Disclaimer- I do not own Naruto in anyway.

Chapter 1- Meet Tenten


hello- Tenten signing

hello- Thinking

hello- other people signing to Tenten

"hello" Tenten talking(if she does that is)

hello-something written on a piece of paper

Hello my name is Tenten, I don't have a last name and if I did it really wouldn't be any of your business. I just moved into town with my aunt. I'm going to go to a new high school just like last time, maybe this time I won't get in a fight, yes that is why I got kicked out of my last school, see people have been making fun of me since I was little since I can't speak. When I was six I had a really bad experience, my parents got murdered. Here's what happened.


It was an eerily dark stormy night, me and my mom were in the kitchen, I was trying to help her clean up after dinner, she smiled at me every few minutes and I'd smile straight back. My dad was in his office trying to get his work done when everything started to happen.

It started raining really hard outside when all of a sudden, our front door was kicked in by some bandits. My mom pushed me into the closet and told me to be quiet and get up into the little space for such this case, I didn't like it up there it was cramped and dark and scary, but I listened to my mother and waited up inside the little space that you could get to by removing the board.

I heard a deep manly scream, it sounded like my father, and then I heard my mom scream, I instantly knew they were both dead. The two bandits started talking in the living room, I could hear their muffled voices, but I had to listen very carefully.

"Search the house!" yelled a bandit that seemed to be the boss in the group.

"Right!" two other bandits say, so I am thinking that there are at least three, but I could be wrong. I hear the closet door open, so I stay as still as a board, I'm so scared, I wish they would just go away.

"Nothing in here boss." The bandit said as he shut the closet door, I am a bit relieved but still scared.

"Boss the couple seem to have a little girl." Said the other bandit. The instant I heard this I stiffened up in more fear.

"Forget the child, if she is in this house still, she'll have a wonderful surprise. Lets go you idiots." The boss said, I was yet again relieved that I wouldn't be killed, but I was wondering what they did to my parents.

"Right boss!" the two other bandits said. I just stayed up in the crawl space and started to cry, I was afraid to get out of this crawl space and to see if my parents could be alive by a miracle.

I stayed up in the dark crawl space in the closet for a little longer, just to make sure those evil bandits were gone. I crawl out of the dark, scary place and open up the closet door. The instant I step out of the closet I see blood everywhere, I start quivering. I walk slowly out of the closet and into the kitchen and that's when I saw my parents. Heads chopped off. I try to scream, but nothing comes out, only a little screech. I can't talk, I can't even scream.

I run out of my house into the dark rainy night stumbling and falling every step of the way, I keep trying to scream, say help, but all I could do was make a horrible screech. I ran down the road in the pouring rain. I bang on the door to my aunts house and she answers the door.

"Tenten what's wrong, why are you here all by yourself, let alone soaking wet." My aunt tries to take me into her house but I escape her grasp. "Tenten what's wrong has something happened?"

I open my mouth and try to speak but nothing happens. I run over to her desk and took a piece of paper and a pen, I am only six but I can write, poorly, but I can write none-the-less. I wrote this message down the best I could: mommy and daddy are dead. I give my aunt the piece of paper, she gasps and calls the police.

-----end flashback-----

I can't really remember anything after that, it was all a fog, after that my aunt was my legal guardian and she sent me to sign language classes since I couldn't speak, she even took the classes with me so that she could understand me so that was really nice, but she's nit very good at it.

Tenten you need to get ready for school. My aunt signed to me clumsily.

You can just talk you know I can understand that. I signed back to my aunt, she nodded understanding. I walked up the stairs to my room to go change. I got dressed in a black tank top and black pants. I went into the bathroom and put on black eyeliner ,the only thing of make up I will wear, and put my hair up into my signature hairstyle, twin buns. I walk down stairs and grab my back pack and head out the door waving to my aunt as I leave.

