Author's note: This is just the prologue and I hope it will be interesting enough to kick off the story. Also, is there anyone who's interested in being my beta for this story?? If so, please let me know when submitting your review. Thank you!


With a strangled yell, he bolted upright. His breath came in irregular puffs as his heart tried to return to its normal beating rate. Obsidian orbs flickered wearily at the shapes surrounding him in the darkness while his mind unconsiously drifted back to what had awoken him in the first place.

It was the same old dream that he had been having ever since he'd started university two months ago. Blaming it on the stress of trying to adapt to a new environment as this was his first time away from home, he hadn't thought much about it as they would slip out of his grasp like water in cupped hands whenever he tried to recall them. However, as of late these dreams seemed to be a lot more life like than ever.

Shaking his head, he shoved the thought into some corner of his mind and lay back down, determined to enjoy the beginning of a two week break.


Emeralds blinked open slowly as a hand reached up to rub away the remains of sleep. The hand stopped short however when it felt what seemed suspiciously like traces of tears. Frowning ever so slightly, he propped himself up with an arm to glance at his pillow as though daring it to explain the cause of those damp patches.

Turning the pillow over, he wondered why he was crying in his sleep, again. Burrowing beneath the covers to avoid the thin stream of sunlight flooding his room through the tiny crack in the curtains,, he tired his best to recall what had caused those tears and the pain that seemed to rip his heart into shreds.