stopping at her belly. I stroked that lovely little pooch that embarrassed her so, because even with her regular yoga practice, she couldn't quite get rid of it. I, on the other hand, loved her womanly curves. I remember how I enjoyed watching her body change when she was pregnant with Rachel.
Rachel. Our funny smart daughter. I couldn't help smiling as I thought of her. And I shook my head as a thought took hold in my mind. I must be crazy, considering the conversation that I had been having with myself in the living room not too long ago. But the more I thought about it, the more it made me smile. Finally, I guess Elle couldn't take the suspense any more.
"You're smiling. What are you thinking about?"
The words came out slowly. "Maybe we're not right where we don't want to be."
She shook her head: "What? That was too many double negatives. What are you trying to say?"
I cupped her face with both hands and asked: "What do you think about having another baby?"
Her mouth fell open. "Are you kidding?"
I shook my head. "I'm serious."
Elle laughed: "Greg, I'd love to have another baby, but."
She bit her lip.
"But what?"
"What about the APS? It would be the same thing all over again. Worrying about miscarrying, the injections and all that. And I'm older now, I'd be 39 when I gave birth."
"I'm almost 50."
"Does that bother you?"
I rolled on my back and stared at the ceiling. "Yeah, in a way. I wonder if people will think I'm Rachel's grandfather instead of her father. I think about how old I'll be at the major milestones in her life. I'll be 55 when she starts school and 67 when she graduates from high school. And I have to wonder, will I be around to see her graduate from college or to walk her down the aisle?"
Elle grabbed my chin and made me look at her. "Don't say things like that. You'll be here."
"I might be rolling down the aisle in my wheelchair. Chasing one kid around is hard; chasing two will require a lot more stamina. Maybe you should start feeding me vitamins."
Her face fell. "So this is probably not a good idea."
I stroked her face: "I know all the negatives. Tell me why you want to have another baby."
She sighed and cuddled in closer to me. "I'd like a bigger family. You and I are both only children. We know what that's like. I'd love for Rachel to have a sibling. And I have to admit that I'm a little jealous of Gen having another baby. Aside from the scares and the weeks on bed rest, I liked being pregnant. I liked breastfeeding our child, even though it made my boobs sag and milk used to leak out at the most inconvenient times. If we have another baby, they'll sag even more and you won't think I'm such a hot chick anymore."
She was deflecting and I knew it. Kissing the top of her head, I said: "You will always be my hot chick. And I will always be your stud muffin, even when I'm in my wheelchair and gumming my oatmeal."
I felt a gentle kiss on my chest. "Yes, you will always be my stud muffin."
Then she sighed: "I have to admit that going through another pregnancy with APS scares me."
"Not getting knocked down by a very large, very distressed man while you are in your 8th month would help a lot."
She nodded: "That's true, but a lot could still go wrong. We're so lucky to have a happy healthy baby. Maybe we shouldn't press our luck."
"Wanna know what I think?"
"You know I do."
"There's a lot to be scared of. My age, your health, wondering if the baby will be OK. Despite all of that, I still want to do it again. I loved watching your body swell with our child growing inside of you. And although the 2AM feedings weren't a lot of fun, and I think we are soon to be in the terrible two's, Rachel is just so fascinating. I love watching her little sponge brain soak up new things. I look forward to teaching her so many things, like playing the piano and getting up to level 5 on Grand Theft Auto. I want to take her to concerts and football games and monster truck rallies. Never in my wildest dreams, did I imagine that I would enjoy having a child so much. And to my complete surprise, I want to do it again. However, I do think we should stop at two. I don't want to be outnumbered by the kids. Then they'd be able to gang up and vote us off the island."
Elle smiled: "So we'll just let nature take its course and see if I end up pregnant."
I shook my head and said deliberately: "No. Granted the condom breaking started this conversation, but our first child was not an accident and our second one won't be either. You need to tell me. Do you want another baby or not?"
Her face softened and she said wistfully: "Yes, I do want another baby."
I smiled: "Well, then."
I rolled her onto her back and slipped between her legs. "Let's make one. We should do it again, just in case the first time didn't take."
Greg was positive that he'd knocked me up the night the condom broke. I begged off, preferring to wait for a missed period and a positive test result. On the day that my period was due, I woke up to find him thoughtfully squeezing both of my breasts.
"As pleasant as this is, what are you doing?"
He smiled: "They're bigger. I'm telling you, you're preggers."
"My period is due today. Today just started."
He smirked: "Aunt Flo is not coming today. Her arrival has been delayed for, oh, nine months or so."
I rolled my eyes. "We'll see."
I didn't want to get my hopes up that I had gotten pregnant that fast, but as I soaped up in the shower that morning, I did notice that my breasts seemed a bit bigger and more tender than usual. I shrugged it off; it was probably just PMS.
When Greg walked in from work that evening, he cocked an eyebrow at me and asked: "So? Did Aunt Flo arrive?"
