Song Fic! Song by Alannah Myles called Black Velvet.


Rouge knew that something was going to go wrong. Something had to…because nothing in her life had ever been this right. It was humid out reminding her of her childhood in the Deep South; of summers when cicadas would fill the air with their melody, and the nights were cool relief from the sun. She could almost smell the thickness in the air and reveled in the uncomfortable feel of her clothes sticking to her oversensitive skin.

Mississippi in the middle of a dry spell
Jimmy Rogers on the Victrola up high
Mama's dancin' with baby on her shoulder
The sun is settin' like molasses in the sky
The boy could sing, knew how to move, everything
Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for

What held most of her attention was not the heat or the humidity…it was him. Long graceful fingers sliding seductively over the neck and body of his guitar, pressing the sun warmed wood close to his long torso, and never moving his eyes from her's. Two weeks since she'd locked herself in the bathtub…two weeks since there relationship had changed drastically. After that night Remy had changed. No longer did he tease her or play tricks on her…his new favorite past time…wrap his arms around her and whisper how beautiful and loved she was in her ears…his lips barely more than a breath from her skin…

Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please

There was something about that voice of his as he sang softly to her…as he were wooing her with his lips and voice alone…and he was. Rouge felt stretched tight, overheated, and desperate. Remy had made her come outside…to this narrow strip of field in the forest…while the others had fled to the cool comfort of the pool…he promised her something in the dark smile of his and she had been powerless to resist.

Up in Memphis the music's like a heatwave
White lightening, bound to drive you wild
Mama's baby's in the heart of every school girl
"Love me tender" leaves 'em cryin' in the aisle
The way he moved, it was a sin, so sweet and true
Always wanting more, he'd leave you longing for

Rouge glanced away for a moment…needing to collect herself. She took a deep breath…but there was no relief…she could feel him with every part of her. The music stopped abruptly and Rouge turned back to see the cause. Remy stood and held out his hand to her, she had little choice but to take it. He pulled her close to his body; even through their clothes the feel of the bodies pressed tightly together forced a deep moan from her lips. Remy released her hand and wrapped in his arms, pulled them even tighter together, Rouge felt all the air leave her lungs. Breathless she locked eyes with him and saw her future there. Remy shifted slightly and drew a small box from the pocket of his jeans. He leaned close to her and spoke gently into her ear.

"Two things bebe. In this box is a very special ring for you, one I picked out myself. Because I love you so very much and a day without you by my side is a day I don't want to live. I want to live the rest of my life in your arms, loving you until. Marry me, Rouge…let me love you until all of the stars burn out and fall from the sky" Rouge could here his voice thickening as he spoke until it had the flavor and depth of thick jumbo.

"I wouldn't live a day without you either, bebe." She wrapped her arms around his waist and melted deeper into his embrace. Remy was done yet…

"The other thing about the ring, baby girl, is that it has a beautiful side effect." He stepped away from her for a moment, opened the box, and gentle slipped the ring on her finger.

Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please

It was warm being that close to his skin and Rouge savored the weight of it on her finger. She didn't even ponder the side effect that he had mentioned until he snatched her back into his arms and kissed her.

Every word of every song that he sang was for you
In a flash he was gone, it happened so soon, what could you do?
Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please

She started to push away, but held on tight and kissed her senseless. She was crying when he pulled away.

She placed her fingertips on her still tingling lips and stared at him with wide glassy eyes, he was standing scant inches from her with a wide grin on his face.

Black velvet and that little boy's smile
Black velvet with that slow southern style
A new religion that'll bring ya to your knees
Black velvet if you please

Remy barely had a chance to catch his breath before Rouge launched herself at him and forced him to his knees. She was leaning over him for a moment, but Remy rolled her under him and kissed her again.

If you please, if you please, if you please

Remy slipped his hand under the edge of her shirt and skimmed over the velvet skin of her stomach. Rouge broke away from his mouth and hissed at the first feel of skin on skin. Remy paused. Rouge looked up into his eyes and saw her love reflected in his endless velvet eyes.