Authors' Notes:

I own nothing, I only came up with the story idea all characters are not owned by me.

This is mainly a boy x boy paring, if you don't like don't read it.

I will update when I can, I have a life and school so I am busy, and it may take some time.

Please do comment, they are welcome, what's not welcome is criticism that isn't constructive.

My character may be out of character but it's for the story.

Thoughts will be in italics.

Enjoy )

Reunion: chapter one: Thanks for the Memories

Naruto hasn't seen Sasuke in ten years, when they were 19. Back then they were lovers, but it ended in a bitter break up when college temptations were too hard to resist. Now ten years later, he's worried that it will be disaster at their ten-year high school reunion. Mainly he doesn't want to see how well the man he gave up is doing now. That's going to be the hardest part indefinitely.

It seemed after the break up that Sasuke took on the world with a new fire. Naruto was the one who cheated so it's understandable that Sasuke would want to show him what he's missing. That's how Sasuke works, always trying to be better than everyone else; which he is usually able to accomplish. Sasuke always wanted to make his father proud, and since he's bi it was not an easy task, his older brother had always been his biggest competition. That was, until Itachi killed his entire family, except himself and Sasuke when Sasuke was sixteen, turning competition into hate in the young Uchiha. Now the young Uchiha owns the family business and is extremely well known. He also is on every list for most eligible bachelors within the last eight years, not that he hasn't dated it's just nothing's been very serious. To most it seems like Sasuke has everything: looks, money, girls and guys chasing him, and can have just about whatever he wants. What most peopled doesn't know is that he's still not happy, there's still one thing – more a person—that he can't have.

On the other hand, Naruto hasn't been doing quite as well. He has an apartment and a job, but lives off of ramen noodles and has to keep a tight budget to make it through the month. It's not that he doesn't like ramen noodles, but it doesn't exactly attract the dates, neither guys nor girls are usually impressed that you can take them to your place and make them ramen noodles. There is one thing Naruto has that Sasuke doesn't though, real friends. Naruto knows that his friends are real, with Sasuke's money no one can be to sure who's real and not.

In almost every aspect of life Naruto and Sasuke are different. Naruto is blonde haired, blue-eyed, hyperactive, friendly and never really applied himself. Sasuke has black hair, extremely dark brown- almost black- eyes, calm, distant and hard working. But opposites attract and in high school they had a love that made everyone else's seem small. The stronger the love though the worse the break up usually, and their break up was nothing short of bad.


Monday, July 23, 1997 its Sasuke's birthday and he flew to see Naruto for the first time in two months; little did he know a lot could change in two months. He pulled up to Naruto's apartment in his rental car, ready to surprise his lover. Luckily he has an extra key so he could surprise him and have a little fun scaring him in the process, but he was in for the surprise of his life.

Walking up the stairs to the apartment he could hear loud screams and moans, he never thought that Naruto was one to cheat; he figured that the TV was just turned up too loud. After unlocking the door he walked in to find Naruto and Gaara having sex on the couch. Naruto was not pushing him off, in fact he was the one screaming the loudest, that is until Sasuke walk in and Naruto had the deer in the headlights look on his face. Sasuke slammed the door shut as he walked back out extremely angry.

Pulling up his pants, Naruto quickly ran out the door to catch up with Sasuke, who is hurrying down the stairs. "Sasuke wait!" Naruto yelled after his angry lover, or more who he hoped is still his lover.

"Why should I, so you can cheat on me some more?" Sasuke yelled back.

"I'm sorry, please let me explain!" the blonde tried.

"You think I'm stupid or something? That I'm just going to let you cheat on me and be okay let's talk, oh don't worry it's alright?" the raven was furious.

"Sasuke just let me explain," he said.

"Explain what? There is no reason that I'll accept as okay for why you cheated on me," Sasuke said, looking hurt.

"I know what I did is wrong, I'm sorry just hear me out," the blonde pleaded.

"You have five seconds," Sasuke crossed his arms.

"Okay, well you are so far away, and Gaara is here, and I was lonely," trying to find some way to make it sound okay.

"Oh, I'm sorry you're right, that makes it all understandable, all better," Sasuke hissed in deathly sarcastic tone.

"I didn't say it did," Naruto frowned.

"I can't believe that I trusted you!" Sasuke said.

"I'm sorry, how many times to I have to say it?" Naruto asked moving closer to Sasuke.

"Until you mean it," Sasuke said pushing Naruto away from him.

"I do mean it," Naruto said.

"Then why don't I believe you?" the raven frowned.

"Because, well, I don't know, because you should," Naruto said.

"I don't, so you can just go back to your little boyfriend, and stay the fuck away from me," Sasuke responded, his voice and face showed a mix of anger and how hurt he was.