I sighed: "She seems to be a tad bit delayed."
He wrapped his arms around me and gave me a very sweet kiss. Then he placed his hand on my belly and said softly: "You're pregnant. I know you are."
"I'll give Aunt Flo two more days to arrive. If she's not here by then, I'll pee on the stick."
He smirked, but said nothing more about it for the rest of the night.
When he arrived home on Friday evening, he tossed a bag from CVS on the counter before pulling me into his arms for a kiss. As our tongues danced together, his hands roamed my body, testing the size of my breasts and finally rubbing my belly. Rachel tugged at his pants leg and whined for Daddy's attention. We broke our lip-lock and he picked her up.
He tapped his cheek with one finger. "Got a kiss for Daddy?"
Rachel bussed his cheek and giggled. "Ra-Ra kiss Daa-Dee."
He kissed her forehead. "Rachel's a good girl. Tomorrow, Mama is going to pee on a stick and tell us that she's pregnant."
"Ra-Ra goo girl. Mama pee 'tick she nant."
The child was parroting everything we said. We were at the stage where we needed to watch our language around her or one day Blythe would faint when her precious grandchild said the 'F' word.
I muttered: "Great. Even our child thinks I'm pregnant before the test results are in. She is so your child."
Greg smirked: "You know we're right."
Later on that night, when I went into the bathroom to brush my teeth, I saw the CVS bag sitting on the back of the toilet. I shot Greg a look.
"Hey, I didn't want you to forget to use it when you peed first thing in the morning."
I rolled my eyes. "I won't forget. And even if I did, you will surely remind me."
I woke up first. It was only 6:30 on Saturday morning and I knew he liked to sleep until at least 8:00, but I wasn't going to allow that today. I nudged him awake: "Hey, I gotta pee."
He mumbled: "So go pee. You don't need me."
"Oh, I thought you would want to watch me and make sure that I peed on the stick. Guess you are not that interested in knowing the results."
I started to get out of bed, but a long arm shot out and trapped me before I could escape. "Very funny. Fine, I'll get up with you and watch you pee. Then you will see that I'm right yet again, and you'll owe me one."
"One what?"
"I don't know, but I'll think of something. It's too early to make that kind of decision."
We wandered into the bathroom together and he peed while I took the test out of the box and read the instructions. I finished reading and he was still peeing.
I started dancing around: "You're a horse! Hurry up, I gotta pee."
He chuckled, finished and gave his willy a little shake. Then he put the seat down for me and said: "Your turn."
Just then we heard Rachel through the monitor. "Mama! Mama!"
I had to laugh; her timing was just as good as her father's. "Please go get her while I pee."
He nodded: "Be sure and aim well."
I sat down and peed on the stick. I laid the stick down on a tissue next to Greg's watch so that I could watch the three minutes tick by. Over the monitor, I could hear Greg talking to Rachel.
She had squealed excitedly when he walked into the room. "Daa-dee!"
"What's up, Rug-rat? Oh, you're wet. No wonder you wanted Mama. Come on, let's get you into a clean diaper."
Rachel babbled and Greg held up his end of the conversation as he changed her. "OK, you're all freshened up now. Let's go see Mama and see what the stick says."
I glanced down at the watch; it was exactly three minutes. I took a deep breath and looked at the stick. The results made me smile. He was right, blast him, he was always right. I rubbed my belly, thinking of the tiny life growing inside of me.
"Mama pee 'tick. Mama!"
I walked out into the bedroom to tell my family the news. Greg held out his free arm and I walked into his embrace.
"Two pink lines! Rachel is going to have a sibling."
A huge smile appeared on Greg's face. He bent down and gave me a loud smooch. "Told ya so, sweetheart."
Then he gave Rachel a kiss: "Here that, Rug-Rat? You're getting a baby sister."
I had to laugh: "You think it's another girl? It could be a boy."
He shook his head. "Nope, it's a girl. I am destined to be surrounded by estrogen. Even the dog is a girl. In this household, there will only be one penis."
"Penis!" squealed Rachel. "Penis, penis, penis."
Greg threw his head back and laughed. "Oh look, Mama, Rug-rat just learned a new word."
Oct 19, 2009
Copyrighted: glenlivet19
A/N: Thank you so much for enjoying this story. Your devotion to this very long tale has really touched me and I can never ever express my gratitude sufficiently for all your love. Your
comments meant a great deal to me,,,, they really encouraged my muse. I also appreciated the support that I received when my dog died. I decided to end Elle, here on a happy note, and obviously I have
left it open for a sequel which I have jotted notes about already. But I need to work on another fic now,,, it's really talking to me and I need to listen to my muse. Sadly I'm not able to work on
more than one at a time,,so this seemed like a good place to end Elle. The fic I'm working on now,, is also a House fic,, and when I have more written, I'll start posting it. I appreciate
you sticking with me thru this very long fic.
Thank you,,, a million times,, thank you,,,,, glennie