Disclaimer" I do not own every wrestler, announcer and commentators. And this is my first fanfic. Yey for me. No flaming

IWA: International Wrestling Association

Chapter1: Break of Dawn Pay-Per-View.

The opening pyro went off as the Titantron showed the IWA logo. The pyro show ended and Out of Control by Hoobastank played through the stadium speakers.

"Hello Ladies and gentlemen and welcome to International Wrestling Association's pay-per-view "Break of Dawn", live tonight at the Continental Airlines Arena in East Rutherford, New Jersey! I'm Jim Ross with Jerry "The King" Lawler representing Xtreme Revelation and to our fellow BLOCKBUSTER commentators, Joey Styles, Coach and Michael Cole." JR introduced as the theme ppv's themesong played.

The camera went to the BLOCKBUSTER commentators.

"Thanks JR. Its is a big night for IWA isn't it Coach? This is the first show that marks IWA live action." Joey Styles said.

"It is Joey and let me tell you we have incredible matches." Jonathan Coachman exclaimed

"We have a great main event as two brands rising stars face each other. Xtreme Revelation's Batista versus BLOCKBUSTER's own John Cena later on tonight." Michael Cole announced

"Also the IWA Championship is up for grabs in a Championship Combat Match. Its going be Kurt Angle, Tazz, Bobby Lashley, CM Punk, Goldberg and Edge facing each other later on." JR began

"And for BLOCKBUSTER's IWA World Heavyweight Championship, a tournament is happening

tonight against 8 men, how cool is that!" Lawler added

"In between, we have a Triple Threat Match for the IWA Intercontinental Championship, a Triple Threat Tables Elimination for the IWA United States Championship." JR announced

"A Fatal Four Way Texas Tornado No Disqualification Match for the International Tag Team Championships and lastly, a Tag Team Turmoil Match for the IWA Tag Team Titles." Lawler ended.


"This opening inter-promotional match is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first," Lilian Garcia, Xtreme Revelation's announcer said in the Four Sided Ring. "Don't Waste My Time" played as Elijah Burke came out. "Representing BLOCKBUSTER , from Jacksonville, Florida, weighing at 230 lbs, Elijah Burke!" Lillian introduced

He walked to the ring, much to the crowds dismay, irritated some fans at the front. He finally entered the ring and grabbed the mic from Lillian.

"I'm here tonight cause IWA Representative Eric Bishoff ordered me. Since when was he a good guy." Burke began to insult Bishoff. "So, who am I gonna face? Umaga? The Great Khali? Steven Richards?" he scoffed at the last suggestion.

Suddenly False Pretense by The Red Jumpsuit Apparatus hit the PA sound system with a young looking man in a red camouflage cargo pants walking out of the curtains and to the ring. "And representing Xtreme Revelation, debuting from Los Angeles, California, weighing in 250 lbs, Alwyn!" Lilian introduced and exited the ring.

"And who do you think you are?" Burke asked "Some John Cena rip off that's for sure." Alwyn smiled and quickly turned serious as he punched the chuckling Burke square on the chin.

That started the match with a surprised Burke recovering and Alwyn beating him down at the turnbuckle with punches. The ref counted and Alwyn broke the count at 4. He Irish Whips Burke to the turnbuckle and attempted a clothesline but got an elbow. Alwyn tried another and got a boot from Burke.

He tried a clothesline of his own, Alwyn reverses to a backslide and gets a 1 count. Alwyn whips Burke to the ropes but he reverses and Alwyn bounces off the ropes as Burke tried a hip toss, but instead Alwyn gives him a hip toss. He tried a pin but got another 1 count. Now Burke whips Alwyn to the ropes but Alwyn holds on to the ropes. Burke charged to him but Alwyn lowers the ropes with that, Burke throwing himself over the top rope.

