Harry potter and the brotherhood of mages.

By wolf Andrews

Chapter 1. Birthday Surprises

Harry potter was strange in many ways, one he hated summer holidays because for the weeks of summer he had to endure his 'family', His uncle Vernon, aunt petunia and Dudley, another reason is the fact that Harry is a wizard.

A wizard that is famous the world over for destroying the most feared dark wizard of all time, famous because the same dark had come to his house years ago and destroyed Harry's world.

Currently Harry sat up on his bed doing his homework in the dead of night. He was determined to do all he could to defeat Voldemort after everything he had lost, his parents, his godfather and his chance of a normal life. Another thing that made Harry strange apart from being a wizard was the fact that for most of his life his birthdays had been largely ignored, the Dursley's had always regarded Harry as something disgusting which they had trodden in and had never really bothered with his birthday as they did with Dudley.

As Harry was sitting on his bed the repaired alarm clock on Harry's bedside table beeped to let him know that it was midnight. Hedwig gave a low hoot from her cage to let Harry know that she at least acknowledged his birthday. Harry continued with his work, a particularly nasty assignment from snape Harry's least favourite teacher, not taking any notice of the swarm of owls heading towards his window.

One by one the owls landed on his windowsill waiting to be acknowledged. That was until Errol Ron's owl lad in a dishevelled heap on the floor by Harry bed.

Harry hurried to pick Errol up and get him to some water. Harry placed the time worn bird on the floor of Hedwig's cage where the bird looked up at him in a thankful way before gulping some water to revive itself. Harry took the letter from Errol as well as the letters from the other owls. Harry briefly scanned through the cards to see who they were from Harry also found a note with the letters. It read


Don't worry about who sent the letters they've been checked and there is nothing wrong with them we have kept any that we were wary of and are know checking them.


Harry gave a sigh of relief no need to worry. Looking through the other letters he noted one from Ron, Hermione, Remus, a package from Mr and Mrs Weasly and another from Hagrid. He also noticed a couple with handwriting he didn't know

One with an official looking seal that bore the ministry of magic seal, another with no marks or seal at all and one that had the look that it had been written by a girl.

Harry opened the ministry letter first, with a sinking feeling that he knew what it contained and hoping that he was wrong.

Dear Mr Potter,

Enclosed you will find the last will and testament of one Sirius Black.

As last of the Black family he has decided to make you his sole heir of his entire fortune.

If you wish to make an appointment to discuss this matter a meeting can be

arranged with gringotts regarding this matter.

I hope this letter finds you well

Yours sincerely

Tom Johnson

Head of records department.

It had been exactly what Harry had been dreading. He trough the rest of the letter aside he didn't need to know anymore than that. As long as belletrix didn't get it he was happy.

Harry opened the letter from Hermione next knowing that whatever was in hers would be exactly the same as Ron except a little more easy to read

Dear Harry,

Haw have your holidays been so far? Can't really say much as were around a lot of certain people and we've been restricted in what we can write in case it gets intercepted. Everyone's fine Dumbledore says you can't come join us yet as there aren't enough safety precautions. He said you should be able to join us for London though we're going a couple of days before term starts. Not much is going on hear there is a lot of tidying up going on. Fred and George have been stealing lots of things that they might think are useful.

See you at the end of august.


Harry was fuming at Dumbledore; he was doing the same as he was last year. Keeping him out of the loop when it came to his own welfare. He wasn't a little kid anymore he could take care of himself hadn't he shown that on countless occasions,

Hadn't he escaped from Voldemort more times then anyone else in history? Why did they insist on mothering him? He could guarantee that there would be someone from the order outside his house at the very moment.

Harry opened the other letters. In the package from Hagrid there was a large golden egg. Harry stared at it for so long he forgot that he had seen a note from Hagrid in the bottom. As Harry reached for the letter he brushed his hand against it casing him to burn himself. The golden egg was blistering hot Harry looked at the egg again and noticed there were hairline cracks spreading quickly over shell. Harry ducked just in time as moments later pieces of shell exploded around the room as a brilliant white and gold phoenix emerged from the remains of the shell. Harry had seen a phoenix before but never one as beautiful as this one. Harry picked it up carefully and looked into the box and grabbed the note.

Dear Harry

Hope you like your present found him in the forest. Summat had torn the nest to pieces and this was the only one that was left. Its about ready to hatch but wont until it touches someone, id watch out it's a bit violent when it hatches once you've touched the shell it'll be bound to you for life dead loyal creature that it is.

Hope you're alright and the muggles are treating you alright and I'll see you at begin of term


Harry chuckled lightly at the warning "thanks for the warning" he said sarcastically turning to the phoenix " got to find a name for you my friend, I don't even know if you're a boy of girl"

The phoenix trilled twice answering in its unique way " I'll take that as a girl then" Harry laughed as the phoenix nodded its affirmations " I'll think I'll call you pyres"

The phoenix trilled again at the name in a accepting was

Harry turned to the remaining letters the package from the Weasly's was pretty much the usual stuff, a chocolate cake and a variety of sweets. The letter contained pretty much the same as Herminie's as was Remus' letter.

The letter with the unfamiliar had writing was next if was from Ginny and this surprised Harry has he hardly knew Ginny which he felt quite bad about.

Dear Harry

I hope you are well and coping well with everything that has been going on. I wish I could be a bigger comfort then that but I can't right know. I want you to know that I'm there for you and I hope you will learn to confide in me. Please get back in touch as I think the companionship will do you good.

Love Ginny

Harry read and reread the letter several times not really taking what it said in properly.

He wasn't sure what to think of the letter out off all the letters he had received since Sirius death this was the most comforting as it was the least patronising maybe it was because of what Ginny had been through it the chamber of secrets. Maybe she knew how insincere people could be.

Turning to the last letter Harry picked it up and examined it carefully. He could see no marks or indents of any kind, no information on who had sent it. He wondered how was the order able to check it then. Harry opened the letter after if the order had checked it they would have found something wrong with it. Inside the envelope was a single piece of paper that fluttered to the floor. Harry picked it up and read it.

Welcome to the brotherhood

And with a flash of light every trace that Harry potter and any abnormal things had ever lived at 4 privet drive vanished never to be seen by any of the Dursleys every again.

And they were glad.


this is my first fanfiction and im not sure what ppl will think i hope u like it and if i get some people telling me its alright ill keep it going