A/N: OMG!! I'm sooooooooooo sorry you guys!! I didn't update in soooo long! Plus whenever I tried to work on this chapter I would always get distracted by the Internet! Ah! Curse you ADD! musters Anywaaays, I got to finish this chapter since my mom took away my Internet and I had nothing better to do. : But don't get me wrong! I LOVE this story and I reeeeally wanna finish it so don't think I'm losing interest! I'm just not used to writing such long chapters:B I already have the basic plot down for this but I can still put in some new ideas if I ever get any:D So anyways, guys, hopefully you like this chapter and I'm get started on the next chapter!

Disclaimer: I do not own Kingdom Hearts, Square Enix and Disney do!

Umm, yeh: What else am I supposed to write up here? Erk. :B


However, before the vacation actually started, they still need to get all of their baggage from the houses…

"Hey Axel, can you help me with these boxes?" Namine asked, trying to lift up a cardboard box that she had pushed out from the front door of her house.

"Sure thing!" Axel said, hopping out of the RV. He easily lifted the box and placed it on his shoulder. He grinned down at Namine, who sighed in thanks. He shifted the box's weight. "So what's in here anyways?" He asked, walking towards the RV with Namine following closely at his heels.

"Oh nothing much! Just the food! Mommy said that we're probably gonna pick up some more once we make our first stop!" she said cheerily. She hopped up the steps after Axel and jumped onto the RV's couch. Axel laughed as he placed the box upon the counter.

"You got all your stuff ready Namine?" he asked, picking up his own bag that was thrown carelessly next to Namine. He opened one of the cabinets and roughly shoved his junk in there.

Before they came to Roxas' house, they stopped at Axel's to quickly pick up his clothes and other supplies that he was bringing. He had already had his stuff packed, so all Axel had to do was run into his house and snatch the stuff he had already prepared a gym bag for himself by the door. Let's just say that Axel was looking forward to this trip. They didn't need to stop at Riku's house since his mom already packed his stuff, along with her own.

"Well, my mom said she was gonna get my bag!" Namine said, standing on the couch and pressing her face against the side window. "I just hope she remembers to bring my crayons." She said frowning a bit. Axel smirked at Namine, he sat next to her and looked out the window. Roxas and Sora just exited the house holding their bags over their shoulders. Riku followed behind them, who was carrying one of Sora's bags. Axel laughed to himself, Riku had cared so much about Sora. They balanced each other out so perfectly and one was never seen without the other.

Roxas bounded up the RV stairs and threw his bag at Axel. Laughing, he jumped up onto their bunk. It had been officially dubbed "The Tumor" by Axel. He perched himself on the edge and looked down at Axel smugly.

"You little prick." Axel said grinning evilly. He flung open a cabinet and quickly stuffed Roxas' bag next to his. The cabinet door slammed shut and he jumped onto the Tumor, tackling Roxas.

Roxas squealed and tried to get out from under Axel. Axel flipped Roxas over and straddled his hips. Roxas looked up at him in pure horror.

"Prepare yourself for impending doom Roxas!" he warned, smirking evilly as his acid green eyes shined with mischief.

"No!! Never!!" Roxas cried, trying to look serious, but couldn't suppress his stifling laughter. He grabbed at the sheets underneath him and tried to slide out from under Axel, who just laughed at his attempts.

"You have been bad Roxas Skiba!! And now you must be punished!!" Axel claimed as he started attacking Roxas' sides with his long fingers.

"Haha! No! No!! Stop please- hahahaha!! I-I can't!! Haha! Breathe!! Haha!" Roxas couldn't contain his laughter as he struggled for his voice. "A-Axel!! It hurts! Haha!" He screamed, clawing uselessly at Axel's arms.

"Never Roxas!! You must suffer!!" he breathed, tickling him more. Roxas shrieked and tried to kick his legs free, but Axel shifted his weight back so he was now sitting on his thighs. Roxas' sides started to burn from the insane laughter that kept escaping past his throat.

