I don't own Fullmetal Alchemist.

Warnings: INCEST. Err….kinda lime/lemon…thing? YAOI/SHONEN-AI.

Seriously you guys, stop reading now.

This is a present fic for my awesomesauce friend Kuroneko Kurata…I'm sorry I couldn't read Jojo's…it was just too weird.

Uh…just so you know, the italics are the things that…no one should know about these two brothers. Yeah…can't really explain it.


Get it? Got it? Good.


It was only when Russell was away that Fletcher had a constant sense of time and how slowly it moved when he was alone.

When Russell was home they were always together; working, laughing,

(gasping for breath)

discovering new

(places on their bodies that made them writhe in pleasure)

alchemical concepts and ideas.

It was when Russell was gone that Fletcher stared out the window and dreamt of when his brother would

(touch him right there)

be home again.

It was always the same when Russell came home, he'd smile, lean down and

(brush their lips together)

tell him that he was silly for acting that way because it had only been a few days. But he would always admit

(while tugging off his clothes and kissing naked skin)

that he missed him, too, and give him a present

(after making him climax)

from his travels. The present was always something useful like

(a toy to keep him occupied when his brother was away)

an exotic plant to use in their experiments.

Because Russell wasn't


one to spend money frivolously on

(lacey underwear that clung to Fletcher like a second skin)

puppets or spinning tops that wouldn't be helpful to them in their goals.

Russell and Fletcher Tringum were two brothers who kept the secret of

(touching each other in ways no brothers should)

experimenting on the Philosopher's Stone, and no one could know

(and no one could know)



it was Taboo.