Hello all and welcome to the introductory chapter of my fan-fiction " Super Smash Bros. Brawl: Brawler's Chronicles" before I put the first chapter up there are some things i'd like to state.

First and for-most, this is the first fan-fic i've ever done. Don't expect it to be perfect, in fact I can almost guarantee that it will have some errors in it, but hopefully i'll get better as time goes by. We'll see how that ends up rolling out.

Second, this entire story is based off of an online text-based Role-play I participated in (and I still am). The plot of this story, was originally thought up by a friend of mine, and i'm using it with his permission. Also all non-video game characters (custom made ones) are also used with the permission of their creators. All that will be shortened and repeated in the disclaimer of every chapter. If you'd like to join the RP I just mentioned, ask about it in a review or private message me, and i'll give you a link to it. Anyone is welcome to join.

Next, if you haven't noticed already I have grammar trouble. I tend to put alot of comma's in sentences (sometimes where a period or a semi-colon should go). I'll try my best to tone it down to a point where it isn't annoying, because i've gotten complaints about it before. Same thing goes for my spelling, while I generally don't have trouble with it I may make one or two typo's in a chapter. I ask that you please be tolerant with these two things as it's just the way I am.

Now i'd like to explain a little how this thing will work. It'll work similar to some other fan-fics i've seen on this site. At the beginning of every chapter there will be a character name at the top, that character is the one narrating that specific chapter. Although the majority of the chapters will be narrated by either Meta Knight or Vaati. Their will occasionally be chapters narrated by other characters, some major and some minor. Also, some character backgrounds, relationships, personalities and such have been tweaked to better suit a fan-fiction, and to match the RPing style of the person who used them. That means some characters sre OOC. Also, many characters who as of the time of this writing (8/30/07) haven't actually been confirmed to be in an Super Smash Brothers game (and some very likely won't ever be in one). Also at various points in the chapters you'll see a time and a date. I put these in to save confusion becouse later chapters will end up over-lapping other chapters unchronologically. It's kinda hard to explain but you'll see, trust me it'll make things less confusing.

Lastly I ask that you be patient with this fan-fic. I like to add alot of detail into everything I do, and it may get boring. I assure you this thing will have plenty of action, adventure, romance and some more elements (although those three are the most apparent). The first few chapters will likely be nothing but back-story, but i assure you it will heat up quickly.

Ok, so without further adieu. Please enjoy the first chapter of my fan-fiction. I'd appreaciate it if you'd leave a review, and all suggestions, criticism and the like are suggested and welcomed.