OH MY CARLISLE I AM SO SO SO SO SO SO SOOOOOOOOSORRY!! Well, for one thing, I didn't get enough reviews in the last chapter to update, but still…I have summer school now so I can finish all the requirements to graduate early and my relatives came over so I had like no time at all to get a hold of my computer :(

But on a happier note…………HAPPY BIRTHDAY EDWARD!! We should all sing for him. Ready?

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday to you

Happy birthday dear Edward Anthony Masen Junior Cullen ;D

Happy Birthday to you!!

Disclaimer: Sadly, nothing special for me today so I don't get to own Twilight :(

I'm sorry Jacob lovers…but you might want to leave in this chapter :( But as for Jacob haters…welcome :)

Bella's PoV:

There was dead silence in the room. It was almost spooky. But then slowly, one by one, everyone started standing up and went back to their previous activities.

"I'm still a little thirsty," I said, turning towards Edward. I didn't get much to drink before the…incident. He stared at me for a while and then he stood up and followed me out the door.

"We should probably eat something big, just in case…" Edward trailed off. He didn't need to continue. I nodded and then started sprinting off into the woods and then tackled down a large grizzly bear. I gave it a nice, quick and painless death; it didn't see me coming.

When Edward finally caught up with me after my sudden…burst of energy, I wiped my mouth and turned to him, "What took you so long?" I smirked.

He, on the other hand, kept a straight face.

"After you took off, I smelled that…smell again. Like a wet dog."

I stared at him for a while and then quickly stood up. "We should probably hurry up then." He took a whiff of the air for a small trace of the scent, and I did the same. Nothing smelled foul…yet. I looked up at him and he nodded.

I heard a small growl in the distance and then detected the faint smell of a mountain lion. My eyes lit up and I took off running towards the scent. After a few hundred feet, I saw it crouching down, blending into the dried grass and dirt. I crouched down as well, mirroring its motion, and then I striked. I tackled the lion and snapped its neck. Its blood was like an oasis in the desert. Well, more like an oasis than the bear's. But then, when I was just about finished with the mountain lion, a very bad smell overpowered me. And then I heard Edward.

"Bella! Run!"

I turned around and saw a giant wolf a few meters from me. It started to jump at me but then Edward pounced onto its back. All I could do was watch as Edward and the wolf tackled each other to the ground. A few pieces of dirt and leaves flew up in the air as Edward and the wolf threw each other across the field. And all I cold do was stand there and watch, too scared to run. And then I found a pair of jeans lying on the ground. I walked over to it and a wallet dropped out from one of its pockets. I picked up the wallet and then I found the identity: Jacob Black. Why does that name sound a little familiar? Maybe my real dad's friend or something.

The wolf howled once when Edward threw it against a tree, snapping me out of my thoughts. It was clearly hurt, but Edward didn't stop. And then, he did something that was not Edward at all.

Edward tore at the thing from limb to limb, ignoring its howls. And I could not do anything about it at all. I kept standing there, being the useless thing in the sidelines. Meanwhile, Edward looked like he was having too much fun as he ripped at it and then he took a match from his pocket, and then lit the pieces. (I forgot, how do you kill a werewolf?) He finally backed away from the corpse and watched as the pieces left of the wolf flamed up.

I was surprised at what Edward had done, but strangely, I was glad he did it. If it weren't for him, I would probably be torn up into shreds.

"Edward, why did you do it?"

He looked at me for a long time and he finally answered.

"When you were finishing off with the mountain lion, I smelled it first. But then it saw you. It was thinking about how his leader told him to leave us alone earlier, but he just wanted a little fun. He chose to disobey his leader and he wanted to tear all of us apart to shreds. When he first saw you, when he jumped out at you, he was enjoying the thought of tearing you up and burning you. I had had enough, and I just tackled it to the ground. I would rather it be me than you."

I stared at him, with nothing to say. He risked his life for me because he really loved me. I smiled and leaned up to kiss him on the lips.

"Thank you."

But our happy ending didn't last long. I heard one growl, and then a few more growls. I turned around and found a whole pack of wolves standing before us.

Sorry it's short, but it's the quality, not the quantity.

PUH-LEASE review!! Or else I won't be writing! I want at least ten reviews as always. I can't guarantee it'll be soon, but I'll try the best I can to update ASAP when I get enough reviews. My grandparents are staying for the whole summer, so I'll be pretty busy.

Quote of the chapter: "I prefer brunettes." Like me!! Guess who it's from and you get a cyber cookie made by Edward himself :)


And now I shall go watch Cmap Rock :P