Disclaimer: All characters from the most amazing book ever, Twilight, are unfortunately owned by Stephenie Meyer and not me. Any similarities with Breaking Dawn are mere coincidences. I did not copy the manuscript for Breaking Dawn!

Author's Note:

Chapter Summary: Bella is remembering the night before when she and Edward told Charlie they would be getting married. She's mad at Edward, and you will learn why in the next chapter! So keep reading please! Sorry if it's a bit confusing!

The Song for this Chapter is Perfect Day by CASCADA.


Chapter 1: Permission

I woke up and felt something around me. That's strange, I thought to myself. I don't remember Edward staying the night. Did I even open the window? After all the drama last night I guess I just fell asleep, crying, the moment I hit the bed.

Then how did Edward get in? He probably used his "super-strength" as I like to call it.

I gently twisted myself to get more comfortable and not to disturb Edward.

We had been through so much together, but right now I needed some time to think.

Last night definitely didn't go as well as I thought it would. I groaned at the very thought of it.

I remember walking through the door, dreading what Charlie would say. Especially since he and Renée didn't work out and they did what Edward and I are about to do. Except for the part about Edward being a vampire and about to make me one, too, of course.

I chuckled. Quietly though. I guess they never considered that when they made their decision. However, that reason may have let us get married. If Charlie and Renée believe it, that is.

Let me try to remember what happened last night.

Edward and I walked in to Charlie watching a baseball game on TV. No surprise there.

"Dad," I had said, "Edward and I need to talk to you."

"Sure Bells. What's up?"He had asked innocently.

Underneath I knew he had been acting like a cop, observing his surroundings. Unfortunately, this time his emotions got in the way of his job. He probably had had a million thoughts going through his head. I was now surprised that he had not realized the ring on my left index finger at the time.

I'll have to remember to ask Edward what Charlie had been thinking at that time.

"I'm not sure how to tell you… but, um…" I stumbled around, trying to find the right words.

"What she means," Edward took over, "is that I, we, would be honored if you gave us your blessing for us to be married."

"What?" Charlie said in disbelief. He clearly had been thinking of something less drastic than that. In his opinion anyway.

"I said 'I would like your permission, and blessing, to marry Bella.' You have no idea how happy I-we-will be if you say' 'yes.'" He said in that liquid honey voice of his, starting to use his "dazzling" powers.

With super-strength, super-speed, and "dazzling" powers, he can't blame me for once thinking that he was a superhero.

He was right, anyway. Charlie didn't even have half of a clue of how happy Edward would be I Charlie said 'yes.' Or how happy he would make me for that matter.

"I heard you." He said gruffly. Even worse than when Edward came back after leaving me.

I often tried not to think about that even though most of the wounds had closed up. Edward didn't like me to think about it anyway, even though he couldn't hear my thoughts. I think it actually hurt him more than it hurt me.

After a few moments Charlie said, "What caused you to come to this rash decision?"

"What do you mean?" I remember asking, being extremely confused.

I had looked at Edward to see if he would give me any clues of what Charlie was thinking.

He had just looked straight ahead. Still holding my hand, the one with Elizabeth Cullen's wedding ring on it, yet he was tense as if he was scared. It was one of the few times I saw him that way.

I had nearly laughed at how scared he seemed. The Edward I had always known was confident, brave, and perfect. This one didn't look like him at all. If Edward had blood, I would have said that all the blood had left his face. I remembered feeling triumphant. His little imperfections made always made me feel better about myself. At that point, I had looked back at Charlie to see what he would say.

"I mean is this the trend nowadays? To marry after high school? Or did something else bring this up…?" He had asked.

Ewww! Dad and his "sex talk" again.

"NO! DAD! PLEASE!" I had yelled trying to make him stop, even thought I had known that Edward could hear what Charlie had been thinking.

I remember how he had had a small grin on his face, but the rest of his body was still tense. That's not so hard when you don't have to breathe or pump blood through your body.

At that moment I had started considering what would happen if Charlie said no. Would Edward wait for me to finish college? Of course he would, he wanted to keep me human for as long as possible. But would I be willing to wait? I definitely didn't want to be 22 to his 17. Well, we could always elope, I had decided.

Then Charlie had said, "I can't handle this. I'm calling your mother."

That was even worse. My mom had VERY strong opinions on this topic. "But, she had seen how I was with Edward in Florida last year. She knew how much he meant to me. Maybe she'd understand." I had hypothesized. How wrong I had been.

As Charlie had been calling her, I had sat down staring into nowhere. The only thing that had kept me back on Earth was Edward gently stroking my hand.

After a few minutes, Charlie had given me the phone. Obviously Renée had saved her yelling for me unlike using up all her anger on Charlie as I had hoped.

"Isabella Marie Swann! What is the meaning of this?" Renée had yelled.

"Hi Mom. I love you, too." I remember saying sarcastically.
She had actually had a worse reaction than Charlie. That was new for me. "I guess the meditation classes aren't working out so well."

