Ching skipped happily through a forest in Sooga Village. It was a sunny day and Ching was just in the happiest mood. The only reason she was in the forest was because her friends were busy this day. She sat down under a tree and happily went through her To-Do list in her mind.

Make sure to feed Won

Train as much as possible

Spend time with Pucca

Make sure Abyo notices you

While skimming through the list, Ching eventually got bored and fell asleep.


A little Ching, probably as old as 6, was skipping through the forest, with her friend during that time, Ring-Ring on a sunny day. She and Ring-Ring kept skipping until a flower caught Ching's eye. She gapped at it, It was a Forget-Me-Not.

Ching slowly crept to it. The flower was near a cliff, Ching realized this until Ring-Ring's shout broke her thoughts.

"Be careful Ching! The flower is awfully close to the cliff!"

"Don't worry!" Ching turned around and winked "I'll be fine." She turned back to the flower and began to tip-toe to it, then suddenly the ground disappeared under her feet. Ching screeched and hung on to a rock that just happened to be there.

Ring-Ring's blood-curdling scream soon followed Ching's, then her head looked over to where Ching was.

"Ching, are you okay?!" Ring-Ring asked.

"I'm fine!" Ching replied, then the rock started to crumble, then she screamed. "Can you get my dad for me?" Ching said closing her eyes.

"Sure!" Ring-Ring said in a panicked voice and then her footsteps wandered off.

Ching kept closing her eyes, trying not to look down, and little by little, the rock started to crumble.

Until it came to the point where she could no longer wait for her father.

"Help!" Ching shouted "Someone please help me!" She then started to sob.

"Open your eyes!"

Ching's eyes opened, she was glad that someone heard her cry, or maybe her father came! But that wasn't her father's voice. She looked up and saw a young boy that looked exactly like Bruce Lee, which was strange.

"Grab my hand!" The boy ordered.

Even if Ching was glad he came, she didn't know him, which made her uncomfortable to hold his hand. So Ching didn't do anything.


The rock was now close to breaking. Ching had no choice but to trust him. She grabbed his hand and he pulled her up.

Ching was so happy to be on land except hanging on that rock, after pulling herself together, she thanked him "Thank you for helping me, I thought I was a goner!"

"No problem." He said.

"What's your name?"


"What's your name?" Ching repeated.

Somehow, the boy's voice was muted. Then...


Ching woke up with a jolt, "That was a strange dream, but it looked really familiar, like it happened before." She turned around and to her surprise; there was a Forget-Me-Not at least 10 feet away from her. She smiled, She wasn't about to go get it, instead she stood up and walked away.


Okay, that really wasn't one of my best short-stories, but I did the best I could, since I'm not into the Ching/Abyo relationship. Review please! I accept criticism!