Just so no one picks on me later I want to say it up here first. I have never seen a nobleman bathe. Nor have I ever seen a traditional Japanese bath. I have no clue how these two things work exactly. So if anyone has a problem with the thechnicality of the bathing, I'm sorry, but you'll have to get over it. I did do a little research on sento or onsen (whichever you prefer), so this is what you get with the limited knowledge I have of traditional Japanese baths. I apologize if it bothers you, but you can't say I didn't warn you ahead of time. Otherwise I hope you enjoy this!
The door shut, leaving Renji alone in the bedroom. He laid back in the bed thinking over what he had just done. The way his captain's long, lean body squeezed so tightly around his dick; just remembering it was driving him crazy. His fingertips were on fire with the memory of his frigid captain's flesh. More. He had to have more of that beautiful man. He replayed Byakuya's parting words, "If you need anything my bathroom is the last door on the right the next hall over." Whether that was an open invitation or not was arguable, but Renji would run with it. That little hint of a smile as he left meant "come and get me" in Renji's mind.
After about ten minutes Renji stood from his bed, slipped on his house slippers and closed up his yukata. He walked out the door and casually passed a servant who was dusting some random nick knacks. He nonchalantly walked down the hall, turned the corner and headed for the next hallway. He looked around to make sure the servant, or anyone else, wasn't watching him. Being seen 'sneaking' into his captain's bathroom could lead to some nasty rumors. No matter how true they may be.
He opened the last door on the right and walked into the bath's changing room. It really was no surprise that it was almost as big as a public bath's changing room. He slowly removed his yukata and hung it up next to the one waiting for Byakuya when he was done with his bath. He removed his slippers next to Byakuya's. He took a deep breath as he slowly slid the door open. Steam greeted him as he walked into the bathing room.
Hearing the door open and close, Byakuya turned to look over his shoulder. "I was beginning to think I had been too subtle," he said calmly as he went back to arranging his toiletries.
Renji stared at his body for a moment. The only thing standing between him and a completely nude Byakuya was a tiny little towel wrapped around his waist. That had to be remedied. "You don't have a servant to help you in here?" Renji asked casually as he closed the distance between them.
"Usually I do," Byakuya replied. "He has... a relatives birthday tonight. I told him he should go and be with them."
"Really?" Renji's fingers lightly touched the flesh they'd been craving. His hands gently caressed Byakuya's hips as he pulled him back against him.
Byakuya leaned firmly against Renji, his body still longed for Renji's touch. "It could be true," he replied as Renji's hands slid around his body. Renji pulled on the towel to reveal his prize. A small unidentifiable sound came from Byakuya's throat as his towel fell to his feet. His hands gripped onto Renji's arms and his head fell back against his shoulder.
Renji kissed Byakuya's neck and slid his hand down his thigh. "I guess I'll have to take his place, huh?" He traced the outline of Byakuya's ear with his lips. His hands continued to slide across his body. Byakuya reached up and held the back of Renji's head, a slight moan escaping his mouth.
"If someone were to touch me like this in here I would personally assist in their seppuku."
Renji chuckled as he turned Byakuya around to face him, "I would be honored if you were my kaishakunin." Byakuya gave him a big, genuine smile before it disappeared in their kiss. Renji was sad that he didn't get to look at that smile more, but he got over it very quickly.
After much deliberation Renji finally pulled away from Byakuya. Byakuya's eyes watched him closely as he leaned down to pick up a soapy cloth. He smiled for Renji again when he realized that he actually planned on helping him bathe. Renji bit his lip, he was so thankful that he got to see that smile again. Byakuya closed his eyes as the warm cloth gently touched his body. Renji slowly wiped the cloth across his chest. He pulled Byakuya's body to his, pulled his hair up and out of the way and wiped the cloth across his back. Byakuya's hands rested on Renji's chest, their lips lingered just inches apart, like they were teasing each other with the idea that they could kiss.
Renji's left hand stayed on Byakuya's back, gently caressing it as his right hand slid the cloth between their bodies. His lips ghosted across Byakuya's, he could feel his warm breath mingle with his. The soft warm cloth slid down the front of Byakuya's body. He gasped as it covered his hardening penis. Renji's tongue barely touched Byakuya's mouth as he molested him with the cloth. Byakuya opened his mouth in a moan, his body fell completely against Renji's.
