Disclaimer: I don't own the scene, the DVD, the characters or the popcorn...although I wish I did. ;)
Spoilers of Episode 4 of season 4 Doppleganger. If anyone's wondering how I've seen it already, there was a mix-up on itunes where the ep was labeled 'Adrift' but it was Doppleganger instead. But hey, you don't hear me complaining, great episode! lol
"Why are you making me watch this?" Dr. Jennifer Keller actually groaned out loud as she was prodded onto the couch.
"Because the more people here who've actually seen the movie, the better," Colonel John Sheppard grinned at her unabashedly as he moved to insert the DVD of Alien into the interface, where he'd found it she didn't even want to know.
Jennifer glanced around at the small group of people gathered in the rec room, looking for an ally. Teyla on one end of the couch looking amused, but also like she would just as soon be doing anything else. Rodney had been banished to a nearby armchair, probably because of his predisposition to vomit during the movie. Colonel Carter was giving her a sympathetic smile from the other chair, which was positioned about as far from Rodney as she could get. And Ronon was watching the group curiously from the other end of the couch.
John clapped his hands like a little boy as he pushed play and quickly turned off the lights. She found herself being prodded even more as the Colonel flopped onto the couch next to Teyla. She'd never thought that these couches were very large and with all four of them on it they were somewhat crowded. However, Sheppard probably wouldn't buy that as a reason to go back to her lab. So she settled back and watched the beginning credits role, all the while trying to ignore the fact that Ronon was staring at her.
She was certain that she had mentioned at some point that this movie gave her nightmares and just all around freaked her out. With that being said, she wasn't responsible for the fact that halfway through the film she was curled up with her eyes glued to the screen. As the alien burst out of John Hurt's stomach she screamed…along with Carter and Teyla. A gagging noise and a shower of popcorn accompanied them from Rodney's direction.
Jennifer glared over at the astrophysicist as she picked kernels out of her hair, but the man didn't seem to notice. She felt someone touch the top of her head and turned to the left to see Ronon pop a piece of popcorn into his mouth, his eyes still on the screen. Without looking at her, he reached over to her hair and after padding around blindly for a second came away with another piece of popcorn. She couldn't resist the smile that came onto her face, for some reason the idea of Ronon eating popcorn out of her hair and watching Alien was too good to pass up.
Smiling to herself, she settled back against the couch, this time just a little bit closer to the large man. Reaching up and finding her own piece of popcorn, she realized that life in Pegasus might not be too bad.