A/N: This story doesn't have a specific time period. It probably happens after the Satin's Pit but I havn't decided. The time period is not really that important. This is my first fan fic so it might be complete rubbish.

Disclaimer: I don't own Doctor Who or any recognizable characters. If that bothers you don't read this.


Rose ignored the first signs that something was not right. She awoke one morning to discover that her right arm was numb. Assuming that she had just slept on it, she flexed her fingers to get the circulation going. It seemed to help so she hopped out of bed.

The doctor had promised her a trip to Alphus Primion. Apparently it was an asteroid that was one large shopping center. The Doctor hated shopping but after her favorite shoes had eaten by a furry chameleon thing on their last adventure he had agreed to take her. She first noticed the tremor in her hand as she went to apply her mascara. Annoyed, she switched to using her left hand. It wasn't the best looking application of mascara but it would do.

Rose wandered into the consol room where the Doctor was, of course, tinkering. "You ready to go?" she asked.

"Go..huh..?" He feigned ignorance.

"You promised me new shoes. You aren't getting out of it."

The Doctor muttered something incomprehensible.

"Fine," Rose stated. "I'll just go without you. You know wander around an alien planet….on my own…with no one to keep me out of trouble. Who knows I may meet some handsome bloke and then you'll be rid of me."



"It's not a planet its an asteroid. You apes can never tell the simple atmospheric differences between asteroids and planets."

"Doctor, it is a chunk of rock floating in space. Anyway I'm going. Bye."

Rose was out the door in a flash. She knew that he would not be able to resist the urge to follow her but she just wanted to let him know that she was willing to do things without him. She walked quickly down what seemed to be a street. It was an odd sort of street. It was wavy and instead of intersections the streets seemed to merge and then branch out.

Rose had only just lost sight of the TARDIS when the pain hit. One minute she was walking along and in a moment she was consumed in pain. She doubled over, clutching at her stomach. There was loud hum in her ears. Rose clawed her way to a nearby bench and sat, head between her knees. She concentrated on breathing and slowly the pain subsided until it was only a slight twinge. The ringing in her ears died with the pain.

"Hey this is no time for a nap Rose Tyler. We have some serious shopping to do."

Rose looked up to see the Doctor standing over her, his hands in the pockets of his brown suit. It appeared that he had attempted to comb his hair before following her but it still had a spiky, tousled look. Tousled and sexy.

"You okay Rose?" His grin had slipped slightly, turning to concern.

"Yah, fine," Rose answered. She knew that if she told him about the sudden pain he would whisk her back to the med bay and that would be the end of shopping. He was not getting out of it that easily.

The rest of the trip passed without incident. The excitement of an alien mall quickly pulled Rose away from any thoughts of phantom pains. She found an odd pair of shoes that changed color every thousand steps. The doctor complained about them being terribly overpriced but then Rose reminded him that he had unlimited credit and he shut up about it.

A wave of exhaustion hit Rose as they returned to the TARDIS at the end of the day. She suddenly felt dizzy. For an instant the interior of the TARDIS went blurry and then everything was back to normal.

"Earth to Rose…."

"Huh?" she answered."

"I was asking if you wanted to watch a movie. It is early still."

"You know Doctor I think I'm gonna go have a shower and go to bed. I'm a bit tired."

"Suit yourself," and with that he wandered off.

Rose did not sleep especially well that night which made her extremely crabby the next day. Her mood was not improved when she discovered once again that she could not apply her mascara with her right hand. She gave up on make-up completely and wandered out into the consol room.

The Doctor was underneath the consol fiddling with something.

"Hey Rose, could you pass me that bunch of wire?"

She complied and set down on the floor above. Neither of them spoke except when he asked her to pass him things. He finally finished with his repairs and moved to sit down next to her.

"Is something up, Rose?"


"Good because I had a great idea of where we should go next. You see there is this planet just next to the Jagget Brigade that has an economy solely reliant on selling ice cream. Can you imagine a million different flavors? You are going to love it." The Doctor jumped about pushing random buttons. The TARDIS began to move. They were off.

A few hours later Rose and the Doctor were bursting through the doors of the TARDIS, panting from running.

"Ok so I got the coordinates a little tiny bit off," commented the Doctor after he had caught his breath. "And who would have thought they would be so sensitive about that Renji guy. He is clearly a Notorian not a demigod. They acted like they had never seen anybody levitate before. I mean really…."

While the Doctor was rambling on he failed to realize that Rose was in trouble. She was still lying on the floor where they had collapsed when they came in. Each breath was becoming more difficult than the last. She tried to sit up but the movement only caused her to go into a fit of hacking coughs. The taste of iron caused her to put a finger to her lips. She was surprised to discover blood. She had only enough air to say one word before the blackness took her.



A/N Well that wasn't so bad. Please review. Be nice although I welcome constructive critisism.