Alwyn exited the ring and rolled Burke in quickly. He re-entered the ring, but Burke seized the opportunity to seek offense and stomped on him. He puts Alwyn below the turnbuckle lying on his back and went to the other side of the ring. Burke performed his signature move as he charged for Alwyn but instead did a turnbuckle handstand twisted into a low angle diving elbow drop onto Alwyn. He moves him away from the ropes and pins him but got a long 2 count. He leg dropped Alwyn at the back of his head. He stalked his opponent, waiting to deliver the final blow. Alwyn did stand as Burke delivered the Elijah Experience (Forward Russian Legsweep). He tried a pin,



"Thr-" Alwyn kicked out of the pin. Shocked that he hasn't won yet, he pins Alwyn again and got a 2 count. He hooks the leg and still got a 2 count. Frustrated, he picks up Alwyn and whips him to the turnbuckle, Alwyn meets the turnbuckle, hitting his chest. Burke now lowered his knee pads and charged towards Alwyn, almost hitting him with the Elijah Express (Running exposed double high knee strike) but Alwyn dodges the attempt. Burke was in pain, clutching his knees, Alwyn got enough strength to trap him in a small package and got the 3 count!

"Here is your winner, Alwyn!" Lillian announced.

Alwyn rolled out of the ring and celebrated his first IWA win at the ramp.



"Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome my guest, from the Xtreme Revelation brand, Randy Orton." Reporter Todd Grisham introduced. "The Legend Killer" came into view, looking mad. "Randy, why are you here tonight mad and requested this interview?" Grisham asked. Orton took the microphone from Grisham. "Why did I ask this interview? That's because I'm not even in one match tonight. And that is a disappointment. So I'm issuing an open challenge to anyone, superstars from any brand." Orton said and hardly handed the mic to Grisham and left.

-Back to the ring-

"This next match is a Triple Threat Match and it is for the IWA Intercontinental Championship!" Lillian announced

Don't You Wish You Were Me?By Fozzy played asChris Jericho's fireworks went off. The lights became dark and Jericho did his usual entrance.

"Introducing first, from Manhasset, New York, weighing in 231 lbs, Chris Jericho!" Lillian introduced

He entered the ring and mentioned that he wants the Intercontinental Championship.

"Mrrrrrrrr….. Kennedy!! Kennedy!!"

Kennedy's entrance song played through the PA's as the loudmouth superstar from Wisconsin walked towards the ring

"and his opponents, first, from Green Bay, Wisconsin, weighing in 247 lbs, Mr. Kennedy!" Lillian announced.

Kennedy entered the ring and told the ref to restrain Jericho. He methodically raised his arm and grabbed his signature microphone that descended from the ceiling.

"Ladies and gentlemen of all ages. You are about to witness the greatest match in your miserable lives. Because I will win and become the first ever IWA Intercontinental Champion for I am MR KENNEDY!!!" Kennedy proceeded to climb the turnbuckle. "KENNEDY!!!" he repeated.

A generic theme played as Jeff Hardy walked out of the curtain and the crowd cheered wildly.

" From Cameron, North Carolina, weighing in 225 lbs, Jeff Hardy! " Lillian announced.

Hardy cheered on the fans as he entered the ring and faced his two opponents. The ref raised the championship and gave it to the bell ringer and signaled for the match to start.

Kennedy immediately attacked Jeff from behind leaving Jericho not being minded by the two to exit the ring and scout his opponents. Kennedy kicked Jeff hard and bounced off the ropes and hit him with a knee lift. He now stomped a few times at Jeff's knee and locked in a Boston Crab. He broke the hold soon and helped him to his feet. He whipped him to the ropes and delivered a dropkick to the knee.

His offense came to a stop when he turned his back and received a one-handed bulldog from Jericho. He drops an elbow to Kennedy and tried a pin but Kennedy kicked out at 1. Jericho climbed the turnbuckle and stalked Kennedy. He did get to his feet, so did Jeff. Jericho launched into the air, attempting a diving crossbody but Kennedy moves out of the way, instead hitting Jeff. He took the pin but Kennedy broke the pin at 2.

Kennedy punched Jericho in the jaw and dragged him to the turnbuckle and placed him there in a seated position. Kennedy charges and connected with a running boot to the face of Jericho. Jeff sprung in and whipped Kennedy to the ropes and hits a forearm attack. He connected with a sitout facebuster to Kennedy and a sitout jawbreaker to Jericho. He performed the Compactor Clutch (Russian Legsweep into a double leg roll-up pin) on Kennedy but got a two after Jericho broke up the pin.