"Axel! Haha! Stop!" Roxas cried, jerking his hips around to shake off the red headed demon. Axel paid no heed to his word and just laughed at him.


The scream outside made both the boys' heads shoot up and freeze. Roxas took this chance to kick Axel off of him. The pyro rolled off of the blonde and fell off the edge of the Tumor. Roxas panted heavily as he laughed lightly at Axel's pained groans. Once Roxas caught his breath, he jumped down from the Tumor and looked out the window that Namine's face was still pressed against.

They saw Sora throw all his bags over his shoulder and onto Riku. The platinum blonde caught the brunette's sports bag before falling down on his back from the weight. Sora completely ignored Riku and tackled a maroon haired girl who was standing on the sidewalk.

Brittany and Brielle emerged from the house carrying pink and purple bags. Namine squealed and bounded off the couch and out through the door. She ran past Riku, and up to her mother and took one of the pink bags. She hugged it tightly and skipped over to Riku, she grabbed one of his hands and helped him up. Riku flashed her one of his famous 'im-supah-sexy'' grins and her face tinged a slight pink. She looked away quickly and buried her face it her bright pink bag, (which matched the RV by the way).

Roxas opened the side door and Namine rushed in past him. He shook his head smiling before grabbing the railing that ran along the stairs and hung out of the door to watch Sora. Axel followed suit and leaned out behind Roxas. Being taller he could easily see over his best friend's head. Sora was hanging on to a petite girl, who was slightly shorter then himself, picking her up from the ground and twirling her around excitedly.

"Oh Kairi! I'm so glad you visited before I leave for my SUPER long trip!!" He said happily, squeezing the poor girl. He put her down and she wrapped her arms loosely around his neck.

"It's only two weeks Sora." She said laughing. "Try not to have too much fun without me you guys!" she said nodding towards Riku, who was standing behind her boyfriend. Riku's face remained emotionless when he nodded back.

"Don't worry Kairi! We'll be back before you know it! I'll even get you a souvenir from the Grand Canyon!" He said smiling. He kissed her gently on the lips and she giggled.

Roxas glanced over to Riku. He seemed a little annoyed. The silver haired boy averted his gaze from his other two childhood friends making-out, scowling at his shoes. Roxas looked at him with slight confusion. Wouldn't you think that he would be happy for his friends?

"Okay kiddies! Break it up!" Brielle said flatly, clapping her hands loudly besides Sora's ears. Sora broke apart from Kairi and scratched the back of his head, his cheeks dusted by a faint red color.

"Eh, sorry Ms. Dias." He said, sheepishly. Brielle flipped her curly dark brown hair over her shoulder. She walked up to Riku and ruffled his hair, gaining a 'moooom, you're ruining my hair' and then she trudged past Axel and Roxas, who were still standing in the doorway. Sora tuned back to Kairi and kissed her quickly on the nose. "Well, I guess I'll see you again in two weeks!" Sora let go of her hands and ran into the RV. Riku went in after him and Brittany bolted around to the passenger's seat.

Kairi laughed and started waving as the engine started. The RV, shaking and clanging, lurched forwards. Riku and Sora were standing up and the lost balance when the RV suddenly accelerated. Sora fell into the back of Riku's knees, which made the silver haired boy's legs give out. He fell back and landed on top of the small brunette.

"Eep!! Riku!" Sora laughed, trying to shove the older boy's legs off his head. "You're so heavy!" Riku blinked, then started laughing. Namine smiled to herself, she was glad that Riku had finally started to cheer up.

Riku swung his legs off of Sora and planted them on the floor. He reached up to the counter and grabbed the edge to pull himself up. He laughed a little to himself, "Well, that's a great way to start off a road trip." He said tapping Sora with the shoe.

