The Exodus
:1,000,000 years ago:
"Alert, Alert, Decepticon forces have broken into the launch facility." The voice rang through the corridors of the Autobot base. Dread, anxiety, fierce determination. Emotions already strung high twanged tight with the new information.
The Decepticons had damaged their primary power supply and the whole base was running off of the back up generators. Dim emergency lights bathed the halls in red.
Down in the central control room, Optimus Prime, leader of the Autobots, turned to regard two figures in the gloom.
"The Decepticons are trying to break through our line is sector nine." He said, his voice a commanding baritone. "Kup, Hotrod, Go up there and give Ultra Manus some back up."
Kup, obviously the elder of the two, raised his hand in salute. "Yes sir!" he said in a slightly gritty voice. "Come on kid." He said to the other mech, who nodded grimly before the two of them rushed out of the room.
Now, Besides Prime himself, the room held only two other occupants. One an Autobot scientist, the other a human. He nodded to both of them.
"Brainstorm, Auren, what's our status?"
"We're almost there Prime." Answered the Human. A middle aged man with graying hair. "We've got everyone onboard, and they're just about finished loading what's left of the supplies."
"The launch station has its own generators, so take off shouldn't be affected by the Decepticons attack on our primary energy station. The Exodus should be able to leave within the next fifteen minutes." Continued Brainstorm.
An explosion and another alert. the Decepticons had broken through the Autobot's defenses somewhere a few floors up.
Optimus turned back to a computer terminal and read the flood of clipped reports grimly. The battle was not going in their favor. "I'm afraid we may not have that much time. Brainstorm I want that ship off the ground as soon as Professor Auren is onboard."
Auren felt a tightness in his chest at the Autobot commanders words. They carried a note of finality. This was it, what he and the others had been working towards for years. And strange as it may sound, now that the moment was upon them, he found a part of him wishing it was further still. The Human looked up at Prime, hardly able to distinguish his huge form in the dim emergency lights. If all went well, this would be the last time he would ever see the Autobot leader, who had been such an inspiration to everyone around him.
He nodded his head gravely. "Good bye Optimus Prime. And thank you."
Prime nodded. "Take care my friend."
With that Auren turned and sprinted out of the colossal room. A moment later Brainstorm followed after him.
"Auren wait!" he called from halfway down the hall. The Human stopped and turned back, waiting for the Autobot to catch up with him.
"What's wrong Brainstorm?" he asked anxiously, knowing that every minute counted.
There was a very short pause, punctuated by the sound of distant battle. Then it seamed the Autobot found the words he'd been looking for.
"Auren, you are a brilliant Scientist. One of the most gifted humans I've ever known. We really need you here."
Auren shook his head, a look of regret on his face. "No Brainstorm. My people need me now. I mean, who else will fix the ships systems if they break down in deep space?"
"You've trained others for those situations. There's a whole army of mechanics and engineers onboard." Brainstorm pointed out. "I'm serious Auren, stay."
The Human sighed and his shoulders sagged a little. All the weariness of a life time seamed to be contained in those two small actions.
"Brainstorm, Can you remember any point in you're life where you were not at war with the Decepticons?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"Of course I do. I was created before the war started." Answered the Autobot.
"I wasn't." Said the Human tiredly. "Ever since our races made contact. Ever since you and my great great grandfather invented the resonator system, each new generation of humans has been born amid bomb shells and lazar rifles. Brainstorm, It's time we learned a new way of life. Our own way. We deserve that much. My wife is on that ship now waiting for me, and I'm leave on it with her."
Brainstorm wanted to argue, wanted to somehow convince his human friend to stay. But he knew it was a lost battle. He knew that Auren had the right to leave. To help his people escape a war that wasn't even theirs. After all, freedom was the right of all sentient beings.
So he simply bent down and put his hand on the fragile humans shoulder, completely dwarfing him.
"I understand. You've been a good friend to me Auren. You and your family… Good luck."
Auren nodded and patted the Autobots hand. "Yeah, you too." He said, a small lump forming in his throat.