Kennedy recovered and delivered a Bicycle kick to Jeff was tossed outside the ring by Jericho. He followed Kennedy, but he got his eyes raked and whipped to the steel steps. Jeff got outside the ring, climbed the barricade, runs towards Kennedy and hits him with a Flying Clothesline. He roll in Kennedy in the ring and tried a pin but he kicks out at 2.

They both stood up and got a few punches and forearms. Jeff was whipped to the turnbuckle, but delivered a Whisper in the Wind! He tried a pin but Jericho came in and broke the pin. Jericho received a Twist of Fate from Jeff but Kennedy accidentally whipped Jeff to the ref, knocking him out.

Out of nowhere, Brock Lesnar came out and interfered. He entered the ring and threw out Kennedy off the ring and delivered an F-5 (Fireman's Carry Facebuster) to Jeff and left the ring. Kennedy picked up the bones and delivered the Kenton Bomb (Senton Bomb) and the ref recovered and recorded the 3 count.

" The winner and the new IWA Intercontinental Champion, Mr. Kennedy! " Lillian announced.

Reporter Josh Matthews came towards Lesnar with a microphone, preparing to ask him a question. " Brock, why did you interfere in this match? You aren't even involved in it." Matthews asked.

"I am, but someone in the ring isn't either. Jeff Hardy. He's not even a superstar of Xtreme Revelation anymore. That's because BLOCKBUSTER bought his contract." Lesnar replied

Kennedy added insult to injury to attack Jericho and delivered a rolling fireman's carry slam on him. He continued to celebrate his new championship win in the ring before his fallen adversaries.


IWA Representative of Authority Eric Bishoff sat in his office comfortably watching the previous match occur.

"IWA, how can this be greater than WCW? It will be with the superstars." Bishoff chuckled to himself.

Then Elijah Burke barged in his office, angry that he lost to his opponent earlier.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa! Why are you here, barging in my office?" Bishoff asked almost shouting.

"I'm sorry Mr. Bishoff but I demand a rematch with the punk who beat me. You know that win is a fluke. It's a FLUKE! Nobody beats The Paragon of Virtue, The Guiding Light of this almost worthless show!" Burke stated. "I want a rematch. With Alwyn. NOW!"

"First of all, admit it. You lost to a rookie, which is kinda embarrassing." Bischoff chuckled "Second, nobody barges in MY office. Now get out before I fire you. I'll call you later for my decision." Burke had an angry frown forming on his face. He left, peacefully, and closed the door behind him.

"Now I can enjoy peace, quiet and brutality." Bishoff said. But before he can ebjoy one of them, Randy Orton came in rather than what Burke did.

"Now what do you want?" Bishoff asked, faking a smile.

"Nobody has accepted my open challenge yet. I want you to make a match with me -" before Orton can finish his sentence, a guy in blue camouflage cargo pants entered the office.

"Are you Randy Orton?" the guy asked skeptically

"I am. And who are you?" Orton harshly replied

"Before you talk you better brush you teeth." The crowd chuckled at the joke "Anyways, I'm here to accept your open challenge."

"There's your opponent." Bishoff obviously pointed out. "You might be Benedict Rockwell. Welcome to the IWA." Bishoff shook hands with Benedict Rockwell and sat down immediately.

"I'll meet you in the ring. And expect me to make this match very painful." Orton sadistically said.

"Painful like how your breath almost brutalized me?" Rockwell joked again. Orton left for the ring because the match was next.

-Back to the ring-

"This next inter-promotional match is scheduled for one fall!" BLOCKBUSTER announcer Justin Roberts announced.

Burn In My Light By Mercy Drive played as "The Legend Killer" Randy Orton walked to the stage and performed his signature pose.

"Introducing first, representing Xtreme Revelation, from St. Louis, Missouri, and weighing in 245 lbs, Randy Orton!" Roberts announced

Orton was certainly pleased that he, now, was going to beat a newcomer like he was yesterday's trash. He entered the ring and showed off his signature pose. He had the sadistic look on his face, thinking that his opponent is his next legendary victim.

