Chapter 8
It was a long walk home. Kovu lead the pack in the front, while the cubs stayed far behind. They were still ashamed of what they had done. Amani was supposed to be a responsible lion, and now he didn't look responsible at all.
He really didn't mean for this to happen, but there was no way he could explain that to his father.
As they continued walking in silence, pride rock slowly started to get bigger. Soon they were home, and Kovu called Amani over to talk to him. Amani slowly walked over, awaiting his lecture and punishment. He hated getting in trouble, but always knew that he deserved it.
"Amani, I am very dissapointed in you for what has happened today. I thought that you knew better than to do something like this, but I guess I was wrong. You have got to understand this Amani. You are soon going to be king.
Not just some cub that I can come and rescue all the time. You have got to realize that you can't always do something just because you want to do it. When you become king, you have to think your actions through, make sure it is a safe move for yourself and the pride. Only then can you carry out those actions." Kovu stated.
"I understand that Dad. I will never do something like this again, always think before i do."
"Well, i hope so. Being king is a huge responsibility, and i know that someday you will be a great king. But you need to start practicing these skills now. If you want to become a successful king, you need to get used to this new way of life for yourself. Once you have mastered these skills, you will grow up and only then will you be ready to become king." Kovu lectured.
Amani listened closely to every word his father said, and made sure to memorize everything he needed to do. He had to be a great king, maybe even better than his father. He was going to start that now. He was not going to let his father down, himself down, or the pride down. He was going to be a great king, and he would do anything no matter what it takes to achieve that ultimate goal.
"Alright dad. From now on I think like a king, not a cub." Amani said confidently.
"That's what i like to hear. Well, its getting dark. You should go get a good nights sleep so you can start working on those skills tomorrow." Kovu said.
"Okay dad." Amani said, and he walked into the cave.
Theres the next chapter! Hope you like! Please read and review! :)