Sora groaned and flipped over. He reached out his hands and waved them out to Riku. "Meh! Riku, help me up!" he said, laughing a bit. Riku grabbed his hand and pulled him up. Sora stumbled forward and laughed. They both jumped as the gears of the engine suddenly started grinding together loudly. They both look towards the front of the car and see that Brielle was attempting to change gears. Brittany reached out to help her but only succeeded in getting her hands slapped away.

"Woo, well," Sora plopped down on the seat by the table, blowing the bangs out of his eyes. "How long are we gonna be on the road for mom?" he asked as Riku took a seat across from him.

"Well, our first stop is the great state of Ohio!!" Brittany said, turning back to face the children. It'll take EIGHT hours just to get there!" she said, beaming.

Everyone groaned. "But mooooom!" Namine whined. "Why do we have to go to Ohio anyways?" She moaned.

"Cause! We're gonna have a great time there! We have something planned!" she said grinning. "But on the way there, you can look out the window and enjoy the scenery!" Everyone looked at her like they wanted to strangle her. She rolled her eyes. "Or you can watch movies or play video games." She said defeated, "I packed the DVD's and the games are in the yellow bag that's under the sink."

"Score! I call first player!" Axel shouted, leaping down from the Tumor and beating everyone to the sink. Axel whipped the cupboard door open and it smacked loudly against the wall. Roxas winced at the sickening sound and his eyebrow twitched as Axel ripped the bag out with more then enough force, causing the redhead to fall back on his butt. Sora huffed impatiently.

"Well fine! Then I get second player!" Sora declared as Axel placed the bag on the table in front of him. Sora unzippered the bag, only to be faced with a mountain of tangled wires. He tugged on a few of the black coils before whining, "Riiiikuuu!"

"I'm right here Sora." He said a monotone flatly. Sora blinked and looked at Riku sitting across from him, where he has been sitting for the past five minutes. Sora got a sweat drop.

"Help?" Was all the small brunette could say, as he scratched the back of his head, smiling sheepishly. Everybody knew that Riku could never say no to Sora. Axel laughed as Riku started untangling the wires, grumbling to himself. After a few minutes of watching Riku struggle with the wire, Axel got bored.

"Well not that this isn't fun you guys, but tell me when you're done." He said turning around and climbing back up to the Tumor, where Roxas was waiting patiently for him. He hit his head on the ceiling and cursed. Riku chuckled evilly under his breath when he heard Axel's head thump against the hard plastic ceiling. Rubbing his head, Axel chose to lay down next to Roxas instead of sitting up like the blonde was doing.

Sora perked his head over Riku, "Mommy? Where is everyone sleeping?" he asked, cocking his head to the side in a cute way, which made Riku shift around in his seat. He muttered darkly to himself as he tried to concentrate on his project.

Brittany tapped her chin and looked back at her son. "Well, nobody is gonna get their own bed, that's for sure!" Roxas blushed slightly as the idea of him and Axel sharing a bed actually settled into his mind. He never had to share a bed with anyone before. "Brielle, Namine, and me, otherwise known as 'the girls'," she said using finger quotes, "will be sharing the big bed down at the end!" She said pointing to the queen sized bed down at the very end of the hallway. Namine let out a girly squeal as she bounded off the couch and ran to the end of the short hallway. She jumped on the bed and started rolling around on it, as if claiming her territory.

"As for the rest of you…" she said continuing. "You and Riku will be sleeping on the couch, don't worry it pulls out." She said reassuringly with a wave of her hand. Sora sighed of relief, the couch was pretty small to begin with. "And as everybody knows," she said with a hint of sarcasm, "That Axel and Roxas are sharing the bunk." She said pointing directly above her.

"Ahem!" Axel peered his head over the edge of the buck and faced Brittany upside down. "It prefers the term 'Tumor'. It does have a name you know. I hath dubbed thee Tumor." He said, in a serious tone.

Brittany rolled her eyes and flicked him on the squarely on the forehead. "Yeah, yeah." She said ignoring the complaints Axel was emitting. Axel pulled himself back up and faced Roxas.

"You're mom is a beast." He said with his eyes closed, rubbing his forehead.

