Disclaimer- I don't own Escaflowne so don't sue me.

Notes-it might awhile before I get the next chapter out, but I won't keep you on suspense long ok? ~Insane Pineapple from Naboo

Going Back- Prologue

A twenty-year old Hitomi sighed as she gazed out the window over the streets of Japan. It had been five long years since she had left Gaea and all the memories behind. She became distant from everyone when the connection had broken a year after she had gotten back. She had her High School diploma and went to college but it didn't seem to matter anymore. Her family had sent her through therapy from a shock of depression, but the medicine didn't help. Why would it? They would have put her in an asylum had they known the real truth. She also had taken up archery to remind her of a past almost forgotten. Bad omens were being sent her way whether she wanted to receive them or not. She sighed and packed up for the day to meet Yukari down below.

Hitomi reached the park and spotted Yukari by a tree with her eyes closed. "Hey Yukari," she called. "Hitomi, Amano and I are worried about you. We left for England for a month, and your family says you've avoided all contact." Yukari replied.

"It's nothing, Yukari. I just need time to be left alone," Hitomi said instantly. "It's nothing! You aren't interested in boys, though at least fifty have asked you out. You're always spacing out in class, and you've dropped track all together! Running used to be your life." Yakari answered in exasperation as tried to meet Hitomi's eyes.

"It used to be my life. I used it to run away from my problems. "

"You used it as an escape. What happened?"

"I fell in love once, but it left my heart shattered. Is that what you wanted to know?" Hitomi asked spitefully.

"Oh, Hitomi. Go to him, and be free. We'll always be here for you," Yukari whispered with tears in her eyes as she hugged her greatest friend.

Later on, Hitomi gasped as she was pulled viciously into a vision. Leaves were swirling around her as she walked down the cobblestone streets. Cobblestone? Building rushed by as she saw people packing up for the day. Feathers filled the air before her. As she looked up, Hitomi let out a scream as a poison tip arrow pierced base of Van's spine.

She was woken up by her brother Sammy standing above her. She wondered was her face was wet before seeing the water pitcher in her brother's hands. She smiled slightly despite the situation. "Sammy, would you go with me anywhere?"

"Yeah.." He answered hesitantly.

"Then pack enough essentials for a long trip. Oh, and find as many batteries as possible. I need my cd player to work this time." Hitomi muttered as she placed a pack of a hundred batteries in her bag (A.N. you can get those from Sam's now)

"Where are going though?" Sammy asked as he filled a duffel bag from the other side of the apartment.

"We're going back."

"Back where?" Sammy gave her a puzzled

"Back where I belong,"

"I'm definitely going with you." at this she turned around.

"Thank you, brother" she asked.

"What would you do without me?" He asked. Sammy ducked as Hitomi threw her pager at him form across the room.

"Have a less of a headache," she answered as she put the necklace on. It had Van's feather braded in it at the tip.

She grabbed her bow, slung it on her back, put on a brown cloak over it, put her quiver over that, grabbed her bewildered brother, walked out the door, and whispered, "Gaea bring me home." The last anyone saw of the two siblings was the pure blue column of light that shot out of sky. It was in the newspapers the next day.

On Gaea an hour beforeā€¦

Van had just gotten out of a meeting with the counselors about marriage to a princess from a land he never heard of. "Will my councelors ever find out that alliances can be made other ways and, that I cannot just move on?"

"Lord Van? There is a disturbance downtown," Merle shouted as she rounded the corner.

"Yesterday, it was tension between the people and Austurian merchants. Why are my people restless?" Van groaned as he walked toward the Market Place.

A.N. I know this story was seriously crappy before. I'm revamping it chapter by chapter, so please don't read ahead just yet. There will be probably more plot twists and such as I am redoing this story. If you read ahead now, you'll find out that I've changed things in this chapter that affects the others, so there's no point in reading ahead. I'll probably revamp the next chapter tonight after if my hands don't hurt too much from writing the next chapter of my Harry Potter fanfiction. Ja ne ~Insane Pineapple from Naboo