Brainstorm smiled underneath his faceplate. "Now get your aft in gear before the ship leaves without you!" He gave the human a playful shove.
"Hey!" Cried Auren as he staggered back. He glared at his friend in mock annoyance.
"Alright I'm going already! Take care of yourself you big metal jerk."
With that Auren turned and took off running for the ship.
Brainstorm stood in the hall staring after him for a few minutes longer. Then he turned and walked back down to the launch control room.
He reentered to find Optimus Prime loading a lazar rifle with extra energon rounds.
"We just got the message, Professor Auren has arrived onboard the ship. Launch sequence can begin at anytime." He said smoothly.
The scientist nodded and strode over to one of the computer terminals.
"Brainstorm!" Called Prime. Brainstorm turned, Optimus was looking at him gravely.
"Ultra Magnus Radioed in a few moments ago. Megatron is here. Inside the base."
The Autobot scientists optics widened. He felt a little ember of dread start to crackle deep in his circuits.
Optimus handed him the rifle and started to reload another. "He's trying to stop the launch personally. He should be here shortly."
Brainstorm was no stranger to war. But the thought of being confronted by Megatron himself was enough to make him feel sick at spark.
Wordlessly he turned back to the terminal and began the preliminary launch sequence.
Every moment seamed to bring the sounds of battle closer and closer.
After what seamed like an eternity Brainstorm finally announced that the ship had liftoff.
Optimus had barricaded the door as best he could while the scientist worked, but it wouldn't be anywhere near enough so stop the Decepticons. At best all it could do was buy them a few more seconds of time.
Suddenly Brainstorm shouted out in alarm. "Decepticon Seekers attacking the Exodus!"
Prime's head snapped up. "What!?" He rushed over and stood beside Brainstorm, watching the scene outside unfold. The Decepticons were trying to disable and capture the ship. But the humans were not completely defenseless. All gun ports were open and lances of white hot light streaked across the night sky. The Seekers were agile and able to hold their own. Optimus's fists clenched.
"Send a message out to Skylynx and the Arial bots, I want that ship protected. And send Omega Supreme to help defend the space bridge. The last thing we need is for it to be disabled or destroyed before the humans can use it."
Brainstorm was halfway through relaying the order when suddenly the room was filled with the sharp stabbing sound of feedback.
"Hey!" Cried Brainstorm, covering his auditory receivers.
Prime cursed and activated his own communications system.
"Optimus Prime to Ultra Magnus. Come in. Prime to Magnus. Kup, Springer. Can anyone hear me?" All he got in return was more feedback.
He looked grave. "We're being jammed."
The Scientist went back to work, his fingers flying across the keyboard at twice the speed they had before. "I managed to contact the Arial bots, but we were cut off before I could get through to Omega supreme."
Suddenly there was a loud smashing and grinding sound. The barricade shuddered as something pounded against it.
"Move!" shouted Prime, as he dove behind a computer terminal. Seconds later the barricade was blown apart, shards of metal flying in all directions. There was hardly any time to process the moment.
He heard Brainstorm cry out in pain and shock, accompanied shortly by the sound of his body crashing hard on the metal floor. Saw the room begin to fill with acrid smoke, making it almost impossible to focus on the looming figure standing in the decimated doorway.
It strode forward and became the unmistakable shape of the Decepticon leader. Several lazar burns scarred his body, and a deep scowl was set on his stone grey face. Blood red Optics scanned the room and took in one Autobot, dead or dying, and…
Megatron raised his arm canon and fired, but Optimus was faster and escaped with only a grazed arm.
"I want that ship Prime." Growled the leader of the Decepticons.
Optimus readied his own weapons from the laughable safety of yet another computer terminal. "It's not yours to have Megatron! The humans have been a part of our war for long enough. Or have you forgotten how to fight your own battles?"
He dodged out from his hiding spot and fired a quick round into the billowing smoke. It was now impossible to make out the other party. There was an answering canon blast, and Optimus cried out as his left shoulder was struck.