Roxas laughed and pushed him over with his foot. "Stay on your side!" he said laughing as Axel rolled into the side of the little window that was on both sides of the Tumor.

A few minutes later Riku had set up the Xbox 360, without much help from Sora and the others. Axel and Roxas grabbed the wireless controllers and so they could play while lounging up in the Tumor. The gaming system had been hooked up to the small TV that was built into one of the corners. Like the kind you usually see in the dentist's office and shit.

"Let's play Halo you guys!" Sora said while he dug through the bottom of the bag where all the games were held. He finally located the game and opened the case with a pop. "Here Riku!" He said happily, handing the older boy the disc. Sora plopped down onto the couch, clutching his controller tightly. Riku slid in the disc and took a seat next to his younger friend.

Roxas watched as the game started up, he was fourth player, and that sucked. No one ever wanted to be fourth player, it was just somewhere in the unwritten laws of gaming that fourth player would always play the worst…and that sucked.


After they played Halo for a while, Brielle announced that they were leaving their home state. The boys whooped distractedly as they continued to kill each other in their game. Namine however, jumped on her bed and leaned against the window that was on the back of the RV.

"Bye New Jersey!" she said waving franticly as they passed a big sign that said 'Welcome to Pennsylvania'.

Yeah, they lived in Jersey, sue me.

A couple hours later Brittany and Brielle were happily participating in the road rage fiasco. Honking the horn and calling every person they saw an asshole, while Namine settled herself behind the table. She was crudely coloring a picture she had sketched of everyone riding on top of a pink RV. Riku and Sora decided to play co-op mode on Halo, so Axel and Roxas were entertaining themselves while they sat atop the Tumor.

They were playing all the little hand games that the girls in first grade always played when they had free time. You know, back when they were SO cool that even the guys learned how to play them. Every once in a while they would mess up the rhyme or clap the wrong way. Much to Namine's displeasure, she would have to go up there and teach them the right way to do it. She would always say 'If you don't know how to do it, then don't even bother ruining it!' It took them a whole half hour to get 'Miss Mary Mack' down.

"You guys are so gay." Sora said, plainly, not taking his eyes off the screen. Roxas stopped in mid clap to scoff. Axel slapped him in the face by mistake, (he was attempting to do Patty Cake with his eyes closed).

Roxas turned towards Axel with an 'oh no you didn' look. Axel finally opened his eyes and totally ignored Roxas' soul piercing glare. He turned to Sora and frowned.

"Oh yeah, well you're just jealous that you don't have these mad hand-and-eye coordination skillz!" he said as he started to clap and slap his knees and chest at a fast pace as if to show off.

Roxas laughed. "Axel, stop being an idiot." Axel glanced over to Roxas and considered listening to him, but not before he yanked off his shoe and pelted it at the back of Sora's head.

"Ow!" Sora's head flew forward as the force of the shoe made contact with the back of his skull. He dropped his controller on the table and started to cradle his head, muttering curses to himself. Axel tumbled back laughing, while Roxas looked down at his brother worriedly. Riku paused the game and stood up, his eyes covered by the shadow of his bangs.

"Oh shit!" Axel yelped, crawling to the far end of the tumor. Roxas stared blankly as Riku picked up Axel's matted black converse that had ricocheted off of Sora's head and had landed in the sink. Axel threw the blankets over himself, taking cover. Roxas scooted over to his side of the Tumor away from Axel and watched as Riku cocked his arm back and aimed. Axel peeked over the blankets, just to see what was happening, and he was immediately smacked in the face with his shoe. Roxas swore that it had gone so fast that he felt a gust of wind once it zipped by his face. Axel's head snapped back so fast that Roxas actually thought that Riku broke his neck. Axel let out a howl as he flew back and clutched his face.

"Axel!!" Roxas crawled over to Axel and hovered over him, unsure to help him or not. He DID start it after all. Down below, Riku calmly took his seat again and unpaused the game and continued playing like nothing happened.