"He's not my boyfriend," the blonde corrected.

"Sorry, you're play thing," the other man hissed.

"Sasuke please don't be so mad," Naruto once again pleaded.

"Don't be mad? How can I not be mad? It's my birthday and I found you cheating on me! Or maybe you forgot about me so much that you didn't realize what July 23rd is; you didn't even call to say happy birthday or anything. Do I mean that little to you now? Out of sight, out of mind, that's how it is right?" the raven glared.

"I was going to call you tonight," Naruto said.

"Sure you were," he rolled his eyes.

"I was!" Naruto said.

"That's right, I leave and I don't get phone calls all the time, when maybe that's when you should have been calling me the most," Sasuke said.

"I'm sorry, but you were gone," the blonde said weakly.

"Don't try to blame this on me! You could have called, you could have come to see me, but you never did. I wasn't even gone a year, it was two months," Sasuke responded angrily.

"That's sixty days," pointed out.

"Well now you can go a whole lot more before you see me again," the raven said. Sasuke walked back to his car, followed by Naruto. "Stop following me," he growled.

"Not until you're not mad at me," Naruto answered.

"Get it through you're head, Naruto, it's over," Sasuke said bluntly.

"But I love you," Naruto argued.

"Obviously not enough," Sasuke yelled, grabbing a picture of them that was sitting on the bag in the passenger seat of the car, ripping it in two, and throwing it on the ground, before getting into his car and running it over. It was not a happy ending the last time they saw each other and they haven't spoken since.

Naruto walked over and picked up both pieces of the picture in his hands. He put the pieces together and looked at the picture of them he had always loved the most. This was when he was sure that Sasuke meant that it's over, he had hurt him too much.

He walked back into the house and looked a Gaara, "You should probably just go."

"Was that the boyfriend?" Gaara asked pulling up his pants.

"Yeah, well now ex-boyfriend," the blonde frowned.

"Then why do you want me to leave?" Gaara asked.

"Because I feel bad enough as it is, please just go," Naruto replied.

Gaara walked out of the apartment and Naruto fell back onto the couch. It felt so dirty now, like it was soiled. All the good times and memories him and Sasuke had just were flushed down the tubes by one action performed on the couch.

Getting up Naruto went to the drawer and pulled out some clear tape. He carefully taped the picture together and stood there looking at it.

There is no denying it he already missed Sasuke. He took out a box from under his bed and emptied it out. Where there used to be junk he started replacing the space with items from Sasuke and items that remind him of Sasuke.

He carefully put all the mixed CDs, pictures, and anything else that held a memory in the box, it was painful for him to do, but he had to do it, there was no doubt that Sasuke was not going to take him back anytime soon. It hurt but it's the only thing he can do to try and get over the one he holds so dear in his heart. He felt like some kind of heartbroken girl, but he was heartbroken so what is one to do.

No one ever wants the one they love to leave them, or vise versa, it feels like your heart is being ripped out of your chest, but there's nothing that you can do about it. That's how Naruto felts. He knew that he did wrong, he cheated, and he was what their old teacher, Kakashi Hatake, would call lower than dirt. Not only did he betray his best friend, he betrayed his lover, and nothing could be worse than that.

Looking in the box before shutting it, a single tear fell into the box. It had been years since he's cried last, ever since Sasuke came into his life, as a lover there was hardly a need, he found comfort in him. Now he lost him, by his own actions, no one else's.

What could he have been thinking, was he really that stupid? He wanted to scream, to punch something, do anything but think of how horrible he is. It was Sasuke's birthday and he cheated on him, that's low, no that's lower than low- that's rock bottom.

All he wanted to do was end up growing old and in love with Sasuke, he had a very bad way of showing it though. He closed the box and grabbed the sharpie off the counter. In big letters he wrote: MEMORIES OF SASUKE, on the box.

He placed the box on the top shelf in his closet before walking over to his bed and collapsing on the bed. Curling up on the bed he felt so alone, but he only had himself to blame for that.

Silently tears fell down his cheeks; all he knew is that he never wants to feel this way again. He couldn't even imagine how Sasuke must have felt seeing him with another.

He had his one true love and he gave it up for a fling, something that would never last. Sakura was going to kill him. She backed off when he told her that he liked Sasuke, then he goes and cheats, she's going to kill him for sure.

Why didn't he beg more? Why did he let him get in his car and drive away? They could have worked this out. Quickly he sat up and dialed Sasuke's cell phone number. He heard it ring several times before the voicemail away message came on.