"This is no time for jokes, Isabella. After all I've done for you to make sure your life doesn't end up like mine, you decide to repeat my biggest mistake." She had said.

"Mom, I don't mind if I turn up like you. You're my role model. There is no one else I'd rather be like. And if not for that 'mistake,' I wouldn't be here right now." I had pointed out.

"Bella," she had sighed. I had definitely hit a nerve. "We are not talking about my past. We are talking about your future. Do you want to spend the rest of your life married? Without another free moment to yourself? Aren't there other things you want to do before you commit yourself?" she had argued.

"But if I'm with Edward I won't need any time on my own. He's all I need and want. Can't you see how happy I am with him?" I had pleaded. And my 'life' was going to be over soon, so why did it matter? I don't really think a vampire life is what she meant.

"Honey, you know we only want what's best for you," she had said. I stayed quiet waiting for the 'but.'" "But," what do you know? "We think this is a bit sudden."

"Mom, we've known each other for over a year now. And you've met him. Isn't that half of it? And he and Charlie have become great friends." I had lied. Well sort of. At least they acknowledged each other and they used to be until Edward left, but they were getting there.

When I had said that Edward had shot his stone-like glare at me.

"Just stick with it." I had mouthed once I had gotten over his evil, almost venomous, glare. That's a little ironic actually.

He had seemed to understand because then he had out his arm around me. I think Alice had told him everything was going to end up working out because he had then seemed much more relaxed.

Under different circumstances, which included Renée not fighting with me over my wedding and Charlie in the other room, he would have gone farther. His eyes had been the lightest shade of gold, the shade I remembered from that week after he had come back from Alaska.

But that single arm had felt so comforting, caring, and reassuring all at the same time which had given me more courage to face my parents. Is that even possible? I thought now. Can all those feelings be conveyed through one touch? I shouldn't be surprised, with Edward anything is possible.

"I know, but remember how he had left you last fall, and you were so upset." Renée had countered softly. She still didn't like remembering how I had acted then.

"Yes Mom, but, trust me, that's not going to happen again." I had said with certainty.

"But what if it does? And things don't work out and you come running to me or Dad? Then what? How can you be so sure?" She had questioned.

"Because last time I didn't think he loved me anymore. Now I know he'll love me forever. Even if he did leave me," Edward had glared at me again as I had said that, but I had ignored, or tried to anyway, "I know he'll still love me forever no matter what happens."

"Are you sure about that?" Renée had asked speculatively.

"Of course. Forever is all I need." I had replied.

After a few moments she had said, "Put your father back on."

I had given the phone back to Charlie and then had cuddled up next to Edward.

"You know I'll never leave you," he had said whispering into my hair, "So why did you tell your mother that?"

"You know she wouldn't understand," I had explained. He hadn't been buying it. I had sighed, "I had to tell her something. It's better to lie to her than say nothing at all. After 17 years of living with her, you tend to figure those kinds of things out. Besides, I wasn't really lying. I know you'll love me forever so I don't have to worry about you leaving."

We had sat together for what had seemed to be an eternity. Finally, Charlie had walked back into the room.

"Well?" I remember asking.

"We give you our blessing, and Renée says you don't technically need permission because you're both over 18, but we still give it anyways."

Edward and I had already told Charlie that Edward's birthday was in the winter which was really only half of a lie. Edward really was born in the winter, but after a century of immortality, he had forgotten the exact day.

"May I see the ring?" Charlie had asked quietly.

I had slowly unclasped my hand from Edward's and had showed him Elizabeth Masen's ring on my left hand.

Charlie had gasped when he had seen the web of diamonds encircling my finger.

"It had been Edward's mother's." I had commented quietly."I t had been with Edward at the orphanage." I had lied.

"It's beautiful." Was all that he had said.

After a few seconds to compose himself, he had said, "Have you decided when it will be?"

"Alice is planning the wedding. She was very pushy about it." And she would have hated me forever if I had gone through with the Vegas plan. "She's decided sometime in August." I had said waiting for a reaction. There had been none.

"I'll be in my room if you need me." Was all he said, going against his parental supervision rule.

I had watched him as he had climbed the steps.

"He's really happy for you, you know." Edward had said, breaking my concentration. "But it's really hard for him. He doesn't want you to put too much faith in me. He thinks I'll leave you again." He had said chuckling. He had obviously been hiding something from me.

In real life, Edward whispered in my ear, unsure, "Bella?"

I pretended to be asleep, even though I knew that he knew was faking.

"I know you're awake," What do you know? "I'm going to go now. Charlie just woke up and in a little while he's going to come in, just to warn you. I'll call later. If you want me to, that is."

"Hmm." I couldn't quite form the words I wanted to say to him just yet.

"I love you." He whispered, kissing my hair.

My heart started beating faster and I was about to turn to kiss him back, forgetting what had happened last night, but when I did, he was gone.

"I love you, too." I whispered softly. I knew he had heard me.