Legal Stuff: Basically I own nothing that has to do with Harry Potter, because it all belongs to J.K Rowling. Anything to do with Harry Potter does no belong to me, including characters and places.

Note: I've realised there are rare Oliver & Harry pairings, which is a shame, since it's such a great pairing! I just hope people with stick with this until the end. The Title is called "Suggestion" because it's "the name given to the psychological process by which one person may guide the thoughts, feelings or behavior of another," according to Wikipedia . Also, since this is my first post, I thought I'd copy all those T.V shows and post two chapters! Also, I won't continue to post unless I get at least 5-6 reviews.


Chapter One: 'Nothing's Wrong'

Dinner was never quiet in the Great Hall at Hogwarts. Since the moment he'd first arrived, he heard students talking excitedly with one another, sharing recent gossip about who was with who, how strenuously complex the potion Professor Snape had told them to make the previous lesson, laughter at how someone got into trouble with McGonagall for setting their matchbox on fire or, what speed the next broom would break. There were a few odd conversations, which would often include Fred and George Weasly, who'd talk about Zonko products and breaking the rules, which would sometimes include using these Zonko products. On this occasion, Harry could not hear a single conversation, his thoughts were elsewhere – on Oliver Wood who was seated a few seats opposite him, talking to Alicia Spinnet about a new technique he would implement in their next practice session.

Harry felt something familiar rising in his chest. There was always a strange beating, whenever he saw Oliver, there was a warm pounding in his chest. He was sure what it was, but he wasn't sure whether he should talk with Oliver about it. He'd never tell the Keeper how he felt about him, even after long heartaching years, he still couldn't do it. He didn't want to lose someone that meant so much to him.

"Yeah, well so I had to swallow this horrible stuff that tasted like mum's stew," Ron said through mouthfuls of chicken and bread at Fred and George. "How's something that taste like rotten eggs be better for me?" Lee Jordan gave him a pat of sympathy.

"More mashed potatoes Harry?" Hermione asked, handing him the plate. Harry either didn't hear her, or ignored her, his eyes remained transfixed on Wood, his fork robotically twirling the peas and sausages on his plate.

"Oh, I see," Hermione smiled.

"See what?" Harry hissed, turning.

Hermione smirked calmly at Harry's immediate defensive response, setting the plate of mashed potatoes down next to Neville Longbottom, who was looking miserable since their double potions class. "I saw the way you looked at him, oh, come on, Harry, why don't you say something to him?"

"What? I can't do that!" He replied.

"When are you planning to tell him? Er…you are going to right?" Hermione continued, taking a bread roll from a pile near Seamus Finnegan, smearing it with some butter.

"Well I- …I can't talk about this right now," Harry mumbled, growing hot. He looked at his plate. He tried in vain to be enthusiastic with his mushed peas and broken bits of sausage.

"How about we discuss this later in the common room?" Hermione suggested in a sympathetic tone whilst handing him a plate of Yorkshire Pudding, which Harry politely rejected.

Harry was about to reply, when Ron suddenly turned to face them. "What? I heard something about you and Harry discussing something in the common room later," He spat bits of chicken all over Hermione's plate and robes. Hermione drew back in disgust, and so did several girls near the table.

"Ron, you are the most disgusting… git I've ever had the misfortune to meet," Hermione cried, pushing the plate from her. "Harry and I were just discussing…about how he…" She gave Harry a nervous look, then turned back to Ron "How he got a…umm… six in that 'Aging Potions, and Their Inappropriate Uses' assignment for Snape,"

Ron shrugged, still chewing, looking like he'd expected Hermione to have said something like that. "Well, at least he got better than Neville…what he'd get again? Three? What are you three looking so smug about?" Ron had turned back to Fred, George and Lee Jordan who looked as though 'inspiration' had juts hit them.

"Aging potions, great idea Hermione," Lee said happily.

"Yeah, couldn't have thought of a better thing myself," George nodded, rubbing his hands together excitedly.

"A better what?" Ron asked, turning from Harry and Hermione, giving Fred a raised eyebrow, his mouth still stuffed with chicken, saw bits off it land in front of him. Parvati Patil gave him a look and edged further from him, as did Lavender Brown.

"Sorry Harry," said Hermione sheepishly, " I didn't mean to say that you got six in Snape's essay, I just said it to make Ron shut up," She erratically leaned forward, reaching for the plate of roast ham.

Harry smiled. "Hermione, I did get six though," He found himself taking some ham onto his plate when Hermione hovered the platter in front of him.

Hermione giggled, but before she could say something that would sound like 'a six is nothing to be ashamed of…it's a start Harry, everyone's got to start somewhere…' Neville looked up, and fortunately interrupted her. "Were you talking about Snape's Aging Essay? That was a killer,"

Neville continued to play with his food, with his sharp metal fork. "I had no idea you needed rose petals in that potion at all," he sighed, setting his chin onto his hands, looking utterly dejected. "Gran's going to kill me if she sees I've almost failed Potions again. She keeps telling me how great mom was at it…"

Hermione stared at him from the moment his said 'Aging Potion,' and pointed out a rather important fact, which Harry thought Neville had missed. "Neville, that's Amortentia you're talking about that needs rose petals,"

Neville looked up, his face flushed.

"Oh, Neville…you must have been looking at the wrong page. They are right next to each other…so…um…well… anyone could have made that mistake…" Hermione continued, making the last bit sounding rather forced.

Neville's face grew hotter.

"Oh. What's that again?"

"What?" Hermione replied genially.

"Amor-…oh, whatever that thing was…" Neville replied, suddenly taking great interest in the sausages on the pile in front of him.

"Amortentia's a love potion remember? Snape mentioned it last week when he was going over the properties of valerian roots,"

"Oh, yeah…right…yeah, I remember," Neville replied, sounding thoroughly lost.

Harry turned back to look at Wood again, who was now demonstrating to Fred and George, and a smirking Lee Jordan, whereabouts on their bat they should hit the Bludgers to get 'maximum power,' and a more precise direction. In the dramatics, Oliver's hand knocked over Ron's goblet, which had been too close to his sleeve, the contents spilling onto the table and splashing Harry's robes, which surprisingly went largely unnoticed by Harry.

"Oh, sorry, Harry," Oliver muttered, quickly, reaching for his wand. He mumbled Evanesco and the goblet's contents, vanished, leaving nothing but a few small stains on Harry's robes. Wood then returned to show Fred what angle he was supposed to hit a Bludger if he was riding on a Cleansweep and tilting to the right.

Harry caught Hermione's eye and stopped looking at the Keeper, in case Hermione would continue her interrogation of him again. He turned to Neville, who was now asking Hermione the exact incantation of the Impedimenta Jinx, which to his great displeasure, had found that he'd been reciting the pronunciation of the charm far too 'sharp' for Hermione's taste.

"No, Neville, you keep saying it's Impedamenta, when's it Impedimenta. And it's one word, not bits of words stuck together…"

Harry gave a slight smirk, as he stared at his plate again. He had a guilt trodden longing to give Wood some Amortentia during breakfast when he wasn't looking or whenever he was too preoccupied with telling the rest of the Gryffindor Quidditch Team about how moving a bit left during a sharp turn on a broom, would give the rider more momentum. As he continued to smush his peas even more, with his fork, Harry knew he didn't want Oliver like that, Amortentia was something he would never want to use on the Keeper, no matter how desperate he was. Besides, he'd probably kill him, or send him to the Hospital Wing with his potions skills. Harry grinned at the thought as he opened his mouth to take a bite from the sausage, or what had looked like sausage a few minutes ago.


Well hope you guys liked that Chapter!