A Whiter Shade of Grey

Part 10: It's Nice to Finally Meet You, Mr Grim Reaper

In a world where fair is foul and foul is fair, even the wisest of men inevitably make fools of themselves.

On a cold, quiet evening, the hunter was being hunted. The hunter, whose appellation struck fear in the hearts in law enforcement agencies worldwide, was himself the target of some unknown, albeit, audacious stalker.

That the hunter was being hunted persistently for as long as he was, was the least surprising part in the whole affair.

The hunter knew, of course, that he was being tracked. With all his well-developed predatory senses firing at full capacity, he had known from the beginning. However, as the stalking creature had chosen to remain silently in shadows, he was content for a time to keep up the pretence of being utterly oblivious.

On his part there was no plan to quietly dispose of his tenacious interloper... no trap around the corner... no full frontal attack... Only plain indifference and perhaps even a shade of contempt.

Whomever it was that was tracking him mattered little in the scheme of things. His thoughts had lain elsewhere.

A creeping trickle of inconvenient sentiments saw him set aside his well-honed survival instincts to stay out of sight and out of mind. For her sake he would forego his long held creed to dwell in the darkness and to emerge only when all other souls were resting their weary bodies.

It was entirely uncharacteristic of the world's most infamous assassin to be flinging caution to the wind.

Irked by his own cavalier attitude to needless public exposure, the contractor paused to take stock of recent happenings. Not being prone to even the most superficial introspection, the BK-201 of old, who lived by his own rules of survival, would never confess to being protective about an officer of the law, who in recent past had been his most determined adversary. Still it had been his idea for her to be his eyes and ears in places even the Dark Grim Reaper could not gain easy access to. The tentative bond that held them together was solidifying into something untenable. The seeds had taken root and worse still he couldn't recall the exact moment when he began to see her in a different light.

Worse still, that undefinable, untenable something was leading him to increasing moments of calculated recklessness. In effect, it was most likely putting her life in jeopardy.

Rationalizations aside, Hei felt entirely responsible for the most recent debacle. Whatever he was thinking at the time, he was off his game letting Kirihara take all the risks. Fool that he was, he had let a mere mortal deal with the powers of gods and monsters on her own. While he was free to gamble his own life away, it went against the grain to let her do any of the heavy lifting.

Strategically, it had been an insipid move. Despite his own internal misgivings, Kirihara was clearly not just any mere mortal. Not in a million years would she let others do what she wouldn't do herself. This sense of personal responsibility was what made her unique. She was a throwback and a bearer of bygone virtues.

That ingrained zealotry that drove her into peril placed him in a dilemma. His own capricious honour code prevented him from being a mere observer... or bystander... while she plunged into one hazardous situation after another.

All of which saw him exposing himself to unnecessary confrontations which meant that sooner or later the authorities would not be much further behind.

The authorities, however, were probably the least of his worries. Eluding capture was an occupational hazard... for as long as he could remember and a way of life that he had become accustomed to. Recklessness, however, was inexcusable in his line of work. With all that had transpired in recent months, the world's most elusive contractor was only too aware that he was walking the paper thin tightrope between freedom and capture.

Hei was not feeling especially suicidal nor would he ever, and he wasn't one to let down his guard. But he was savouring an unfamiliar sensation. An inexplicable stirring within that had caught him unawares. Forming an attachment with a woman was the last thing he had wanted.

It was convenient to ascribe it to another one of those rumblings of responsibility that surfaced now and again. True, he felt a certain kind of responsibility for Yin and yet... the feelings he had for Misaki were not of the same ilk. As one who kept his feelings under wraps as a matter of habit, these new sensations were a threat to his carefree, nomadic existence.

Living the life of a wandering assassin had its benefits. One had no attachments so one didn't concern oneself with the life and death consequences of others.

In an era when alliances were like shifting sand, it was far more expedient to see interactions as fast and loose entities – here today and gone tomorrow. It eliminated any need for the tough calls... the moment when hard-headedness would have to triumph over sentiment.

This newfound protective urge was transforming perceptibly into something else. What that something else was, though not unpleasant was concerning. The Black Grim Reaper was learning to care for Misaki in ways that would be unlikely to end well... for either of them.

With the fine lines of their relationship blurring in his mind, it was becoming more difficult to stay away. Unbeknownst to Kirihara, he had been her invisible guardian... ever watchful while keeping his distance.

For the three weeks that she was recuperating in hospital, he was the new clumsy orderly. His new colleagues, who rolled their eyes at the new recruit's storeroom bungling, had no idea that behind the mask was the world's deadliest assassin. He played the shy, timid errand boy only too well. It was a role he had become rather adept at while donning the Li Shenshuang alias. He slipped back into the old disguise like one reuniting with a long lost friend and it gave him endless opportunity to survey Misaki's surroundings and to deal with any unexpected situations should they arise.