"Hey you've reached Sasuke; sorry I couldn't get to the phone. If this is Naruto I probably didn't answer on purpose, don't bother leaving a message. If not leave a message and I'll get back to you when I can."

Naruto dropped the phone and felt more tears roll down his cheeks. It was definitely over; there was no way to fix this.


Naruto now held the picture that Sasuke had ripped up ten years ago in his hands. He had taped it back together once he got back in the house that day and put it in a box. The memories that single picture held was one he never wanted to forget, even if Sasuke was long gone.

The contents of the box are memories of his high school years at Khona high, in the small town of Khona where they grew up and Sasuke left. Naruto was always somewhat jealous of Sasuke for being able to leave Khona, something he knew that he could never do. The box was filled with many different pictures, journals, mixed CDs and gifts from his younger years. Most of all, the best gift he ever got, from Sasuke, is in the box. It is a necklace with an inscription on it, saying in few words how he felt. The words 'I love you' are on the necklace; it wasn't necessarily for him to wear, but more to show how much he really cares. It means so much to him because no one had ever really loved him before; he had never felt that feeling of receiving love until Sasuke.

Naruto had to put the box away it hurt too much. He certainly wasn't ready to see Sasuke at the reunion, or maybe even sooner. Though the reunion isn't for a couple days people will come into town early, the few people that were able to get out that is. It was certain to be a hard week for Naruto indeed.

Looking at the clock Naruto cussed as he realized that he was late for meeting Sakura. Quickly he got his shoes on and rushed out the door. When he got into his car a somewhat ironic song came on the radio: Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy.

Meanwhile, Sasuke is in his listening to the radio. He had a long drive, Japan may be relatively small, but that didn't mean going from one end to another didn't take a long time. The radio started to play Thanks for the Memories by Fall Out Boy and he knew that he was finally close. Yes, he had made it to Khona from Tokyo and he was driving his black Lamborghini Gallardo Spyder.

Naruto pulls up to the bar to see Sakura walking out the door. "Sakura, wait!" Naruto yelled while getting out of his car. Sakura turned around with an angry look on her face. "I'm so sorry," he said.

"It's fine, but why are you late?" She asked still a little irritated with him.

"Well, I was looking at some old things," He said as his voice went softer.

"Like what?" She asked now curious.

They walked into the bar and sat down, after ordering drinks he told her. "Well, I have this box with some stuff from high school in it," he said.

"Sasuke stuff?" She asked hoping that he wasn't going to get all depressed again, like he did when Sasuke left him.

"Yeah," he looked down.

"I thought that you were over him," she frowned.

"You know I don't think that I ever really got over him," he told her.

"But you haven't talked about him or to him in forever," she pointed out.

"I know, I guess that, it hurts less that way," the blonde shrugged.

"It's been ten years, he's probably changed," she said.

"So he won't be the same hot, jerk?" he asked.

"I didn't say that," he laughed.

"I mean have you seen him on the over of all those magazines?" she asked.

"I wish that I hadn't, but yeah I did. Why did I ever cheat on him?" he wondered.

"I always wondered that," Sakura said.

"This is going to be difficult to see him at the reunion," he sighed.

"Well, maybe it won't be so bad," she said, trying to make him feel better.

"Yeah, maybe, but I doubt it," he said.

Just then they sound of loud music came from the parking lot.

"What's that?" Naruto asked.

"I'm not sure, let's go see," she said.

They walked out in time to see the doors go up on a black Lamborghini and an extremely hot dark haired, dark-eyed man get out of the car.

"Speak of the devil," Sakura said.

"Sasuke," Naruto gasped.

He took off his sunglasses and looked at Naruto, "Hi Sakura." He said shutting and locking the doors.

"Hi Sasuke," She squeaked out.

He went past the two into the bar.

"So I take it that he's still mad at you," Sakura said, in the kind of voice that says that I feel sorry for you.

"He always could hold a grudge," he mumbled.

"True, are you going to come back into the bar?" she asked.

Naruto sighed, "Yeah, I'm coming."

As they walked back into the bar, they saw all the single girls, and some boys, were crowed around Sasuke. Of course he has on his infamous Uchiha smirk.

A half a hour later, the door to the bar opened yet again; showing a tall, skinny, dark-haired, naturally tan skinned, green-eyed girl. She is hot to say the least. In her green heals, little tank top and tight skinny jeans, she walked over to Sasuke.

"People make way for my girlfriend," Sasuke said getting up and walking over to her.

"Hey baby, sorry I'm late, I had to wait for daddy to give me his gold card," she said.

"It's fine; at least you're here now," he answered. He pulled her into a deep passionate kiss. What was left of Naruto's smile immediately went to a frown. It was official that this was going to be hard to deal with at the reunion.