"Roxas…!" Axel choked, still holding his nose and reaching out dramatically towards his blonde friend. "This is the end! Go on without me!" He paused to cough a few times.

"Axel! You're bleeding!" Roxas said panicking. He helped Axel sit up, blood pouring out his nose and over his fingers. Axel removed his bloody hands from his face and sniffed. Roxas winced as he saw some of the blood spurt out of his nostril and flecked onto his shirt. Roxas wrinkled his nose as the blood continued to gush out of Axel. Finally shaking his head, "Come on, let's get you cleaned up…" he said jumping down from the Tumor. Axel followed slowly, careful not to get his blood on anything. He shot Riku a small glare as he passed him. Riku paid no attention to the poor redhead.

"What's happening back there!?" Brittany shouted as she struggled to read a folded paper map.

"Ah, nothing, Axel is just bleeding!" Roxas yelled back, soaking some paper towels with the faucet water.

Brittany snapped the paper stubbornly, "Alright continue whatever the hell you're doing…" She said, not even bothering to look back.

Roxas rolled his eyes at his mother and rung the excess water out of towel. Axel sat on the couch, looking at the floor, his hands hung limply as they rested on his knees. Roxas bit his lip and approached him slowly. He reached out and tapped Axel lightly on the shoulder. His head snapped up and he looked around like he didn't know where he was. Then he seemed to relax when he spotted Roxas, he took the damp paper towel that the blonde was offering him. He mumbled a thanks as he wiped his face roughly with it. Roxas sighed and sat next to him. Once Axel had finished, he tossed the now stained red, towel in the trash can. Roxas watched silently as Axel got up and started to wash the blood off his hands using the sink.

"You know…" Roxas started, scratching his ankle with his other foot. "It was pretty funny how Riku nailed you with your own shoe." He flicked his eyes up to Axel.

Axel raised his eyebrows, then laughed. "You no good dirty traitor!! Whose side are you on anyways?" Axel said before he dived onto the frantic blonde and trapped him in a head lock.

"AH! Axel!! Stop!" Roxas laughed and tried to kick Axel in the shin, but preferably in between the legs. Jeez, is Axel bipolar or what? Roxas asked himself, grinning. He grabbed his best friend's slim arms and ripped himself back out of Axel's arms and out of the death hold. He shook his head and blinked as his hair stuck out more then usual, fizzled by static electricity. I guess all that friction against Axel's hoodie fried up my hair. He thought ruffling his own hair and laughed as he heard the crackling of electric against his fingers.

Axel burst out laughing, falling back onto the couch. "Oh Christ! Roxas!" Roxas pouted at him, cause the pyromaniac to laugh at him louder. The blonde's hair was poofed out in all directions and it looked like a porcupine crawled onto his head and died. "You look so retarded!" Axel said, clutching his sides.

Sora, who had looked away from his game to see what the commotion was about, started giggling to himself as he spotted his brother. Roxas shot him a glare, like his brother betrayed him, or something. Even Riku was smirking amusingly at the angry Roxas. He heard a clicking sound and he looked back at Axel to see that he had his cell phone out and he was taking pictures of Roxas with it. He growled and Axel was biting his knuckle to kill down his laughing.

"Oh come on you guys!" Roxas groaned and tried to press down his hair angrily. His face burned with embarrassment. He fisted his blonde locks and pulled them down and tried to smooth them out. He released his hair and it bounced into its former position, earning a frown from its frustrated owner. He covered his head with his arms so no one would see the fizzled hair on his head..

"Look Roxy!" Axel said beaming. He shoved his cell phone under Roxas' nose and smirked. On the little pixel screen, it displayed a picture of himself with static hair looking off to the side with his mouth open and slacked to the side. Roxas quickly snatched the sleek phone from Axel's fingers and pivoted quickly so Axel was behind him

"Oh my God! I do look retarded!" Roxas whimpered, placing his hand on the side of his face. His face turned a deeper shade of red. Growling, he started pressing buttons randomly on the black phone. "That's it, I'm deleting this shiz…" he muttered under his breath darkly.