"Renji... I think I'm clean enough," Byakuya said with a shaky voice.
"I like to be thorough," Renji replied before filling his captain's mouth with his tongue.
Byakuya stumbled forward slightly as Renji pulled completely away from him. He led Byakuya to a stool in the middle of the wash room and made him sit. He dipped the cloth into soapy water, covering it in suds again. He knelt in front of Byakuya and ran his fingers across his thighs. Byakuya's head fell back as Renji kissed his right thigh. He kissed down to Byakuya's knee, following his kisses with the soapy cloth. He lifted his leg and kissed and licked his way to his captain's ankle. Byakuya watched in disbelief as Renji sucked and kissed his foot. A most undignified sound came from Byakuya's mouth when Renji slid his tongue between his toes. Byakuya clamped a hand over his mouth, embarrassed by the sound he made, Renji shuddered at it. To be able to elicit such uncharacteristic sounds from his distinguished captain excited him more than anything he'd ever experienced. The rush of battle was merely a sugar high compared to this. Renji repeated his actions on Byakuya's left leg. Byakuya grabbed the stool beneath him, digging his fingers into the wood, trying desperately to keep his body from moving as Renji licked the underside of his foot and sucked on his toes.
Renji stood and left his captain shaking on the stool to fill a small bucket with water. He walked behind Byakuya and slowly poured some of the warm water over his long black hair. He gently worked some shampoo into Byakuya's hair, pulling his head back so he could kiss him as he did. Byakuya found it awkward to kiss Renji practically upside down, but he wasn't going to argue it. He reached up and held Renji's head above his as their tongues and teeth clashed against each other. He hated to admit it but this night had been the single most riveting thing to happen to him in a very long time. This man, his lieutenant of all people, was literally stealing his breath. If it weren't for Renji's hands in his hair massaging his scalp he would definitely fall over.
Those heavenly hands pulled away from Byakuya's head and instead grabbed hold of his arms, gently pulling him to stand up again. Renji filled the little bucket with water and stood in front of his captain so he could see his face properly again. The sight of Byakuya covered in soap suds seemed rather endearing to Renji. Something about it just seemed so childlike and innocent, completely opposite of the regal man beneath those suds. Renji raised the bucket over Byakuya's head and slowly poured the water out. Byakuya shuddered as the little rivulets of water snaked their way down his body. He slid his hands up into his hair to help rinse out the shampoo. Renji poured another bucket of water over Byakuya's body before he pulled him to him and crushed his lips against his again.
Renji mercilessly dominated Byakuya's mouth. He pushed Byakuya back to the giant bath at the end of the room. When his body wouldn't go any further Renji released his mouth, leaving him gasping for air. Renji held his hand as he went up the two or three steps leading to the edge of the bath. Byakuya slowly stepped in, his body adjusting to the steaming hot water rather quickly.
"Give me a minute to rinse off and I'll be right back," Renji said as he released Byakuya's hand. Byakuya sat at the other side of the tub with his head leaning back and his eyes closed as Renji retreated back to the middle of the room.
It took effort, but Byakuya finally banished all thoughts. He'd already determined as he waited for Renji after their first round that what they were doing was completely inappropriate. As long as no one else knew, he could find a way to accept it. He would trust Renji with his life without a second thought. Trusting him with such a vulnerable side was tremendously more terrifying, but he was determined to do it. The way his body came to life when Renji touched him made him so dizzy.
As he promised, just a couple minutes later Renji came back to the tub. Byakuya opened his eyes when he heard Renji stepping up to the edge. Byakuya's dick sprang back to life with remarkable ease just at the sight of his lieutenant. Water dripped down his hard, tanned body; his shocking crimson hair was completely drenched. With the intricate tattoos and his hair plastered to his body without any thought of style, Renji looked like a wild man. Renji walked across the tub, his hips barely above the water. He stood above his captain. Byakuya closed his eyes as Renji's strong hand ran through his hair.
