Sorry it's taken me so long to start another story. Had some issues with my family for a while. But I'll try to make this one worth the wait.

Chapter 1: Blast From the Past

"This has to be the biggest warehouse I've ever seen," Dean said as he and Sam rounded yet another empty corner.

"How many corners can this place have?" Sam asked.

"Dude, you would have to pick the only case we could find lately that had something to do with a warehouse."

"Hey, you turned down everything else."

"That's because they were all stupid."

"That one in Texas sounded promising, but you turned that one down, too."

"Sam, I'm not going to hunt a big foot in Texas. That has nothing to do with anything."

"It's bigfoot, Dean."

"Bigfoot doesn't live in Texas, dumbass."

"Hey, every place has it's own legend."

Dean shook his head and turned another corner, "Damn it! This place is empty. How the hell are we getting out of here?"

Dean turned around when Sam didn't answer and saw his brother staring off into space, "Sammy? What's up?"

"Shut up. Do you hear that?"

Dean glared at Sam, but listened anyway. Nearby was the very faint sound of some kind of music. Sam took off in the direction of the music, Dean close behind him.

They turned corner after corner searching for the sound. They went to turn another corner when Sam was hit in the face by a flying fist. A girl stepped out and hit Dean square in the jaw. She kicked him in the stomach and he was knocked on his back. He looked up slightly, amazed that he got beat by a girl. The girl had long dirty blond hair, dark blond hair, and ocean blue eyes. She was thin and had silver headphone buds in her ears. Her ipod was clipped to a black and silver belt. Every punch or kick she sent Sam was very well timed. The girl looked vaguely familiar.

Sam shoved her against the wall and dodged a hard kick to his knee.

"Stop, stop, stop!" he yelled, "I'm not gonna hit a girl!"

"Sexist," she said, "I can't believe you. How can guys be such pigs?!"

"What are you talking about? Who are you?"

"I'm talking about you being a sexist pig! And I'm not going to tell you who I am. I have no clue whether or not you're a demon!"

"I'm not a pig, and I'm not a demon!"

"So then what are you?"

"I'm a human!"

"Who are you?"

"Not till you tell me."

"Not gonna happen."

"Then I'm not saying anything, either."

"Sam," Dean said, not wanting to be forgotten, "She looks familiar. I swear I've seen her before."

"Who are you?" Sam asked again.

"Sam?" the girl asked, "Your name's Sam? Winchester?"

Sam glanced at Dean and then back at the girl. He nodded. She laughed.

"You're serious?" she asked.

"Yeah, why?"

"I'm Alex. Smith."


She nodded, "From high school."

"Alex. Wow."

"So, you can let me go now."

"Sorry," he said. He let go of her shoulders and she smoothed out her white tank top. She hit a button on her ipod and it paused.

"I knew that car looked familiar," she said. Dean laughed.

"Yeah, still have her."

"What about you?" Sam asked, "You still have the Aero?"

"You bet. Never getting rid of it."

"How's everything been?" Sam asked.

"Good. My mom kicked me out of the house not too long after my dad died."

"He died? How?"

"He got in a wreck. Didn't make it to the hospital."

"Wow. I'm sorry, I didn't know."

"It's fine. So, we should go out for coffee sometime. Get caught up."

"Yeah. Sure. So, what are you doing here?"

"I heard there was a demon here. Came to check it out."

"You're a hunter now?"


"What brought that on?"

Dean sighed, "While you two lovebirds are chatting it up, I'm gonna go find that thing. Have fun."

Sam nodded, "Careful, Dean."

Dean rolled his eyes, "You know me, Sam. Careful's my middle name."

"I thought it was Andrew."

"Shut up."

Dean started to walk around a corner and was flung backward into a wall. He fell to the ground unconcious.

"I think we found our demon," Alex said.

A/N This is kinda a short chapter. If anyone thinks I should do something different to it, let me know and I'll take care of it. Thanks, and please review.