This Is Halloween

By: The Pumpkin Queen (B&W Rainbow)

Disclaimer: Camp Lazlo belongs to Joe Murray. My OC belongs to me.

Happy Early Halloween!! I might be like really slow on this because homework is starting to pile up on me slowly and projects too. Plus, I'm in an advance International program at my senior high so ya, they are buggers too. Anyways, Halloween is always year round for me but when Halloween actually comes, I'm like a month ahead. Oki Doki, let's get on with the story.

It was 10am on an oddly chilly summer day and Cadence was nowhere to be seen. Leonard had to wear his black sweatshirt to fight the coolness of the wind and Edward was wearing a brown sweater. Where was she exactly? She left right after attendance and headed for the mountain. She wore a black and purple striped scarf and a song sleeved black shirt under her uniform to keep her arms warm. She found the spot she was looking for. On a smooth surface and the side of the mountain that faced the lake and the camp. She sat at the edge. The cool wind blew against her face making her body tingle.

Leonard wasn't worried because he knew exactly where she was. She secretly told him one night during marshmallow night.

"Hey Leo." She whispered in his ear making his body weak.

"Ya?" He said.

"I found an escaping spot on the side of the mountain. I've already visited it a couple of time. Maybe when I'm not at camp look for me there." Her warm breath on his ear made him give her a flirtatious smile and a nod.

He made his way up the mountain stopping time to time to make his sleeves cover his hands them then rub them together to make his hands somewhat warmer. He was only a quarter up the mountain when he saw her. He crawled onto the flat surface. She sat cross-legged at the edge and she stood still. Her pony tail blowing in the wind; he smiled. She crawled behind her. Her ears twitched and before even looking back 2 soft black arms were around her waist more in a hug than a flirty gesture. She didn't need to ask who it was, the scent gave it away. She loved his scent; it was comforting and dangerous and made her feel protected.

"Hey Leonard," She said as he placed his chin on her shoulder. His black and teal hair tickled her neck.

"Why are you up here all alone?" He asked sitting next to her.

"Escaping reality."

"Reality is pretty boring right now." He said. She giggled and chuckled.

"You know that the Costume dance is coming up."

"Never heard of it."

"That's 'cause you're not organizing it."

"Mhmm, why are we having a costume party in August?" She asked.

"Since we don't celebrate Halloween during the summer we do something like it."

"I love Halloween; it's my favourite holiday second to my birthday." She said looking in his eyes. To him, her eyes were just polished green emeralds. To her, his eyes were her escape. They were ultra bright today; a shade of teal that separated him from his brothers. A wind blew and Cadence rubbed her hands together attempting to get them warm.

"Here, I'll warm them." Leonard said and wrapped his hands around hers. They smiled and blushed at the gesture. Without moving their hands from each other's Leonard explained the dance.

"So ya, the guys dress as the male character and the girls dress as the female one."

"There's a problem. I'm in a guy's camp so I have to dress as the male character and I have to find a female date? Problem there, buddy."

"Well, no. But the problem is that they we'll have to keep you away from the mess hall for awhile because it's a surprise."

"I wonder who's going to be my masked stranger."

"Stop wondering." He joked. Leonard took his hands off hers and blushed. She blushed too. They just sat there looking at the view.

"Hey Leonard," She said.


"When school starts, I'm really going to miss you." Leonard looked at her. Light pink glowed on her cheeks. He wrapped on arm around her.

"We all are Cadence. We all are."

Leonard randomly looked at his watch. It read that it was almost noon.

"C'mon Cade, time for lunch."

"I don't want to go."

"Are you going on a diet?" He asked. She giggled.

"No, I just don't want to leave the scenery." He sighed and smiled. He loved her innocence. He put his hands in his pockets and continued to sit next to her.

"Aren't you going for lunch?" She asked.

"I'm not going until you are." He responded.

They didn't say anything for a while then Cadence spoke up.

"Do you think Edward is jealous?"

"Of what?"

"They we're spending so much time together." He blushed hard and so did she.

"I don't think so, he's been tolerating it." Then he heard her sniffles. Cadence tried as hard as possible to hold back her emotions. Leonard reacted immediately and wrapped his arms around her.

"Hey, hey, why are you crying?"

"I'm sorry Leonard. I feel like such an idiot."

"Shh, don't cry. Hey, it was for the best; I'll keep reminding you till you understand." He said. He tilted her head down. Leonard leaned in to kiss her cheek but she suddenly turned her head and he got her lips. They just stared into each other's eyes before breaking apart.

"My turn to say sorry," He said blushing. Her cheeks and probably her face was a bright shade of pink before giving out a giggle. They couldn't say any other comment to the recent "incident". Both their hearts were beating a mile a minute.

Without saying a word they walked back down the mountain not daring to say anything because their friendship was already ruined. Cadence crossed her arms wishing Leonard's arms were still around her warming her body and Leonard wished he never attempted this kiss on the cheek.

Edward we suspicious. After all, it was impossible to separate them and today, they didn't dare look at each other since they came late for lunch. Edward sat between them but Cadence sat a little farther away.

"Dude, what did you screw up this time?" Edward whispered into Leonard's ear. Leonard sighed turning his spoon in his soup.

"I'm such a bad timer."

"What the hell did you do?"

"I kissed her! It wasn't supposed to happen though. I aimed for her cheek and I ended up with her mouth."

"Imbecile, you just ruined our friendship not to mention yours with Cadence. Why did you attempt such thing?"

"She was crying and she was cold so I hugged her telling it's going to be all right and I aimed for her cheek. She turned her head and I got her lips! I'm such an idiot!"

"Better believe it you are. You just jeopardized your friendship status with her! I suggest you take it slow with her for a while. You know how women are."

"Take my word: give her space."

A/N: Muhaha, Omg, I was supposed to do the Mysterious Stranger but this is like a remix of it... it gets a lot more action more into chapters and more romance and horror. I will use impossible things like witches and ghosts and stuff that's associated with Halloween. My story, my plot and Camp Lazlo had a mermaid! So I can have witched and ghosts and vampires in mine! Anyways, I want this to be done by the end of October the LASTEST! Not later! Or else I'll kick myself x(