Her safety was paramount even if it meant foregoing his own. Incapacitate in hospital, she was completely vulnerable to all manner of attacks from within and out. Hei had elected to remain... to be the sentinel whose methods she abhorred. Detection was always a possibility but for BK-201, it was a small price to pay.

The disguise had worked well but with her discharged, it was time to bow out. Misaki hadn't given much thought to the orderly that came and went - not that he gave her any chance to. He took care not to get too close lest she inadvertently gave him away. To his great relief, the speed of her recovery exceeded his expectations. Her resilience was never in doubt but interrogation under torture would traumatize even the bravest of men much less a petite female cop.

Misaki, he was well aware, had a reputation for being unyielding. She was feared by her colleagues and was increasingly at loggerheads with her superiors. She was single-minded about cases and plunged into danger with no thought for herself. Her courage (or pigheadedness, some might wish to call it) was borne from convictions. She was an idealist but not an ideologue... she lived her life zealously in accordance with her deeply held convictions. Someone like her was as rare as a Kohinoor.

He had chosen well. Perhaps he had done too well. His need to be close to Misaki was bringing sensations to bear... sensations he had long forgotten. Old friends that were merely renewing their long-lost place in the recesses of his heart.

For now, Hei would brush aside the creeping dilemma of his heart. His mind was presently occupied with more pressing concerns. His pursuer seemed determined to stay on his trail, neither revealing himself nor making any moves to attack. It was decidedly odd. It begged the question... what did this person want? This cat and mouse ritual had repeated itself for many days with no endgame in sight.

Now that Misaki had been discharged from hospital, he felt disinclined to let this dance with his unknown stalker continue especially if his next move was to renew contact with Misaki. After some deliberation, he resolved that the back alley of Ginza Street would be private enough a place to end this extended piece of kabuki.

Hei skated swiftly across the narrow alley way and released his grappling hook instinctively as he leapt to scale the wall in front of him. Cocking his head to one side, he could hear that his pursuant was not far behind and Hei instantly readied himself for attack at the exact moment. As he heard footsteps, he swung towards the noise, released his hold on the wire and fell on his prey with some degree of satisfied vehemence.

Grasping his captive in an arm lock position, he asked, "Who are you? Why are you following me?"

The reply was unexpectedly cheerful. "Took you long enough to notice..."

Hei was mildly surprised. A woman?

"I noticed." Hei's entire physical presence exuded a deadly calm. "But as long as you didn't blow my cover, you were irrelevant."

"Irrelevant?" The speaker howled indignantly. "You sure know how to make a woman feel appreciated." She retorted while making a half-hearted bid to wriggle free.

"Why have you been following me?" Hei asked again unperturbed by his garrulous quarry.

"Wow, you are really a one note kind of guy, aren't you?"

Withdrawing his arm lock Hei released his captive unceremoniously. Quick as a flash, he retracted his grappling hook and slipped it into his dark overcoat. Scanning the area for one last look, he turned to leave.

"Where are you going?" His pursuant demanded clutching on to the sleeves of his coat.

"Somewhere else... "

"Hey... don't you want to know why I'm following you?"

"Not really... since you don't seem interested in telling me."

"You don't do foreplay, do you?"

"No... not especially. I have no interest in having relations with you."

"It's a joke buddy... Why so serious... Sheesh... Don't know what that lady cop sees in you..." the woman grumbled.

At the off-hand mention of Misaki, Hei immediately became alert. "Is this about Inspector Kirihara...?" He sounded almost defensive.

Evidently his captive was in a playful mood. "Yes... and no..."

"I'm in no mood for games..." Hei felt his muscles tensing. His protective instincts had immediately kicked in.

"Dear Lord... you're all sunshine and light aren't you? Can't you just play along?"

"No... I don't play."

"You and that lady cop... really need to get it on... All that unresolved sexual tension is making you a dull boy."

Although he would never give any indication of the fact, Hei was growing impatient at this banter. "It would appear that we have nothing of substance to say to each other so perhaps it would be better to take my leave now."

"Jeeze man... alright, alright... It's Anna. She wants to see you."

"Anna? Anna Westford?"

"The one and only." The reply was breezy and flippant but after a short pause, the speaker turned serious, "She thinks you're one of the good guys. You and that lady cop."

"Is that why you've been following me?"

"Kind of..."

"You're not very good at it."

"Well... we can't all be like you Mr Grim Reaper aka BK-201 aka Killer Ninja."