He ducked back and sat apprehensively, not knowing from where the next attack would come.
Fortunately Optimus was as invisible to Megatron as Megatron was to him.
"My forces have this facility completely sealed off and surrounded. As we speak your Autobots solders are falling to the Decepticons dozens at a time. Is it really us who have forgotten how to fight our battles?"
A stray breeze from the ventilation system cleared the smoke for a moment. Megatron quickly dodged out of the way as a lazar shot across the room, making a huge hole in the wall right where he had been standing.
"I can't raise Optimus Prime or the others." Said Ultra Magnus, striding over to the small group of surviving Autobots.
"Do you think they're alright?" Asked Hotrod, then hissed in pain as the medic working on him reconnected the nerves in his right arm. "Hey watch it doc! That stings!"
Ratchet rolled his optics heavenward. "Quit complaining. At least you still have an arm to sting."
"I can't raise anyone either. All I get is feedback." Said another Autobot, lowering her hand from her com.
Ultra Magnus nodded. "We're defiantly being jammed. This has got Soundwave written all over it."
"That pit born son of a glitch." Cursed Kup from his place in the corner. "We can't afford to lose communications now. What if Prime needs help? He and Brainstorm are alone in Launch control."
Ultra Magnus bent down and retrieved his lazar rifle from the rubble littering the decimated hallway. He spoke as he reloaded it. "You're right. Kup, Arcee, we're going to have to find and stop Soundwave. Make sure you've got enough ammo before we head out."
"Hey Magnus what about me?" Called Hotrod, trying to stand up. Ratchet pushed him back down again.
"Where do you think you're going?" He asked sternly. Hotrod gave him a pleading look.
"Aw c'mon Ratch, I'm fine, just a few dents and scratches." He tried to stand up again, took two tottering steps then fell back, landing amid the debris with a crash.
"Fine huh?" Scoffed Ratchet crossing his arms. "Most of your minor systems are completely fried, including your gyroscopics. What good are you going to be in a fight if you keep falling on your aft?"
Hotrod was about to protest, but he was cut off by Ultra Magnus. "Don't argue Hotrod. You stay here until Ratchet says you're fit for combat. Then you can join us again. That's an order."
Hotrod deflated a little, temporarily defeated.
Kup and Arcee cocked their weapons, standing ready. Ultra Magnus nodded to them and they followed him down what was left of the near pitch black hallway.
Surfacing from unconsciousness, and feeling strangely detached, Brainstorm noted the huge piece of shrapnel half sticking out of his chest plate. Energon and coolant were leaking from the wound in trickling streams and mixing on the burning hot metal floor. Smoke and voices, short flashes of searing light. He couldn't focus, couldn't process the information his optics and his Audios were sending him. He could feel himself shutting down, becoming too weak to even think. When suddenly a voice cut through all the confusion and pain. It was choppy, but it's message clear.
"-imus Prime, come i-! -is Red Alert. The hu -man ship managed to - orbit, but our moon -ase was hit. -e can't start the jump -equence from here! You need to run the -ackup program from -ybertron! -o, can anyone hear -?"
Brainstorm heaved and shuddered, but managed to crawl to his knees. Megatron saw the movement from the corner of his optic and rounded on the dying scientist, canon humming with the power of an unfired blast.
Optimus made use of the distraction and lunged at him, tackling the grey mech before he could get the shot off. The two grappled on the floor while the dying Autobot pulled himself upright, Sparks and fluids spraying.
Reaching out a hand he could barely control, Brainstorm grabbed onto the computer terminal and desperately began typing.
It was the work of a moment to get the program online, and by the time Megatron broke free from Optimus long enough to fire a fatal canon blast at the scientist, it was too late.
The second the blast hit, Brainstorm died. But he left the universe with a feeling of giddy success. In his last few seconds he'd seen the Space Bridge spring to life, and the human ship disappear far beyond Decepticon reach.
They would be safer on their own. And he hoped that Auren and the rest of the humans would be able to make a war free future for themselves. Where ever they ended up.