"Hey," Renji started as he ran his thumb across Byakuya's lower lip, "suck me, Byakuya."
Byakuya's eyes snapped open. His eyes locked with Renji's before they slowly fell down his body to stare at his growing erection. He took a deep breath and confidently wrapped his fingers around Renji's penis. He slowly slid his hand up and down before experimentally licking at the tip. Their eyes met as Byakuya slowly took Renji's dick into his mouth. Renji had to consciously remind himself to breathe. There was something so erotic about Byakuya looking up at him like that as his cock disappeared into his mouth. Renji was amazed at the skill in which Byakuya bobbed his head on his dick. It was a little unsettling. Little did he know that Byakuya actually had no clue what he was doing. He figured that if his lieutenant could do something like this, then he definitely could. And better. Renji's left hand kept him held up by the wall, his right stayed glued to Byakuya's head. He gasped and moaned as his captain's tongue worked wonders on his dick.
Byakuya pushed against the hand in his hair and pulled his mouth off of Renji's cock. His hands slid up Renji's thighs and to his torso as he looked up into his half lidded eyes. "Renji, kiss me please." Renji barely heard Byakuya's breathy voice, but he knew he heard kiss me. He slid down into the water and knelt between Byakuya's legs. He gently cupped Byakuya's neck as his left hand slid down his chest to his hips. He could feel his captain's body trembling beneath his touch. Byakuya's teeth chattered even in the steam of the bath. His body literally hurt, it ached so much for Renji. This game of patience was pushing him to his limits, he didn't know how much longer he could go without feeling Renji inside of him.
Renji's lips barely touched Byakuya's. His captain's mouth fell open, a slight whimpering came from his dignified lips. Watching his captain's quivering body was pure ecstasy. Byakuya's breathing sped up, his heart began to race in his chest. His body cried and begged for something more than the feather soft touches Renji showered him with, but his mouth wouldn't let him fall any further. He couldn't bring himself to ask for anything more.
Renji growled, at the same time shoved his tongue into Byakuya's mouth as those perfectly manicured fingers scratched down his arms. Byakuya gasped and moaned into Renji's mouth. He couldn't stop it. He couldn't control the way his body trembled, the sounds that came out of him. He needed it. Needed Renji. He wanted to be vulnerable, dominated. He wanted those strong hard hands to pin him down and never let him go.
Byakuya choked on his breath as Renji began to fondle his penis and balls under the water. Renji pulled Byakuya up to straddle his lap as he carefully turned and sat down himself. His hands slid around Byakuya's body to massage gently at the flesh of his rear. He licked at Byakuya's neck and slid his middle finger between his cheeks. Byakuya shuddered and dug his fingers into Renji's neck as his fingers and water teased his opening. Renji slid his finger into Byakuya's warm body. Byakuya's head fell back at the feel of warm water rushing into his body with Renji's finger. Renji sucked on Byakuya's neck causing him to moan and claw at Renj's chest.
"Byakuya," Renji gasped out. "I can't wait anymore." He pulled his finger out of Byakuya's entrance.
Byakuya's mind screamed, 'yes, yes, yes!' Finally. He didn't have to ask. He was so close to breaking. Renji teasing his body like that was torture. Renji lifted Byakuya's hips and positioned him over his penis. Slowly he lowered his captain's body onto his dick. Feeling Renji's cock so close to where he desperately wanted it, Byakuya slammed his body down onto it. They both cried out at the sudden move. Byakuya's body slumped over against Renji's chest, the warm water helped to soothe his aching rear. Renji gently massaged Byakuya's back and whispered sweet and vulgar things into his ear. Byakuya shivered in mind numbing pain and ecstasy.
The water rippled as Byakuya slowly began to move his body up and down. Both their hearts pounded, their minds grew dizzy from the lack of air and the heat. Sweat dripped from their brows. Their lips grew swollen as they furiously kissed. Renji's hips slammed up into Byakuya's body as he impaled himself down on Renji's dick. The water churned as their bodies moved, splashing up over the edge of the tub. Renji's body shook. Even though he had had sex with him not too long ago this time was completely different. This time he could see his face. His mouth hung open as he breathed short rapid breaths. His beautiful dark eyes were clouded over. The look they held was that of sheer pleasure. The way his captain's body thrashed in the water made it so hard for Renji to control himself.
