My first fanfic I hope you like it! Sorry, i chose to do a drama fic first, but i'm not feeling in such a happy mood to do a comedy. No flames and i appreciate constructive critisism. I'll do the first few chapters and if you like it then review and tell me to keep writing. If you don't then just comment and i'll discontinue. By the way requests are still welcome even if i am working on a fic.

Disclaimer: i do not own Naruto


An 8 year old pink haired girl was running through a grassy plain laughing and smiling like all little children do. Soon after she collapsed on top of a hill close to a cherry blossom. She giggled as she looked up at the tree. She had a red ribbon that she used as a headband and brilliant emerald eyes.

"well, well look who we have here?" A girl with dark brown hair and purple eyes said with an ice cold tone behind her

The girl stiffened at the sound of the voice and slowly turned to look at the owner of it. Her eyes widened in both surprise and fear. Her stomach plummeted as all happiness before was drained away.

"Little Ms. Forehead, huh?" her posse chorused

"w-what do you want?" stuttered Sakura trying but failing to be brave

"Aww, she's scared!" cackled the purple eyed girl

One of her 'followers' with blonde hair and maroon eyes grabbed Sakura by her sleeve and had an evil glint in her eye. Sakura yelped as she was roughly pulled toward the girl.

"Isn't she the one who stopped us from beating up that Hyuuga girl?" she sneered glancing back at her friends


"P-please, I d-didn't k-know you wantedth-that p-part in the play!" A white eyed girl cried

The girl was backed against a wall and the purple eyed girl with 3 other girls cornered the Hyuuga heiress. The purple eyed girl always got what she wanted whether through force or her unlikely talent.

"You will hand the part over to me! Don't show up at the day of the play! Got it?" The purple eyed girl commanded

"H-Hai!" Hinata answered her eyes welling up with tears

"Hina-chan!" a voice called from behind the posse

"S-Saku-chan?" Hinata looked behind the group

"Forehead!" one of the posse members growled as a pink haired girl shoved her way past the group

"Back off of her!" Sakura yelled protectively standing in front of Hinata with an intense glare

"What are you gonna do about it?" asked a black haired girl

"Hinata, run" whispered Sakura

Hinata wasn't sure of what to do until Sakura pushed her away from the scene and the brave pink haired girl tackled all four girls. After the incident Sakura was bruised a lot because she was outnumbered, she did put up a good fight


"Healed from your wounds already?" another posse member snickered

"What do you want?" Sakura asked again

The purple eyed leader and her group smirked and began knocking her around. Tears began to pour down her eyes as she did not try to fight back. She knew if she did it would only lead to trouble like last time when they blamed her for the mess and she was punished. Suddenly a blur of black flashed for a minute than the next thing Sakura knew she was sitting on top of a tree branch with a spiky raven haired boy in front of her.

"are you all right?" he asked worriedly

Sakura looked at him before looking back down at the ground and nodding. She felt as though she burdened someone because she had to be saved.

"arigatou" Sakura whispered

"what's your name?" he asked curiously

"Sakura" she replied weakly

"I'm Sasuke" he gave her a small smile

When she looked into his eyes they were soft and she knew she could trust him. She was happy she could make another friend and her eyes lightened.

"Arigatou Sasuke. I hope we can be friends." Sakura smiled brightly despite her condition

Sasuke was stunned to see her injured all over, but still be able to smile. He felt as if he wanted to protect her from now on.

"Hai, best friends" he said smiling back

Sakura and Sasuke are now 9 years old and were at the swings with Naruto laughing and having a great time. Sakura met Naruto through Sasuke and now the three of them are best friends. They took turns pushing Sakura and sometimes Naruto and Sasuke would compete to see who could swing the highest and fastest.

Sakura would be ecstatic to watch and it would always end in a tie. Naruto would argue saying he won while Sasuke did the same. Sakura giggled and then soon she played peacemaker and stopped their 'argument' if you can call wrestling and throwing insults and argument.

Now they were sitting in the grass near the swings laughing about jokes and things Naruto would say or do. Sasuke then stood and everyone stopped to look at him.

"Naruto, wait up for a minute 'kay?" Sasuke said

Naruto nodded before Sasuke dragged Sakura off a bit far from the swings holding something in his closed right hand.

"Sasuke? What's wrong?" She asked after being pulled away to hat same cherry blossom hill

"Sakura, here I want you to have this. All of my best friends have them, so you should too."

Sasuke gave her a beaded bracelet that spelled Sakura's name on it. Sakura looked at it in the palm of her hand, admiring the work then smiled and slipped it on her wrist

"My friends braclets's spell their own names on it."

"Arigatou Sasuke-kun!" Sakura chirped before tackling him to the ground in a hug just at the foot of the tree

"You're Welcome!" he laughed grinning

Naruto ran over and tackled Sakura into a hug pushing her off Sasuke which disappointed the Uchiha, but he laughed nonetheless after a mock glare he gave Naruto.

"now you're one of us Sakura-chan!" Naruto beamed letting her go

Sakura was stunned at how nice they were being to her. She looked at both of them who were smiling widely at her. Sakura laughed and put her hand out.

"Best friends, promise!" Sakura beamed

"promise!" both boys chanted in unison putting their hands one over the other

"promise to never break! Promise to stick together no matter the punishment!" They chorused together

Laughing they let themselves fall back and they laid together side by side watching the sun go down.

Please review! Thanks for reading my fic!