This is merely an experimental story...this means that I just got the idea, and if not many people like it, I won't continue's the first chapter...

It was a beautiful sunset, and the perfect special moment...

On the left was Shauna. She dyed her hair with blue streaks, and had an amazing personality. She was totally obsessed with books as well, and that was all she cared about...until she met him.

On the right was Chris. He had dark black hair, and was often thought to be quiet. He barely ever talked to anyone, nor did he care...until he met her.

Behind them were two Pokemon: Shauna's Espeon, and Chris's Umbreon. They, too, were in love...waiting eagerly for mating season to come. Well, they though, If we weren't here, those two wouldn't be at this place right now.

" you..."

"Chris, I love you too...this is the first time I really felt connected to someone..."

"Same here...let us never be apart..."

With that they kissed...until...

The bushes started rustling, and suddenly a team of Houndoom popped out. A man emerged too. He had black hair, stylistic glasses, and was wearing a fancy, while lab coat.

"'ll do quite fine..."

The team pounced...the Eeveelutions tried to block...but they were merely pushed aside; after all, they weren't trained to battle...and the attackers were...

The man punched Chris in the face, and grabbed Shauna and ran. With that, the Houndoom retreated as well. The sunset was over...and so was their special moment.

"What do you think?"

Shauna heard voices.

"Yes...she'll do quite fine...With her, the success probability is rather high..."

Shauna opened her was hard to see...she was bolted down to a table...and surrounded by what appeared to be scientists...everything else seemed too dark to comprehend...

Suddenly, she felt a pain in her left arm.

"Don't worry...this shouldn't hurt...too much."

She then started feeling strange...and finally broke out into a scream. Her skin felt ice cold...she felt like she was shrinking...everything was shrinking on her body. She felt her bones grinding inside of her, and her toes and fingers being sucked back into her hand. She felt her ears growing longer and rising to the top of her head, and something else coming out of it as well. She felt her eyes changing, and soon everything was blurry...she felt her nose and mouth being pushed out to form a subtle muzzle, and finally she felt her spine lengthening...until...RIP...a thin but wide tail emerged from her bottom...though was it really the bottom of her body anymore?

Shauna fainted.

Eventually, she woke up...she looked around; she appeared to be in some kind of cage, and there was something blocking the bottom of her vision...she tried to stand up, but it felt like her legs had no strength; she fell back onto her arms...and it felt...natural. She started freaking out, and decided screaming...all she heard was "GLAAA!" She looked at her hands...but you probably wouldn't call them that anymore...they were blue paws...her entire body was covered with blue fur...She then realized that what was blocking her sight was actually her mouth and nose, now forming a muzzle. She felt flat things hanging from the side of her head. As she became even more worried, her tail was wagging faster. TAIL!? She was crying now...her tears felt different now that she was entirely covered with fur. I'm going to need to get used to that...she thought, because I'm going to be crying a lot... She couldn't believe it...she was a Glaceon now...she was stripped of her humanity...what about Chris? What would he say...

Suddenly the door opened, and a scientist carried her out. She was put down in an arena. On one end was a Roserade, while she was standing on the other. The Roserade started attacking, but Shauna didn't care to dodge, nor to attack...she had a type-advantage, but why fight? She had nothing left to live for...

She heard the voices from before. "How come she's not fighting?" "Maybe she doesn't know how?" "I think that she's depressed right now...she won't fight...she probably feels like she has nothing left to live for..." "What should we do now? Kill her?" "No, she would prefer if we killed her and ended her existence...abandon her back where we found her...That could replace this phase of the experiment...after a week, go find her again...but she'll probably be dead by then..."

I then felt somebody picking me up. NO! PLEASE NOT THAT CAGE AGAIN!

"I'm not a Pokemon! Don't treat me like one!"

"Calm down," said one of the voices, "We're taking you back where we found you."

"Like that helps..."

She then felt something jabbed into her skin...she became dizzy...her vision blurrier...and then darkness...

She felt a thud. She opened her eyes, and was surrounded by trees and grass; back in the park...where it all began...She was so tired...she thought about just falling asleep...That was when her ears twitched...she picked something up...crying...She ran towards it...When she finally reached the clearing, she found someone on a bench...He was crying, and beside him were an Umbreon and Espeon. They all looked so depressed...


However, he wouldn't have heard it as that...he would have heard just a mere "Glaa!" They all looked at her.

However, Shauna was so tired...she could barely stand up or keep her eyes open...

No...please...I found you now...Don't let me faint...The only thing that I truly to be with you...If only you knew...

Okay, if I don't receive many reviews, and people hate this fan-fic, I'll dump the idea...Start reviewing!

By the way, I'll continue "Tough Love" when I have extra time...I'll just alternate between the two, depending on what I feel like writing about.