Jareth's Last Dance

The lights sparkled against the attire of the creatures as they spun in each other's arms. Sarah gasped at the beauty of the room, her eyes dancing around. That's when she spotted him, saw him standing off to the side, staring at her. He had so much charm, that Sarah couldn't refuse his beckoning. She slowly stepped towards him, a blush upon her cheeks, evading his face. He grinned and traced his index finger along her jaw, the ticklish sense made her glance up. That's when his lips took hers, and Sarah knew that right then and there, she would be his, no matter what happened. As he smiled at her, a thought popped into her head.

Her younger brother, Toby, where was he? She frowned and took her eyes off of his. He did not like this and forced her to look back at him. Sarah could no more see the affection in her dance partner's eyes. They were now distant and cold, making her flinch against him. He slid his head towards her ear, his closeness making it unbearable.

"Thought you could just forget about me, Sarah? Well it's not that simple, you see." He began to laugh then.

Sarah trembled. "What do you want from me?"

"You, my love." He licked at her ear.

"Stop it, please."

"I can't, don't you see. You stole my heart just as you stole my labyrinth. There is nothing I can do, I need you I must have you. You will be mine, Sarah,"

"You can't, no." Sarah sighed in agony. "This isn't fair." The line sounded familiar to her.

"No, it is not fair," he whispered.

"There must be a way out of here."

"I'm afraid not, you underestimate me Sarah. Don't you remember who I am?"

Sarah shook her head and he sneered.

He bowed and laughed. "Jareth, the Goblin King, at your service."

"NO!" Sarah screamed as her eyes flew open. She gasped and shuddered as she jumped out of her bed. Her eyes flew everywhere, searching for him. When she was satisfied he was not there, she began to cry. "He can't have me, not even in my dreams," she choked.

"Sarah?" She could hear her brother calling to her.

"Leave me alone, Toby!" She said to him.

"GO AWAY!" Sarah screamed as she flung herself upon the bed. Her memory transported her back to the labyrinth, faces and places she could see clearly. His, Jareth's, were the most clearest. She remembered the way they had danced that night, he had looked at her like she was everything. She had never felt that way before, no one had seemed to show such interest in her before him. Even after beating Jareth at his own game, Sarah did not involve herself with anyone, for she sensed that something was missing. A small part of her was still there, inside the Goblin City, with Jareth. She hated him for it and she wanted to get, what was hers, back.

"Sarah, are you sure you're okay?" Toby's voice sounded from behind the door.

"Yes, Toby." She paused. "I thought I said go away, I need a minute,"

"Fine sis, fine, you big baby" she heard Toby muttered.

'Jareth, Jareth, Jareth' Sarah thought. The fact that he had been in her dream was not coincidence. For he had taken place in her dreams many a night, dreams ranging from romance to horror. He somehow forced himself into her head and needed to see her. The idea made her smile but it instantly made her sick. He would not make her love him, no, he could not and would not. She had a strong will, and she was going to use it. She would ignore his advances and his gorgeous appeal. She would override her feelings for him, she had to and she knew it. "I have to," Sarah sighed.

She sat on her bed and thought up a plan. Tonight, when he came for her in her dream, she would make him think that she wants him too. Sarah knew if she agreed to whatever he proposed, she would be able to go back to the labyrinth and fix her heart.

"A perfect plan." Sarah laughed to herself. Not knowing that the same man she planned to foil was watching her, reading her mind.

'Yes, such a perfect plan Sarah. And soon, oh so soon, you will be mine,'