Byakuya's cries grew louder. The water splashed more violently. Renji's grip on Byakuya's hips tightened. Warm water and Renji's dick plunged into Byakuya's body relentlessly. Byakuya practically screamed as his body convulsed and slammed against Renji's chest. Renji crushed Byakuya's body to his as he cried out with his orgasm.
For several minutes Renji refused to relinquish his bone crushing hold on Byakuya's body. His captain stayed lying against his chest, panting and trembling.
Renji finally loosened his grip. He scooped some water up in his hand and poured it over Byakuya's head. He ran his fingers through his long black hair and gently across his face to help rinse away some of the sweat that had formed. Byakuya closed his eyes and leaned into Renji's soft caresses.
"Baykuya... we should get out now," Renji whispered.
Byakuya pushed himself up to look at Renji. He leaned to kiss him one last time before slowly pushing his body up. He moaned slightly as Renji's soft penis slid from his body. As they both stood from the water, Byakuya collapsed into Renji's arms, his legs too weak to support him. Renji had some trouble standing too. He leaned back against the wall to support himself before he forced his body to cooperate. He held Byakuya's body to his as they walked through the water to the edge of the bath. Carefully he guided his captain's wet feet down the little steps to the floor. As they crossed the wash room to where towels waited for them, Byakuya's strength gradually returned to him. He stayed clinging to Renji's body, he wanted to touch him for as long as he could.
Renji leaned Byakuya against the wall and grabbed a nearby towel. Byakuya closed his eyes as he relished in the feel of that soft warm towel rubbing his hair and body. "Renji," he started as the towel worked it's way down his legs. "Will you stay with me tonight?"
Renji looked up from his place at Byakuya's feet. He kissed and nuzzled against his thigh. "You don't have to ask Byakuya." He stood back up and lightly kissed his lips.
Byakuya stayed leaning against the wall as Renji grabbed another towel. He started to dry his hair with it but stopped when Byakuya's hands pulled his away. Byakuya took the towel and carefully dried Renji's long crimson hair. Byakuya knelt in front of Renji and gently slid the towel down his legs. After drying each foot he folded the towel and placed it on his lap. He leaned over and kissed Renji's feet, from his toes to his ankles. Renji offered him his hand and helped Byakuya stand up. Luckily his terrible blush was disguised by the heat of the room.
Renji led Byakuya into the changing room where he helped him slip on his yukata. Once they were both wearing their slippers and yukata's, Renji pulled Byakuya to him and kissed him deep and passionately. Byakuya stepped away and opened the door to the hallway. He looked back and smiled at Renji before turning and walking out the door. Byakuya disappeared into the hall. Renji just stared at the door in awe. After what seemed like hours, he finally snapped out of his stupor and ran out the door to catch up with his captain.
For those of you who might not know, I will explain a couple things. 'Seppuku' you might know better as 'hara-kiri'. It's the ritual suicide by disembowelment that samurai used to do. Seppuku is the more formal way of saying it and I figured Byakuya would say things more formally. Also, 'kaishakunin' is the person selected to assist in the seppuku by cutting off the person's head as they slice open their stomach. I just figured saying things like this sound a heck of a lot prettier than, "I'd be honored if you cut my head off"...
And I don't have a funky foot fetish nor do I think Byakuya or Renji would, so that's not why that was a repeated thing. Way back when, washing/touching someone's feet was like the biggest act of humility one could perform. So that would be why Renji would blush if Byakuya touched his feet. Byakuya, his distinguished, noble captain kneeling to him and touching his feet would be kind of a big deal. At least in my head. If you don't agree, sorry.
And lastly, I must say thanks to zeldagamefan. I had her preview this for me before I posted it, so thanks to her, you all got part two. Please, please, please let me know if you think there should be a part three. I already have one vote for a part three, so if you agree, let me know. I'll go ahead and try to work something up while I wait for the opinions...
Sorry for this freakishly long note. I just wanted to cover all bases. Thank you very much. Read, enjoy, review. Have a great day!!
Deetra TaFoy