Evolution By Korn played through the sound systems as the new BLOCKBUSTER superstar waked out the curtain and was cheered by the crowd.

"And his opponent, representing BLOCKBUSTER, debuting from Los Angeles, California, weighing in 240 lbs, Benedict Rockwell!" Roberts announced

The kid from L.A. walked down to the ring to meet his opponent who was once a former World Champion. Knowing he can't mess around in the ring with him, he kept an eye on him on each move. He entered the ring, staying on one side of the ring.

The bell rang, signifying the beginning of the match. The two circled the ring and locked horns. Both competitors had an equal amount of strength, but Orton backed Rockwell to the corner. The ref insisted a clean break from Orton but instead gave a slap to show his disrespect, even to superstars in his generation. Rockwell shrugged the slap away and gave the youngest World Champ a punch.

He Irish Whips him to the ropes, hitting him with a shoulder block, and mocking Orton's signature pose, getting a positive reaction from the crowd. He bounces off the ropes and gets hip tossed by Orton, doing his pose rightfully.

He heads to the ropes, Rockwell gets up and jumps above Orton and did a drop toe hold on him, locking in a headlock. It was short lived when Orton tried a backbreaker but Rockwell counters to a DDT. He tried a pin but only got a 1 count. He went back to the headlock but gets launched to the turnbuckle. Orton charges ,but gets an elbow for his effort.

Rockwell tried to get in another punch but gets a European Uppercut. Orton gives his younger opponent another uppercut and hits a standing dropkick. He tried a pin and got a 1 count. He locked in a chinlock and began pounding on his opponent using his forearms. The ref began to count for the hold to be broken and Orton did at 4.

He picked up his, seemingly unconscious opponent but was trapped in a small package, which got a 2 count. Rockwell slid down behind him, dodging a kick for a schoolboy pin but gets another 2 count. Before Rockwell can amount more offense, he got a hard clothesline from Orton.

With Rockwell down Orton was now stomping on his arms, legs and his head. Orton dropped a knee to Rockwell's head and tried a pin but Rockwell kicks out at two. Frustrated, he picks up the Californian and threw him over the top rope to the floor below. He also went outside and gave Rockwell a punch to the cranium. He tried to whip him to the steel steps but Rockwell stopped in the nick of time before he could hit it.

Orton slid in the ring before Rockwell can get him. Rockwell chased after The Legend Killer but received a kick midway entering the ring. Orton locked in a front face lock and pulled Rockwell until his feet were hanging on the ropes and delivered an elevated DDT, drilling Rockwell's head to the canvas.

Orton pinned his opponent and got a three count. But the ref failed to notice Rockwell's foot on the bottom rope, he did before raising Orton's hand. The ref said to the bell keeper to ring the bell and continue the match. Orton was outraged that the match was forced to continue due to the foot on the bottom rope. He began stomping on Rockwell wildly and the ref counted and forced Orton to break the attack.

He did, a little long, as Rockwell recovered and gave Orton a huge clothesline. He hit a back elbow to Orton and whipped him to the corner and landed another clothesline and a fisherman's suplex. He tried a pin but Orton kicked out at 2. He throws Orton to the ropes and attempted a spinebuster but reverses and hits an Inverted Headlock Backbreaker. Orton, stalking his opponent, waiting to uncoil and deliver the final blow. Rockwell got to his feet and faced the Legend Killer and almost delivered his patented RKO (Jumping Cutter) but Rockwell pushes Orton away in mid-air, causing Orton to crash and burn. Orton got to his feet and faced Rockwell who delivered his own RKO on Orton. He crawled for the cover and got the three count!

"The winner of the match, Benedict Rockwell!" Roberts announced. The crowd cheered as Rockwell celebrated his win outside the ring with the fans while Orton was seething that he got beat by his own finisher.

There's part one of my PPV, Break of Dawn. The 3 main events will be put in part 2 of this PPV. Well that's it. I finally finished this chap after working at it for nearly a week.

Please, read and review. I'll appreciate it.

Rock On!!!!