I walk to school, I have a drivers license and a car, but I only use that if I need to go across town or something like that. As I walk down this sidewalk that doesn't have any other person but me. I spot a white dog and it barks at me. I sign for it to go away but it doesn't seem to understand me. I start backing away slowly, afraid that the dog will attack me when a boy about my age came out and grabbed the dog.

"You don't run away like that Akamaru, you should know better by now." The boy said, and then he seemed to notice me. "Sorry about my dog he gets away a lot, by the way my name is Kiba, Kiba Inuzuka."

He puts out his hand towards me, I think he wants me to shake his hand so I do.

"What's your name?" Kiba asks me.

Tenten. I sign to him but I don't think he understands he looks really confused, so I get out my yellow notepad and pen and write it.

"Oh, ok." Kiba said after he read the piece of paper, then he handed me back the yellow notepad and I took it. Then he asked me a question I thought I never would have to write down again, of coarse I was wrong, every person I come in contact with asks me this. "Why won't you speak?"

I felt like I wanted to punch him right there, but then I would get in trouble by my aunt so I wrote the reason down on the piece of paper I am mute. I then gave him back the yellow notepad.

"Oh now I get it." He said as he handed me back the yellow notepad. "What school you go to?"

I wrote down the school I was going to and handed him back the yellow notepad.

"Oh cool I go to Konoha High to, hold on let me put Akamaru back in his cage and I'll walk with you there." I nodded my head and Kiba ran back to his house to put akamaru in his cage and then he came back and we walked to school. He was talking to me about everything there at the school, like the kinds of sports and clubs and other things, then he started telling me about his friends and then the principle and I smiled at him for telling me all of this. "Hey I gotta go and put my stuff in my locker but I'll meet up with you later ok." I nod and he walks off.

I walk into the office and write down on a new piece of paper on the yellow notepad that I need my schedule and I hand it to the secretary. She looks at me and smiles.

"You must be Tenten." The lady asks and I nod. "Right this way, principle Tsunade is right through that door, you'll get your schedule after you get the rules to this school." I nod yet again and enter the office where the principle is.

The instant I step in there I can smell sake, Kiba was right our principle is a drunk. All of a sudden I am in a hug from a blonde lady. I am really scared, the principle, well that's who I think it was, was hugging me.

"You must be the poor little soul Tenten." The principle said, and then she let me go, I nod. "My name is Tsunade and I am the principle of this wonderful school. Here is your schedule and I know someone who knows sign language so you don't have to write everything down, her name is Sakura Haruno, she is a very nice girl, I'm sure you'll like her." I nod yet again. Tsunade leans outside of the door frame and yells for Sakura. "She will be here in a minute, she is in every one of your classes I made sure of that so you don't have to be all handicapped."

Then a pink haired girl entered the room, I think this is the Sakura girl, but I don't know. Tsunade gets up and goes hugs the girl and starts talking. "Sakura this is Tenten, Tenten this is Sakura." I wave. "Well now you guys should get to class, so GET OUT!"

I jump out of the seat I am sitting in and walk out of the office with Sakura.

Where is room 404? I sign to Sakura and she seems to understands and then she actually answers me.

"It's this way, don't worry this isn't a bad school in fact it is a really good school you don't need to worry." Sakura smiled at me and I smiled back at her.

-----in room 404-----

There is a blonde boy in the front of the classroom and he seems to be mimicking someone, but I can't tell, Sakura grunts besides me

What's wrong? I sign to her

That's Naruto Uzamaki he's an idiot, but he is really nice, he's mimking Kakashi-sensei again. She signs back to me. I nod at her, and then I notice that the teacher is not there yet.

Where is the teacher?

He's always late, so don't worry, come on there are some seats in the back. I nod at her and follow her to two empty seats in the back of the room, awaiting for the teacher.

A/N: Well that is the first chapter of whatever happens happens I hope you liked it, I am hoping to have a better time with this story than my last one, I read it over myself and I would have to say it sucked, I've gotten so much better at writing over the past 3 years. I know some characters are OOC but hey it's my story and I can have it that way if I want to. Review and tell me if I need to add anything to this.


Cheez plz