Gabriella Montez was a smart girl.

She was known as the brainy beauty.

Straight A's, never got into trouble, she had a sensible head on her shoulders.

So, with all this, Gabriella definitely knew that there was big difference between love and lust.

Love was what she had with Troy Bolton, her boyfriend of two years.

She knew it was love, it had to be.

But if that was true, she couldn't understand why she lusted after another person.

A person that was not her boyfriend.


Gabriella lusted the touch of one guy.

Ryan Evans.

A/N: Just a small prolouge. What'd you think? This will have sexual situations and a bit of cussing, not too much cussingbut just the occasional cuss word here and there. It's rated M for a reason. I'd tell you how it's going to end, but that would give it away. Next chapter will be longer. My muse just returned so bare with me.