Title: Worse Than This?

Disclaimer: The more I say that I don't own this, the more I feel the need to borrow it!

Summary: FinnStork A challenge created by Shadow Oblivion. After the Condor crashes, Finn gets amnesia. The weird part is, he can only remember small bits of his life when he hears a certain word.

Warnings: It's T, so...not really many warnings...least none you shouldn't be able to guess by now!


"We're goin' down!!!" Finn yelled, clinging the the nearest metal pipe as the Condor descended drastically.

"Everyone hold on to something!" Aerrow shouted, even though they already were. Within a few seconds, the Condor roughly met with the ground, throwing all of the Storm Hawks forward and knocking them unconscious.

Piper groaned as she opened her eyes, finding Finn to be standing over her. "Hi!" he said cheerfully, waving at her.

"Why are you so happy, Finn?" she said, sitting up.

"What's a Finn?" he asked, looking puzzled. "And who are you?"

"Very funny," she muttered. "Now, let's go get the others up."

"Who are the others?"

"Finn, seriously, stop it. This is getting old."

"Am I Finn? Then who are you?"

"You're...not joking are you?" She reached over and carefully checked his head, feeling a large bump on the back of his skull.

"What are you doing?"

"Oh, my God," she said, her eyes wide as the strategist let go of his head. "I think you have amnesia. ...Okay, well, not so much think as know. We have to get the others up and let them know."

Finn nodded, unsure of who she was talking about. After all, she was the first and only person that he had seen when he woke up. "So, are you going to tell me who you are?" He was still smiling, giving Piper chills.

"Once we get to the others."


After ten minutes, everyone was awake and given the instruction to listen carefully to what Piper was about to say. "Guys, Finn...he's got amnesia..." Almost immediately, Aerrow and Junko started laughing. Then, seeing Piper's glare and Finn's smile, they stopped.

"Wait, you're serious?"

"So, who are you guys?" Finn asked again, watching all of them.

"I'm Piper," the girl said before pointing to the others, letting them know that it was their turn to introduce themselves to their friend.

"Oh, well, my name's Aerrow," the redhead said, shaking the blonde's hand awkwardly. "And this is Radarr," he said, motioning to his co-pilot.

"I'm Junko. And you were my best friend!" The wallop reached over and hugged the blonde tightly, nearly suffocating him.

"Junko, he can't breathe!" Piper called, getting him to put the human down and apologize.

Noticing that all eyes were now on him, and that Finn was still smiling creepily, the merb's eye twitched. "Stork," he mumbled carefully watching his teammate. "Are you sure that it's just amnesia?" he said quietly to Piper. "Maybe something else is wrong with him also?"

"Like what?"

"Something worse...like something contagious? Fatal? Crippling?"

"It's just amnesia, Stork. Don't worry."

"Hard not to when he's staring!"

"So," Finn said loudly, getting everyone's attention. "What are you two?" He pointed at Junko and Stork, noticing how the green teenager flinched.

"Oh, well I'm a wallop," Junko said, smiling at his friend. They all waiting for Stork to answer, but seeing that he was carefully eying the blonde, Aerrow cut in.

"Stork is a merb." Finn nodded, taking in the information easily.

"So, how do we get Finn to remember everything again?" Junko asked, looking to the others for an answer.

"Hit him on the head again?" Stork offered, noticing that the blonde's smile was aimed at him again. "I vote that Junko does it!"

"No, there has to be an easier way...right, Piper?" the leader asked, hoping that he was right.

"Of course!" she agreed, thinking that they would use Stork's plan as a last resort...if it came to that. "We might just have to keep telling him about his past, and hopefully it will cause Finn to remember."

"I like that idea!" the blonde added, nodding in agreement.

"Then it's settled," Aerrow said, smiling uneasily at the happy human. "We'll all try to help you regain your memory."

"All?" Stork cut in. "Then who will fix the Condor?"

"Well, we can all answer any of his questions as we work," Piper said.

"Of course we can," the merb muttered, feeling a chill run though his spine once the blonde's gaze returned to him. "Just hope that it's only amnesia."

"What else could it be?" Aerrow asked, knowing that the pilot''s thinking was usually unusual.

"...Do you want a list?"

"Never mind. But lets start cleaning everything up."

"Sure, but if I die of some rare and deadly disease, I want all of my stuff burned." Seeing the strange looks, he continued. "It would be best to get rid of everything of mine so no one could steal my identity...or take it and-"

"We get it," Piper said, noticing how Finn eyes began rapidly moving. "Finn? Are you all right?" As soon as it started, it was over, leaving the others to stare at him cautiously.

"Finn?" Aerrow called,getting the blonde to focus on him. "What just happened?"

"I think...I just remembered something," he said, looking slightly puzzled and slightly lost.

"What did you remember?" Piper asked, looking hopefully at the blonde.


"You can tell us, Finn," Junko said, smiling happily.

"...Okay..." he said, smiling sheepishly at Piper. "I think I remembered that you're really bossy, Piper...and have bad taste in music."


Review to let me know what you think. I've decided to do this in chapters because of how long...and how much fun...I could make it. -Grins-That, and I'm far too lazy to type everything at once. Which is why it's so short.