Y Hello Thar. I am JesterBellsILove, though on every other thing that exists on the internet, I'm known as Kenikins. Pleazed to meet joo.

Disclaimer: Sadly, I don't own Jane and the Dragon. I'm only borrowing the characters to take them for a little spin round my sick and twisted imagination- Okay I've tried very hard not to make it too sick and twisted. JESTER ROCKS!

This fic is dedicated to one of my best mates Katherine who also likes JatD, the lovely and bright lost-in-ma-own-dreams and the ever so imaginative JatDRox4eva, brilliant fic authors, lovely people and fellow Jester fans. First ever JatD Fic, and I'm so used to writing Harry Potter fics (Remus Lupin Rocks!) that I'm quite sure it sucks. So be nice. Okaizz, Hey goes nothin'!

Jane and Dragon Hit the courtyard ground with a gentle thud, laughing loudly. They had arrived back from patrol together in very high spirits.

"Nice Landing!" Commented Jane, as she slid down off Dragon's scaly back.

"Always the tone of surprise." Replied Dragon. He scratched behind his neck with his claws, and thumped his tail on the floor of the courtyard, causing fine dust to rise in coils in the air behind him, drifting lazily in and upwards direction and, ever so gradually, dissapearing into the afternoon sunlight. "C'mon Jane" He wailed "I'm famished, lets go and get a well earned bite to eat!"

"You will have to wait a little while longer, big newt, it's only late in the afternoon. Too early for dinner yet." Jane walked to the other side of the courtyard and then turned around and called back, "Go and ask Rake if you can have a Mellon or something. I'm going for a walk, I'm out of shape from riding around everywhere on a dragon's back!"

Dragon eyed her suspiciously. Finally he answered. "Fine. I shall go and find the gardener. Take care." And with that, he jumped into the air and took flight, off over the wall.

Jane turned and walked off, through the arch and down the hill, towards the castle gates. She slowed her pace as she walked casually down the long path, enjoying the freedom and the fresh air. The tops of the trees in the wood were Just visible over the castle wall, covered in leafy creeper vines.

It's so beautiful.

She was almost at the castle gates when she came to an abrupt halt. She pricked up her ears. Was that a sound just beyond the gate she could hear?

Yes, she realized, but it was not the sound of a wild animal waiting to strike. It was the sound of a sweet madrigal being played on a lute. Cautiously, she edged closer to the big gates, then jumped around the corner.

Two simultaneous yells and a thud.

"Oh! Ow. Jane!"

Jane stared down at the boy clad in blue who was lying among the shrubs at the forest edge after being smashed into a tree and knocked to the ground. The lute which the sweet music had been emitting from only seconds ago had been knocked from his grasp and now lay abandoned in a nearby bush.

"Oh Jester, I'm so sorry! How stupid of me."

She held out her hand, and helped him to his feet. They stood there for a few seconds, staring into each others eyes. Green boring almost hungrily into light grey, and visa versa. Until Jester found himself incapable of holding her gaze any longer and drew away, blushing.

"I-I'm sorry. I didn't…didn't mean to…to…" He stammered, lost for words.

"No, no!" Said Jane, "I'm sorry. Are you alright? I thought I saw you hit your head..."

"Fine, I'm fine…You just frightened me lady knight."

He laughed. So did Jane. Then Jane snorted, and this made Jester laugh even harder, until they both had to hold on to the side of the sandstone wall to keep upright. After a moment, they pulled themselves together.

"Well," Jane said thoughtfully. "It was pretty stupid of me not to realize who it was when I heard you."

"Hmm…" Came the reply

Jane gasped with horror and dismay as Jester looked up and grinned.

"Euh! My mouth!" He said thickly, doubled over with his hands over his face.

Jane ran to him. "Jester! Oh Jester, I've knocked out one of your teeth!"

It was true. One of Jesters front teeth was missing. He felt around in the gap with his tongue. It had taken a while for the pain to sink in and his mouth to fill with blood.


Jane peered anxiously into his face. His eyes were over bright, watering in pain.

"Come on," She said firmly. "Let's go straight to pepper and see what she can do."

"No…ids fine…" He shook his head weakly, his hands still clamped firmly over his mouth. "…I c'n…c'n madage-"

"No. You look awful. Like…like someone's beaten you." And Jane seized his hand and began to drag him back towards the castle. Jester blanched, but not because of the overwhelming pain which was engulfing him.

They're so soft. And warm.

Jane felt the sudden change and her heart sank. But this disappointed pang of regret made her ask herself; Why? Jester was her best friend, aside from Dragon of course. Curse her; she couldn't even understand her own emotions. What was wrong with her?

But Jane pushed all this aside as she foccused once again on half dragging her lightheaded friend back to the castle before he got the chance to pass out.

And that's it just for now I'll try to update soon. Plzzzzzzzzzz reveiw!!!