Hey everyone. I'm Sorry I haven't updated for a couple of days. I've been grounded from the computer because I ditched youth group…anyways.
I love reviews, positive, negative (not too negative), and I enjoy getting constructive critism because that's what makes you better.
DISCLAIMER: I own twilight and all its characters about as much as I own you!!! Muhahaha!
The Cullen's Chatter Box
SillyBella: Bella
VampTemper: Edward
ICU: Alice
MoodSwinger: Jasper
Joker365: Emmett
BasketofRoses: Rosalie
30goingon310: Carlisle
Sweets: Esme
The Cullen's Chat room
Joker365 has logged on.
SillyBella has logged on.
ICU has logged on.
Joker365: Happy birthday, Bella!
SillyBella: Yeah…what a joyous occasion.
ICU: Oh, come on, Bella, none of the rest of us get birthdays!
SillyBella: Lucky you.
ICU: Don't let Edward catch you saying that.
Joker365: Yeah, don't be a party pooper!
SillyBella: UUGH!
ICU: Ooh, Bella. Did you get the outfit that I asked Edward to give you?
SillyBella: Yeah…it's a little big, Alice. What size was it?
ICU: Oh, a medium.
SillyBella: I wear a small!
ICU: Well, it serves you right! You gots to eat your taters!
SillyBella: Taters?
ICU: That's what I said, bunny bread!
Joker365: What's bread?
VampTemper has logged on.
VampTemper: Good evening.
SillyBella: Ooh, did you say that with a Transylvanian accent? You could pass for Dracula with a line like that.
VampTemper: Who, Drake? He and I go WAY back.
Joker365: Hey, Edward. What's up?
VampTemper: Err, the ceiling.
Joker365: Oh, VERY FUNNY!
SillyBella: Yeah, I'm cracking up.
VampTemper: I don't understand.
(Crickets chirp in the background.)
VampTemper: Okay…Bella, happy birthday!
SillyBella: Didn't we already go through this?
Joker365: That reminds me…
VampTemper: This cannot be good.
At the Cullens
Emmett ended his little tune with a back handspring, a split, and spirit fingers. The Cullen family sat around on the couches, faking snoring. Bella was the only one to applaud.
"Oh, come on! Show Bella some love!" Emmett cried. "Edward get up! Shake your booty for your baby!" Emmett smacked his behind.
Edwards head snapped up from his phony slumber. "
"WHAT did you say?" Emmett threw a frantic look at the rest of the group and skipped out of the room.
"EMMETT, YOU GET THE HELL BACK HERE! I MEAN IT!" Edward dashed out of the room, leaving a tense quiet behind him.
The rest of the family sat listening to the fight going on in silence. Alice finally broke through the silence.
"Why does Edward always end these stories with the word 'hell'? She asked.
Bella started laughing, and the rest of the family turned to look questioningly at her.
"Oh, he's just VampTemper through and through!"