Okay, here it is. The last chapter. Okay Tabitha, you better let me in on your secret. I'm evern dedicating this final chapter to you. So you better tell me!

Ignore those statements if you're not my friend Tabitha and just read and enjoy!

The rest of Ryan and Gabriella's afternoon had consisited of making love til the wee hours of the evening. They emerged from Ryan's room all smiles. Ryan guided her to the door to take her home just as Sharpay reentered the house.

"Hey Shar." Ryan and Gabriella said together.

"Hey. I suprised you're still here Gabby."

"Yeah. Me and Ryan, had some catching up to do."

"Okay. Care to tell me what that means?"

"Well it's simple Shar. You see, Gabby was dating Troy ut when they had a fight and you threw her that cheering-up party, Gabby and I slept together. Afterwards, Gabby made up with Troy and came to tell me that whatever we had started the previous night was over. I kissed her and that's where our secret love affair began. It went on for like the next few months, until Troy found out about it. That's why he gave me this whack in the jaw. after that, Gabriella went to confront Troy and she ended things with him, finally, and then she came here to tell me. And now we're a couple."

Ryan and Gabriella looked to Sharpay for her reaction to it all. But all they found was a utterly blank expression on her face as she stared at them both.

"Um, so. Let me get this straight. You and Gabby are a couple now?"

"Yeah, if you want to sum everything up. yeah."

"Oh. Well why didn't you say that in the first place?"

"You said you wanted to know everything Shar."

"Right, um, I guess I'll see you at school tomorrow Gabby. I have to go anf lie down now."

"Night Shar." Gabriella called to her as Sharpay made a woozy path up the stair case.

"I can't believe you said all that in one breath." She said laughing.

"I know. I should get a star or something for all that."

"How about a kiss?"

"I can settle for that."

Both smiling, Gabriella pulled him to her and they shared a deep kiss.

"Now comeon now. If you go on like that, I'll never get you home."

"You're right. we can pick it up tomorrow and the next day, and the next day."

"You're bad."

"You made me bad."

"You know it." He said smiling cunningly before taking her lips in his again.

The next day, Ryan was all nerves. He was terrified of what people at school would think about Gabby and his newfound relationship. Espcially since he stole the Golden Boy's girlfriend, and he would never give her back, he didn't care if Troy could turn the whole school against him. He loved Gabriella and they were meant to be.

He met Gabriella out in the quad. She was smiling big which caused a huge grin to break out across his face.

"Hey you."

"Hey yourself." He replied. "So I guess we should get this over with right?"

"Are you worried?"

"Yeah. I can't help it Gabby."

"Hey. It doesn't matter what they think. It only matters what we feel and what we think. And I love you."

"I love you too Gabby."

"Okay then. Let's go."

Taking his hand in hers, they walked to the enterance doors, opening them, and then walking inside.

Everyone was silent, looking at them in interest.

Suddenly, a thought and memory sparked in Gabriella's mind.

"Hey Ry, remember how you always wanted to be able to kiss me in public?"

"Yeah. So?"

"You can do it now. Kiss me."

"Gabby, everyone's watching."

"So what? Just kiss me Ryan."

Taking one last look at the curious people around them, Ryan dropped his bag to the floor with a clunk, doing the same to Gabriella's bag so that it joined his on the ground, he took her into his arms, pressing her as close as possible, dipped her back sedcutively, then seared his lips to hers in an ardent, flaming kiss in front of everyone.

Ryan and Gabriella were so caught up in the kiss that it took them about a minute to realize that it wasn't silent around them anymore.

Drawing Gabriella up again, Ryan and her looked around and saw that the entire student body was clapping and smiling for them.

Confused, Gabriella and Ryan looked toward each other as if asking what was going on.

Then, Sharpay, Zeke, Taylor and Chad emerged from the crowd, all clapping.

"Sharpay what's going on?" Gabriella asked.

"Easy. The school simply knows that Troy's an ass anf that Ryan and you belong together."

"Yeah, they know that now, especially since Sharpay blabbed the facts around school." Taylor added.

"Hey, it was Chad and Zeke who told the truth too."

"Chad? I'm suprised. Weren't you the one that told Troy about Gabby and me?" Rayn asked questionly.

"Yeah. I'm sorry man. But I thought Troy was a good guy. Turnes out I was wrong. Especailly after Zeke filled me in about everything. Truce." Chad asked, offering Ryan his hand.

"No," Chad looked confused. But Ryan just smiled before taking Chad's hand, "Friends."

"Cool." Chad smiled.

"This means a lot to us you guys." Gabriella added.

"Hey, it's true with what I said. You guys belong together." Sharpay smiled.

"Yeah, we do don't we?" Ryan said, gathering Gabriella into his arms again.

"Yeah, we do."

The couple then shared another passionate kiss. And Gabriella finally noticed something.

The kiss wasn't just a kiss of lust.

It was a kiss of love

And that's what she felt for Ryan Evans.


A/N: Nice ending? I thought so. What did you guys think? Let me know. :)