"You're lucky that I didn't kill you."

"Oh, I know... Believe me, I know, Mr Grim Reaper." said the jovial female brightly. "I heard about what you did to Clara."

"News travels fast..."

"Our circle is a small one... Besides, we're all expendable anyway. Only Anna matters."

"What's your relationship to Anna Westford?"

"Wouldn't you like to know?"

"I would otherwise I wouldn't have asked."

"Sigh... you are so predictable..."


"Don't keel over in shock."

"I promise not to." Hei remarked dryly. "After all, I'm the one who usually does the shocking..."

"Ding, ding, ding! The man has a sense of humour after all." The energetic female exclaimed excitedly.

"I'm waiting..."

"I'm her clone."

Sleep was an elusive friend for a weary and battered frame. Misaki tried desperately to sleep with no success. The streetlight that shone into her room had a stark and eerie quality. It reminded her that she was no closer to solving the mysteries that surrounded Anna Westford and Lucien Blair. In fact, the questions were piling up fast. The ability to clone oneself, if that was the case, was quite a remarkable gift.

A shadow was cast on the brightly lit floor. She could barely make out the figure in the dark but she knew it bore her no ill will. Tired and defenceless as she felt, there was no trepidation in her voice when she murmured,

"Are you well..."

Misaki was becoming accustomed to the ways of the wandering reaper. Locked doors and windows were no barriers nor were they sacrosanct.

"Are you..." was the response brimming with quiet concern. "Your injuries..."

"I'm fine really. Just tired."

"You should get some sleep..." The cloaked figure turned to take his leave.

"I wish I could..." Misaki sighed. "Seems like the hardest thing to do right now..."

Minutes passed before the curtain of silence that separated their thoughts and feelings was drawn aside.

Misaki gazed at the ceiling for inspiration. "You shouldn't have come... it's becoming dangerous."

Her night time visitor said nothing. He was a man of few words but many thoughts he preferred to keep to himself.

Receiving no response, she continued abruptly, "You saved my life again. It's becoming a bit of habit with you."

"We are partners, Misaki. You were in danger... I should have been..."

She cut him off impatiently, "Good God... not you too... Honestly, all this worrying about my safety is becoming ridiculous. I'm a cop for goodness sake. Getting the bad guy is what I do. You of all people should know that."

"There are forces at work that might not appreciate your heroics."

"I don't do this to be heroic."

"I know."

Do you? Perhaps you really do...

Silence, once again, sprung up, between them. Both found it hard to say what they really thought.

Misaki took a deep breath before muttering almost shyly. "Thank you... for saving me... again."

"There is no need. I did... what was... necessary..."

The weary detective let out a heavy sigh. "Necessary"... I'm trying to thank the man and he uses the word "necessary" like a scientist.

"There was nothing necessary about it. In the same way it wasn't necessary for you to come tonight either." She could just manage to retort.

"Are you angry..."

"No... not angry... just... frustrated..." Misaki was too fatigued to argue. "We think so differently."

"Perhaps... That is why the partnership has been generally effective."

Generally effective... so cold and clinical...

"Why did you come?" Misaki changed the subject abruptly lest her thoughts turned to matters more personal.

"To talk. I would have been here earlier except that someone else wanted to have a word."


"Anna Westford wants to meet."

"With you?"

"With us... both of us..."

"That's going to be impossible. Tokyo's probably got people watching me."

"You mean like the two agents staking out across the street and another in the next room?"

"Don't miss much, do you?"

"I think I might have the solution."

"A solution that doesn't involve them being dead, I hope."

You were right... about Inspector Kirihara... how did you guess?

It wasn't too difficult. She's a lonely crusader... Underneath all the icy maiden facade is a beating heart. And a passionate one at that.

Should we bring her in?

No... not yet... it's important to let things play out...

For how long?

Only time will tell...

Her slender frame unable to resist the soothing call of slumber, soon succumbed. In the stillness of the night, light was dawning. Misaki had an inkling that she wasn't alone and there was no need go at it alone. All those mysteries, secrets that were haunting her in her waking dreams, were no longer hers to bear alone. There was something reassuring... almost comforting about his companionable silence. The wandering reaper was now a fixture in her life. She could sense he, who was a riddle and a contradiction, was barracking for her side and watching over her.

For now... at least... that was enough...

Author's Notes: My deepest gratitude to readers old and new, for your interest in my little story and for taking the time to post reviews. It is so much easier to persevere when you have people barracking for you.

Update: Thanks Dear4Life for pulling me up on the moonlight blunder. It's been a while and my memory is going to pot. I've made the necessary correction.