(Yes, aware I haven't updated. I forgot about this fic... I promise it'll get updated soon next time! You're all the best for waiting! And I solemnly swear this WILL be updated within a week, if I get enough questions. Don't own...)
"I UPDATED!" The girl shrieked, dancing around the living room. "LOVE ME!" The writers in her presence inched away. "Ummm... anyways, let's start with the questions!" Loli flipped through her book of everything.
"Can you get a pokemorph as a starter..." She shook her head. "It depends. If it's a pokemon/pokemon hybrid, fine. A pokemon/human hybrid, no. Okay? A crossbred pokemon is okay, but using a humanoid pokemorph isn't, since they're not technically a pokemon... nor are they human... A conundrum. But don't do it."
A girl raised her hand. "What makes a Sue? Besides perfect pokemon, perfect battling skills, perfect coordinating skills, perfect pokeblock making skills, perfect breeder skills..." She trailed off. Lolita pushed herself up on the counter of the kitchen. Not a good idea to hold a lesson there, as there was quite a bit of sharp cutlery...
"Well, if everyone loves them, mostly, all-shiny team, and super-special destiny only THEY can fulfill... that's a Sue, all things considered. And if you write that in anything but parody, I applaud you; perfection in a human being is hard to capture." She sneered.
She nodded at another boy. "Do you think that in a human/pokemon romance, if the pokemon turns human or vice-versa, it's Sue-ish?" Loli sweatdropped. "Uh... I did this..." She put her head in her hands.
"Well, it depends on the person. If you have an excuse for making them human, okay. It's really up to the writer on this one; if they want to make an Umbreon human, go for it, likewise if they want to keep the Umbreon a pokemon, so be that. Word of caution; don't turn Mewtwo human, mostly because he's an icon as Mewtwo. And I don't think he'd be thrilled at being human..." She nodded for emphasis.
"What about if the OC is a Coordinator, or not a trainer at all?" One girl asked. Loli thought for a second. "Coordinator's the same principle as trainer; don't win all the time, no retardedly powerful pokemon, and all the other Sue-signs. And don't make them a stereotype; just because a girl is a Coordinator, they don't always have to be girly." She drummed her fingers absently.
"And if they're not a trainer at all, what do they do? Just a simple life with pokemon? I'd like to see how that's handled, as I don't see things like that often."
One boy piped up, "What about different new types?" Loli shrugged. "Stick to the principle; most types have something to do with the elements, or psychic/dark powers. So something in that category would be okay. For everything else, proceed with caution."
The boy continued, "And what if the protagonist and the antagonist travel together, but the protagonist doesn't suspect the antagonist is evil?" Loli nodded.
"That sounds really interesting, honestly. I'd like to see how well it could be hidden from the protagonist. Just one thing; how evil is this antagonist? Rival-evil, Cipher-or-TR-evil? Or just someone with a grudge? Act accordingly."
A girl raised her hand. "And what about magic pendants? If you have an explanation, and don't make the OC super-powerful, are they okay?" Lolita shrugged.
"I honestly can't say much on this subject; I've never handled a magic pendant in my fics, but that sounds pretty okay. Just make sure their powers are limited when the pendant is on. And what if the pendant is taken off? Can it be taken off? What happens if it is taken off?" She scribbled something down.
"Oh, and another thing; what can you do in the way of Colosseum/XD? Can you bring shadow pokemon into the main regions?" One girl asked. Loli shrugged.
"I think it's a good idea, but remember; few Shadow pokemon can be seen with the naked eye. So did they change that? Does your OC have that weird gear thing that let you see Shadow pokemon? Or does he/she have someone like Rui, who can see them without that weird gear?" She sighed.
"And if you remember that gear's name, bless you. Haven't played in ages..." She grumbled. She looked like she was going to get emo on everyone, but thankfully, an Espeon whacked her over the head with her tail.
"What about Cipher meeting Team Rocket?" One boy asked. Lolita thought. "Hmmm... I think it'd be a good idea; Giovanni wants Legends, Cipher wants money, and the two form an alliance. It might explain an influx of Shadow Pokemon in, say, Johto." The boy nodded.
"Oh, and is there anything you can do with crossovers that makes sense?" Lolita shook her head. "No, not really. Seriously, come on... Pokemon/Harry Potter. Or Harry Potter/Anything. DOES NOT MAKE ANY SENSE. My own personal grudges aside, seriously... If it's something like a rewrite of RENT with Pokemon characters, cool. But not an actual crossover, with two series characters in one world. However, if you insist on this, how does everyone feel? How are the new characters surviving? Do they understand the culture? Are they trying to get back home?"
Another boy raised his hand. "How could you write a story about what happened to Pikachu if Ash died? Or any pokemon for that matter..." Loli clapped her hands happily.
"Ash dies!" She squealed in excitement, but remembered she had to answer the question. "Okay, anyway, reaction, reaction, reaction. Honestly, Pikachu, zombie that it is, would probably be like 'oh noez my master is gone! Eleven!" She frowned.
"But how would Charizard feel? Noctowl? Put in the other's reactions, too. The pokemon he abandoned at Oak's lab, the pokemon who travel with him in Sinnoh now, and maybe, if you want to do humans, use Gary and Oak. I always wondered how Oak really felt about Ash... And make his death slow and brutal. Maybe he gets trampled by the thirty Tauros he owns..." She cackled madly.
"Finally, one more important thing; don't make your character too preachy. We don't need them yelling about how wrong abusing pokemon is all the time. Once, maybe. But leave it at that, or else no one will read the story, simply because the OC is too annoying." She nodded.
"Oh, and in real world, pokemon world crossovers; if it's an OC's Pokemon showing up in the human world, how will the OC keep them hidden? Has this happened to any other trainer? How do the pokemon feel about being in the human world? Can they get back? Do they want to?" She nodded to herself.
The kids all filed out, and she waved. "Bye! See you next chapter!" Unfortunately, this yelling triggered an avalanche, killing half the class. She sighed, and turned to her Charizard, Glassjaw.
"Right, go crazy. Burn the evidence, would you?" She patted him on the head, and sat on the couch, and turned the TV on.
Vaguely, she wondered why all her classes must die, but she figured it was from some god she'd probably pissed off. Ah, the dangers of being herself...