First Halo story. Sorry if the chapter is a bit short. I don't own any characters…for now. Thanks Bungie

Who the hell is this guy? John-117 thought. As far as he knew, this guy had just appeared out of thin air during the middle of the battle to save Earth. He guessed the stranger, dressed in black, with a breathing apparatus built in to his mask, must be from another galaxy. He didn't even begin to suspect how right he was.

Darth Vader stood over the dead Jiralhanae, watching as other little ones ran about, muttering something about an 'ark', which, Vader guessed, must be their base. Through the Force he detected one of the bigger creatures, like the one who laid dead at his feet, rush toward him. The Brute smacked him to the ground, sending his lightsaber flying. There was only one thing he could do.

Media'cit looked at this strangely dressed human. Raising his gravity hammer, he prepared to land the finishing blow when he felt hands tighten around his throat. Struggling to breathe, he gripped at his neck, hammer falling to the ground, only to find nothing there. His vision started to go red; it was a matter of seconds before he'd be dead. His last thoughts were of his wife and child, who were safe on Doisac. Then his world went black.

"What's wrong," the Arbiter asked. John didn't know what to say. He had just seen a Brute be chocked to death without any sign of how he was being chocked. The stranger was as dangerous as the Covenant, maybe worse. Just as he got back up, a Jackal ran towards the black cloaked stranger, plasma grenade in hand. The Chief brought his assault rifle to bear, and opened fire, hitting the plasma grenade and sending Jackal pieces everywhere.

Vader turned toward where the sound of gunfire had come from. A man, or at least he thought a man, dressed in green armor, and about a foot taller than him, stood on top of a rock, with some sort of gun raised. They stared at each other for a minute, before the man in green armor walked toward him, revealing another alien. Sensing no threat, he deactivated his lightsaber and held out his hand.

The Master Chief shook hands with him. Whoever this was, he had a firm grip. "I'm MCPO John-117" he said, with a bit of wonder in his voice.

Well, here you go. Three warriors, one battle. More to come. Until next chapter.