Code: Christmas.
This takes place right after the episode "Distant Memories". It about how the gang spent their Christmas vacation. AxJ & UxY.
I do not own Code Lyoko
As the gang approached Kadic's gate Aelita expressed concerns about leaving the super computer unattended. Jeremie responded, "Relax, I powered it down with its memory saved before we left the factory. It's in the same mode it was when I first discovered it. I'll power it back up when we return." Aelita, replied, "Why didn't you tell me that before?"
Jeremie said, "Well you didn't ask and I was too excited about you coming over to remember, before now." Ulrich responded, "You forgot something like that, you've been hanging around Odd to much."
Odd asked, "So what are you going to do Ulrich? I bet your father is really mad about you getting out of the car like that." Ulrich answered, "I'm going to get a long lecture from him, but would not have been able to forgive my self if I hadn't helped."
The gang said their goodbyes and Jeremie and Aelita headed to where Jeremie's father was waiting in his car. Jeremie said "Sorry we took so long." Mr. Belpois answered, no problem but we do need to get going." Since the car was only a two seater, Jeremie let Aelita have the passenger seat while he sat with their luggage.
After they were on their way Mr. Belpois said, "Its nice to finally meet you Aelita, Jeremie speaks of you all the time over the phone." Aelita answered, "All good I hope!" Mr. Belpois, replied, "He speaks so highly of you, that he obviously cares for you a great deal." Mean while in back Jeremie, was blushing.
About that time Ulrich's parents drove up. Ulrich said, "Well time to face the music." He headed towards his parent's car. When Ulrich arrived at the car, Mr. Stern started in immediately saying, "You'd better have a good explanation for this young man!" Ulrich replied, "A friend was in danger and I needed to help, but I don't suppose you would understand something like that." Mr. Stern answered while starting to drive, "I supposed it was that Jap girl and..." Ulrich interrupted, "First of all, her name is Yumi, and she was not the friend that was in danger. It was Aelita, and she really was in danger.
Odd left Kiwi in Yumi's care and head back to the air port, where he was fortunate to get a flight that was on the verge of departure. The best part was that he would still be able to make his original connecting flight.
Yumi headed home, with Kiwi on a leash. First she called to tell them about her fury guest.
After catching his flight, Odd pulled out a video game popped in a set of batteries from the two dozen packs he had in his carry on bag. After a couple hours of Finial Fight XVII he put it up for while and thought about how he was going to avoid the forms of torment he knew his sister had waiting for him.
As he and his parents headed home Ulrich was enduring a marathon lecture from his father, which he largely ignored other the nodding and saying yea every now and then to at least sound like he was listening. At one point Ulrich had to say something, after his father had made a particularly nasty remark about the Lyoko gang, "Stop saying things like that about my friends, you don't even know them. They are not my problem, Jeremie and Aelita are the two best students in the entire school and Yumi gets good grades as well and they do all they can too help me."
Mr. Stern asked, "If they're not the problem, then what is and I want the truth. Ulrich replied. "You want the truth? Ok, I'll give it to you. You're my problem and the fact that there is no pleasing you. You have set the bar so high that I have no chance of reaching it, and so I find it hard to keep trying. I bet that if my friends and I built a space ship and went to the Moon and came back, you would criticize us for not going to Mars.
Surprisingly the rest of the trip was quiet as Mr. Stern was shocked by his son's boldness. Ulrich sat there with the satisfaction that he had finally gotten the last word with his farther.
Mean while Aelita, Jeremie and Mr. Belpois were having a good time as they headed to the Belpois home. Jeremie was a little uncomfortable with the luggage but he did not mind, considering it a small price to pay for have Aelita with him for Christmas.
At one point Mr. Belpois ask, "Aelita, when I asked Jeremie what your father did, all he told me was that he was into computers, but he didn't give any details. Aelita thought to herself, Into computers? Some of Odd's sense of humor must be warring off on him. Aelita answered, "We'll his work involves a government project, and so I can't tell you anything about it." Mr. Belpois, replied, "I get the point, and I suppose that's why you can't spend Christmas with him." Aelita just shook her head.
Mr. Belpois responded, "Well, consider yourself welcome at our house any time. Jeremie chimed in, "Dad you're the greatest.
To be Contiued