Clinic Cases

Disclaimer: I don't own anything House related, just the clinic patients I make up.

A/N: So this idea just sort of came to me one day. Just a quick drabble I hope some of you find enjoyable. One shot coming up pretty soon. Review!


Doctor House once again found himself in clinic duty. "Why am I here again?" he thought, "I'm pretty sure I was suppose to ignore Cuddy today. God what is this idiot going on about?"

"My head, that hurts too." The clinic patient whined, "And my nose, I have this…"

"What the hell makes him think I want to hear about anything pertaining to his nose?" House began to count the ceiling tiles, ignoring the patient inane symptoms. "Well last time I counted there were 43, but it's always good to double check."

"Doctor House, are you even listening to me?" The patient asked with obvious hints of anger.

"Hmm?" House asked exaggerating the word into many syllables. He rested his chin on his cane, "Lets recap shall we? Your head hurts, your nose is red and runny, you ache all over and, you're tired all the time."


He stood up, "Interesting. Really it's so unusual; I don't believe I've seen anything like it!" He walked out, and shut the door.