A/N: I haven't written fanfiction in forever. I actually have another incredibly long Twilight fanfic, but I have no idea if it will ever be done. It is about half way done and I have written sporadically on it for a year and a half now. Ya…Anyway, this is a grouping of 100 (supposedly) drabbles that relate to 100 prompts taken from the LJ community 100situations. I'm not officially a part of it in fear that I will then commit and never do and also because I am actually taking various prompts from different tables and not really completing one table like I should.
I have no idea when I will update this. Luckily for you guys (if you like my work that is), most of these will be under 500 words (who knows, I may feel particularly inspired and write a ton for a couple of prompts) and so I will be writing them faster than say my 16,000+ word oneshot I'm also semi-working on. As always, please review, I'm always up for compliments/criticism. I appreciate it a lot when people take the time to tell me what they think.
Disclaimer: Stephenie Meyer owns Twilight, not I.
003. Sunrise -
"Edward? Edward, what are you doing?" I was surprised, no doubt about it. It was a little odd for Edward to be so transfixed by the view outside of my window. It was also odd that I would wake up so early. It must have been before dawn for the sun had yet to rise. I knew he could see much better than I could, but I still didn't know what could be so great outside.
"Bella, come and look." He didn't even turn to look at me as he said it. Something must have been going on.
"Alright, alright. I'm coming." I got up out of my bed and went to stand next to him.
"Do you see it?" Edward seemed so eager for whatever it was. I saw absolutely nothing. I was completely and utterly clueless as to whatever it was he was fascinated with. If there was something out there, it must have been just as dark as the night itself and must have been just as seemingly unmoving – I really saw only dark outlines of trees.
"No, Edward. I really have no idea what you are talking about. Just tell me what you want me to see."
"Ah, but that would ruin the surprise of it. Just keep watching." I knew Edward's eyes were much better than mine, so I just hoped whatever it was would move slowly enough and with enough purpose to let me see it. I was making out only the slight movement of the wind blowing the trees. It was a great night with no rain, my favorite type.
We must have stood there looking out the window for five minutes. I looked over at my clock – 5:47 AM. It was way too early to be standing waiting on something that was not watchable. I was just too tired.
"Edward, did I miss it? I have watched and seen absolutely nothing. I mean, I've just seen the wind blow the leaves in the trees and –"
And then I knew exactly what he wanted me to see. It was fantastic. The colors lit up the sky as if an artist had all of a sudden swept them across a canvas in one brushstroke. It was beautiful. But there was something even more dazzling.
I looked to my right to see Edward slowly become his sparkling self as the light slowly moved up into the window and up his torso until it finally hit his face. It was possibly the most amazing sight I have ever witnessed.
"So Bella, did you miss it? Did you see anything?" His teasing eyes would never grow old.
"Edward, I will never see a sunrise in the same way ever again."