'Blah' thoughts or emphasized words.
'Blah' Inner Sakura.
"Blah" Dialogue.
'Blah' Both Inner Sakura and Sakura herself.
Sakura smiled looking up into the grey sky. A peaceful Friday…so far.
she thought to herself. Shortly after a rain drop fell onto her nose. She frowned, although rain was her favorite kind of weather, it always led her to a bad event. This worried her. Today she had to meet with her Sasuke-kun. He said he wanted to talk…and from past experience, she knew that was a bad thing.A hand rested on her shoulder.
From the touch, she could tell it was her boyfriend, Sasuke.
"Hello Sasuke-kun…" her small frown turned into a faint smile "Isn't the weather lovely today?"
He made no sound of acknowledgement. The two stood in the grassy soccer field, all alone.
"We have to talk, Sakura…" Sasuke said quietly.
Sakura turned around, feeling her heart thump from the suspense. "Yes? What is it?"
"…I want to break up…"
It felt as though her world tumbled down. Just as things were getting better, too. "Wh-why?" she whimpered out. Warm tears filled the space behind her eyes. They threatened to come out. "Am I not good enough for you? What did I do?" she asked as the shadows concealed her eyes. A tear finally made its way down, trickling down her cheek.
There was a moment of silence between the two. Sasuke just stared at her crying figure. The girl's hair covered the sides of her face as she hung her head. Her shoulders were shaking, a sign that she was crying. Faint sounds of crying were heard.
Yet he felt no regret.
"I feel nothing of you anymore." he spoke sternly "It's over."
Sasuke turned on his heel "Bye Sakura."
Just as he left the rain poured down. Sakura's knees gave out for her and she buried her face in her hands. The rain soaked every part of her.
It seemed like hours had passed and she still cried.
It seemed as though nothing was important at the moment.
It seemed as though…she was gone. Invisible to the eyes of humanity.
And so she cried some more.
The rain stopped above her, but she could still hear it pouring. Her eyes stung and her vision was blurred, but she looked up. An umbrella rested above her. She traced the hand that held the umbrella to the person which held it.
she thought to herself, still heartbroken from what just happened."If you stay out any longer, you'll catch a cold." a slightly deep, yet quiet voice told her. The man had deep black eyes, obsidian. In the current light of the sky, his hair was a dark color, probably ebony. It was tied into a low ponytail. He had to lines beneath his eyes, which Sakura recognized as a sign of lack of sleep. His eyes…they were almost feminine in a way. But masculine at the same time. Sakura stared in awe as his features began to become more visible.
"W-who are you?" she asked curiously, her voice was shaky as she tried to recover from her little fit. In fact, it was nearly mute and the man had to strain his ears in order to hear that before the pouring rain.
After an awkward silence, the man spoke. "My name is Itachi Uchiha…you are?"
"S-Sakura…Sakura Haruno…" she replied. Sakura wiped a tear from her eye and sniffled as she waited for a reply.
Itachi furrowed his eyebrows.
"Are you by any chance the same Sakura that my little brother, Sasuke, is dating?"
Her heart nearly stopped.
Inner Sakura said to her.She nodded "I was…he just dumped me a while ago…" Sakura tried forcing a smile onto her face. But she found it very hard to do.
Itachi stood silent and nodded. "Is this why you were crying?" he asked.
"H-hai…" Sakura sniffled again.
The elder Uchiha sighed, but looked at her sympathetically "Come, I'll walk you home."
"N-no! I-I-I wouldn't want to be a--"
"Burden?" Itachi smirked, raising an eyebrow "Of course not. But you'll need to be covered from the rain, right? I'll walk with you." Itachi extended a hand.
Sakura hesitantly took it. "…Arigatou…Itachi-san…"
The pink haired girl rubbed her swollen eye, which was currently a dark shade of red. They were nearly at her house now.
"Hn. It's funny, I've only heard about you until now." Itachi laughed to himself.
Sakura's lips curved upwards in hope "Sasuke-kun's talked about me?"
"Weeell…not really…"
Her spirits plummeted "But he did say that he was dating a girl named Sakura Haruno. He mentioned it about once or twice…"
Her spirits plummeted deeper. She'd been his girlfriend for about 6 months and he only mentioned her that few amount of times? Hate seemed to boil inside her, but sadness filled the void where her heart once was.
"I haven't heard about you neither, Itachi-san." Sakura said in a near whisper "In fact…Sasuke-kun never really told me about his family."
Itachi smiled, facing her "I would've expected that from him. My outouto isn't much of a talker. Neither am I, actually."
