Disclaimer: I don't own Naruto and Nor will I ever so just remember that.

Chapter 8: Interference


hello- Tenten signing

hello- Thinking

hello- other people signing to Tenten

hello-something written on a piece of paper

I woke up on Monday morning and yawned I was tired, even though nothing exciting went on Sunday. I was also excited that I got to see Neji again. Just thinking about him got me feeling giddy.

So I got up and got dressed in my clothes for the day. I put on my hoodie sweatshirt, it had Emily the Strange on it, don't blame me for liking interesting things. Then I went to the bathroom and did my hair in my normal style.

I walked down the stairs and into the kitchen to grab a bite to eat before I left. On the way out I grabbed my book bag and slipped on my shoes. I took a deep breath of the crisp morning.

I tend to space out on days like this so when I was walking down the street I didn't hear a person calling my name from a car driving by me. I finally realized someone was trying to talk to me when they honked their horn and scared the shit out of me. I looked to my left and found Neji inside his car.

"Jeez, scare the living shit out of me." I stated.

"Someone has a dirty mouth." He retorted back to me due to my cussing.

"I'm so sorry, I put soap in my mouth the instant I get to school." I said walking on.

"Tenten get inside the car."

"No I'd rather walk, it's a nice day."

"Come on, you can't be serious." Neji said smirking. "I didn't know that you liked nature so much. Oh well suit yourself, I think the weather report said it was suppose to rain today."

"Oh well if it rains, it rains. I love the rain so it doesn't bother me." I stated walking on humming a tune. Neji just drove off surrendering the battle.

I got to school with Neji waiting for me at the gate of the school.

"Yo Neji, what up." I stated smiling at him. He glared at me for using slang, because according to him proper language is everything, I just love to piss him off, I wonder why? Anyway I took his hand in mine and we started to walk into the school building.

"I have something I need to do at lunch could you possibly wait for me in front of the cafeteria?" Neji asked me.

"Sure, I have to run something into the office anyways." I stated before we entered that classroom. When we entered the classroom everyone was staring at us. "What you never seen two people walking hand in hand together before."

"Tenten calm down." Neji stated loud enough for only me to hear.

"Fine." I grumbled and walked to my seat. Neji sat in his seat next to me and I talked to Hinata who was seated in front of me. The class went by same with the others before lunch. Neji went his own way and I went to the main office, I had to turn in some papers I was suppose to fill out.

I walked out of the office and walked around the building for a short cut to the cafeteria, and what I saw broke my heart, there Neji was kissing Temari, she is a major bitch. I don't know what happened to me I just froze up my eyes widened, I wanted to cry but no tears came out, I couldn't even speak.

All I could think of was to run, run to the care of my friends. So that's what I did, I ran all the way to my friends, I took the long way around to the cafeteria.

"Tenten what's wrong?" Ino asked me, I opened my mouth to talk but nothing came out. I signed to Hinata and Sakura and for them to translate.

I saw Neji kissing Temari. Hinata translated.

"Aw, Tenten, I'm so sorry." Ino said giving me a hug. I was glad that I had some really great friends, I hate Neji more than anything right now, more than the people who killed my parents, I just wish he would disapear.

No, I don't want that, and I don't hate him more than those sadistic killers. I'm just way more frustrated than anything. I'm pissed, I'm pissed at Neji I'm pissed at the world. The only ones I'm not pissed at are Hinata, Sakura, and Ino.

The day went by in a flash, I avoided Neji, it was really hard to do so since he was in almost all my classes.

I was starting to walk home when Neji yelled for me to wait up and talked to him. I didn't stop, I didn't look back, I just ran home, not looking back, and not caring if Neji was following me. The instant that I got into my room I flung myself into my bed. I thought back to this last weekend. I knew it was all to good to be true, I just knew it. So there I sat in my bed reflecting on what happened. Then finally I went to sleep and didn't even wake up for dinner.

I don't really care anymore, what is there to live for, the only reason why I did throughout the last 10 years was because I thought there would be someone who would actually love me for me and never cheat on me and I would love him. I guess I was wrong.

ADVERTISEMENT: If you're looking for a hooker call Deidara, he likes to use his hands (If you know what I mean.)

A/N: Woot I actually updated lol now Tenten is going all emo, now I'm going to finally get into the plot lol. I haven't updated in6 months omg, I wouldn't be surprised if everyone went and abandoned me, I deserve it lol. Oh well, Happy holidays and a very happy new year, I'll try to update before the new year, I need to get this story finished by summer so no one will kill me, I'll try, the key word is try, to update at least once a week, but no promises due to school and all my other wonderful activities such as practicing the piano and playing my dance dance revolution game :D. Oh and don't ask about the advertisement, I couldn't think of anything else.