Sakura looked at him questionably. The rain was dying down.
"But you're talking quite a lot now, Itachi-san…"
"Well, it's not irritating to do so at the moment" he shrugged.
A faint blush made its way to Sakura's cheeks. She looked away, facing her head to her feet.
"How old are you, Itachi-san?" she asked, curious.
"110." he joked, but his tone was serious.
A shock of horror came across the poor girl's features.
Itachi smirked.
If she wasn't still so upset at the moment, she would have taken that time to fall anime-style.
"I'm 17" Itachi said, not lying this time.
"So you go to our school then, right?"
"Yeah, I'm going there starting next week."
"Oh really? Where were you before?"
"America." he replied.
Sakura stopped in her tracks. Almost simultaneously the rain stopped. Itachi glanced at her questionably. She laughed half-heartedly. "This is my stop."
"Ohhh…" Itachi smiled and nodded. He closed the black umbrella and swung it around in interest on his finger.
"Thank you very much, Itachi-san" Sakura smiled, she blushed a bit "I enjoyed the walk back"
Sakura could've sworn that he blushed, but he turned around so quickly she couldn't tell "Well, you needed some comfort so I gave it." from the way his voice sounded, he was smiling "It's no problem at all. I…enjoyed it as well…"
Itachi turned back around and faced her "I'll see you later, Sakura."
"Bye" Sakura said, she watched as he walked off and disappeared around the corner.
As soon as he was gone from sight, Sakura sighed and entered her house.
"Tadaima" she called out.
"Sakuraaaa!!" she recognized this as the voice of her irritating and completely bratty cousin, Sora. Sora had long, pale brown hair that reached her mid-back. Her eyes were a crystal blue color. She had a VERY curvy figure, and ALWAYS got every guy she wanted. Sora was the same age as Sakura, which was 15.
Inner Sakura roared, her distaste for Sora was completely evident. Sakur warned. She strained a smile onto her face."Hi…Sora…"
"What's up?!" Sora asked in a high pitched preppy voice "Oh my god, Sakura! Your eyes are like, red! What happened?! Did that hot guy you were dating dump you or something?! I knew it would happen soon, cause I mean, what guy with a right mind would choose you over me? Well, whatever, does that mean I can have him then?!"
Sakura felt her lip quiver. "What are you doing here?" Sakura asked quietly, looking down at the floor.
Sora smiled brightly "Well, like, kaa-san and tou-san wanted me to come back to Japan. They decided that I was too special for that Prep School in France, like, yeah. And so like, since they can't like, come because they're busy with the company and all, I've got to stay with you! It's going to be such a blast!" From the way Sora said that last sentence, Sakura knew that misery awaited her.
She stood quiet as the shadows concealed her face.
Her mother entered the room to greet her. "Oh, Cherry, you're home!" Keiko, her mother smiled. Keiko had dark red hair and light brown eyes. Her skin was tanner than Sakura's by a bit. "So you've met Sora! Isn't it great! Your lovely cousin is going to be staying with us until she graduates high school!"
Sakura's gaze remained at the floor "…yeah…just…great, I guess…"
"Oh, and Cherry? Your stuff's in the basement, ok? Sora's going to have your room for now on! You'll get the basement all to yourself!!"
"…And she's in all of your classes, too! You have to escort her around until she can do it herself, ok? Also, maybe tomorrow, you can show her around town and go shopping!!" her mother completely ignored the red and swollen eyes that her daughter currently had. She continued to talk about how great it would all be with Sora there.
"Why are you telling me this now?!" Sakura's head snapped up.
Sora nearly gasped when she saw the expression on Sakura's face. The way Sakura felt could not be mentioned with mere words. Her eyes were far worse than just intense, and dark. They were almost…blood-thirsty?
Her eyebrows were furrowed greatly, almost connecting with eachother. A scowl was etched upon her usually delicate lips.
"Sakura! Don't talk that way to--" her mother warned.
Sakura cut her off "Talk that way to you?! Have you ever considered my needs? What I want? Don't you think if my bitchy cousin was moving in, you could've told me?!" her voice was pleading Desperate. "Why do I have to move into the basement?! Why do you ignore me when I cry?! Did you even stop to see what I looked like right now?! I'm a bloody mess! I'm soaking!! My eyes are stinging and th-they're swollen! Bloody red, for hell's sake!" she choked out "Wh-why…why are you all so… SELFISH?!"
Keiko stared at her daughter, wide-eyed. It was a current shock that the usual polite, and kind Sakura would speak that way to her. The world closed out on them.
"S-Sakura…" her mother said slowly. The words seemed stuck to in her throat. "G-go…" she stuttered. "Go to your room…"
Sakura glared at her mother. Her deadly gaze turned to Sora. "I hate you…" she said raspily. It was almost like she was a totally different person, with a totally new voice. As Sakura walked off to her new 'room' her mind tried to find something else to think about.
It lingered to that small amount of time she spent with Itachi.
Isn't it funny how we forgot about everything bad when that guy was around?
I was only being polite…
Whatever. I think its
Ugh! Well! That's not very nice!
Sakura slammed the door and walked down to the basement. Everything seemed to be in order already. Her full bed was by that small window that gave a small view of the backyard. It was covered in dark crimson and white sheets with cherry blossom designs on it. Her computer desk was put against the wall and her white Apple laptop sat on it, undisturbed. And all of her trinkets were hung around the wall in a cute manner.
Inner Sakura scowled within her mind's boundaries.Sakura nodded. "As do I…" she whispered out.
"It all looks so…calm and serene and everything. Like a mirage…" she spoke to herself almost inaudibly "But even if this room portrays that-that it's all ok…it's not…"
Sakura fell on her knees and
She cried some more.
It wasn't until about 10 minutes later that her weeping receded due to lack of tears, and Sakura decided to shower before she caught a cold.
At least she got her own shower.
Not to mention her own little kitchen too.
But still, it was the basement.
It was only 8 at the moment. She didn't care. She went to sleep, anyways.
The Next Morning
She had fallen to sleep with a scowl on her face.
She woke up with a scowl on her face.
The events that had just recently occurred rushed into her mind the second she woke up. It all came to her like a nightmare - exactly what it was - and a terrible kind of pressure seemed to…stomp on her upper left chest. Everything seemed so unreal.
It wasn't the way it used to be…
It wasn't the way it should have been.
Her swollen eyes weren't something that could go by unnoticed. She realized that she must have cried a LOT for her eyes to still be that red and puffy.
Sakura didn't know what to do with today.
Should she go out?
Stayed home and wallowed in misery?
Face her mother and cousin and get ready for punishment? …But that would be useless. She didn't regret what she said the other day, anyways. She was speaking what she felt. It's not wrong is it? Everyone would say the same.
It's not wrong to tell the truth.
Deciding to get away from her family, Sakura got dressed. She wore baggy green pants that fit snugly around her waist and reached the soles of her feet. Then she slipped on a black tanktop over it and some plain black flip-flops. Sakura brushed her long, wavy, and tangled hair to the best of her ability. She didn't bother to put on any makeup that day, not even to conceal her eyes. She stared at the mirror for a while. Her reflection cast, she saw dull, bloodshot emerald eyes and pale pink lips. Long, flowing pastel locks that framed her heart shaped face. Porcelain skin that seemed so fragile. 2 perfect collar bones.There was something about them that Sakura adored. But adoration was not reaching its point at the moment.
She turned away.
The fifteen year old walked up the stairs to the first floor. She took silent steps to the front door, where Keiko and her mother currently resided. Her mother smiled kindly at her, she seened to have forgotten about their little quarrel the other day. Sakura scowled inwardly, as did Inner Sakura.
"Oh, Cherry, you're up!" Keiko greeted "Are you going out?"
Sakura nodded.
"That's great, you can go show Sora around now, then!" she grinned "Some time for the both of you to get to know eachother some more! Sounds like fun, doesn't it?"
I feel like killing something.
Keiko shoved Sakura and Sora out the doorway "I'll see you two later, then!" she waved goodbye and shut the door behind her.
Stupid mother.
Phew! Wow, 7 pages! And it took me like, 4 days too! I just rewrote and rewrote this chapter so many times, since I was so unsatisfied! UGH!
Be considerate and please review!
Unlike my other stories, this isn't complete crack. I'm currently sorting out a plot…
ItaXSaku MAIN and SakuXother pairings as well…
Sasuke and Ino bashing might come up too…Hmm…
You remind me of cheese…
WHOA, DUDE! That's so original! I made it up like, 2 days ago!
Oh guess what! I joined Cross Country in my school (I SUCK) and then my body produced endorphins or w/e they're called, since I got really hyper…yeah…
ARIGATOU FOR READING!! And I also take requests for stories and one-shots and w/e too…if you want anything, let me know.
(Dude that looks like Jane D. It's not. It's ja ne. Like, see you later…ya…mmkays. I'll be quiet now… --")