"NOO!!" Axel shouted, tackling Roxas from behind. He stumbled behind the blonde's back and tried to grab his phone over Roxas' shoulder.

"Get back! It needs to be destroyed!" Roxas screeched, stretching out his arms so the redhead couldn't reach it. Unfortunately, this proved difficult since Axel's arms were almost twice as long as his own. So in order for Roxas to keep the phone in his position, he kind of doubled over and clutched the phone tightly to his chest while he backed up against the pyro's body to push him away. Axel almost flipped over Roxas' as the younger blonde leaned forward and pushed back on his legs, causing Axel to lose most of his support that he was applying to Roxas' shoulders, and the balance of his long lanky legs. With a yelp Axel fell over Roxas and he reached his arms out in front of him so he wouldn't land on his face. Axel panted slightly as he held himself up with shaky arms with Roxas still underneath him. He was in some sort of push-up position with his butt high in the air, Roxas was still underneath him, but he wasn't being crushed. It was like Axel was forming some sort of awkward shelter overtop of him. Roxas looked over his shoulder at Axel's face and stuck his tongue at him. "Neeh," Roxas flipped onto his back and then he pulled Axel's phone up to his face and started to screw around with it again, obviously not succeeding yet in deleting the embarrassing picture.

Axel frowned at Roxas below him. "You know, I could be crushing you now." He said deadpan. His arms becoming slightly shaky from holding up his own weight for so long.

Roxas raised his eyebrows without taking his eyes off the phone. "Ya well, you wouldn't wanna do that to me anyways. I would kick your ass." He said plainly, knowing it was true.

A loud click made both their heads snap to the right. Both scowling immediately when they saw Riku holding up his sliver phone so the camera faced them. Sora craned his neck to look at Riku's phone screen and he laughed at what he saw displayed there. Axel noticed the blonde under him was distracted, and he snatched his phone back from Roxas' hand and he pushed himself up from the ground, landing down on his haunches, giving himself a victory laugh.

Roxas propped himself up with his elbows and blew some of his blonde bangs out of his eyes. He glared at Riku and he grabbed the end of the table and pulled himself off the ground. "Give it here!" Roxas said growling, reaching out to snatch the phone. Riku only pulled it back and shook his finger at the agitated blonde. Sora giggled like a marshmallow pony on crack.

"Tsk, tsk, Roxas. I'm saving this for blackmail against you and Axel." He said with an all-knowing smirk that made Roxas just want to rip off his pretty boy face. Axel leaned over the back of the couch and looked at the picture the Riku had taken. His face broke into a wicked grin.

"Aw sweeeeeeeeet! Dude, Riku! Send that to me!" the psychotic redhead said poking the side of Riku's head repeatedly. Riku glared at Axel and batted his hand away.

Riku proceeded to push some buttons on his cell phone, "Fine, but only if you send me that picture of Roxas with his spaztastic hair."

"Me too!!" Sora said bouncing up and down on his seat.

Roxas stared blankly at the three teens who started to type franticly into their phones. None of them talking, just focusing on the stupid bit of technology they each held in their hands. For some reason Roxas felt betrayed and used. Boo. He rolled his eyes. Just another day that the world decided to turn against him. Losing interest in his friends, he climbed up to the Tumor and pulled himself up. He got a sweat drop when he noticed that Axel's black Converse was still tangled up in the sheets. He looked down at Axel who had thrown himself over the back of the couch. One of his feet was bare, this whole time Axel only had one shoe on. Snorting, he tossed the matted, now blood-stained shoe off the Tumor and onto the floor where it thudded pathetically.

Sighing, Roxas looked out the closest window to his side and saw that the sun was just setting on the horizon. The clouds seemed to mesh together around the sun in streaks of pomegranate and deep oranges. The whole scene just seemed to calm Roxas' nerves. It was just something about the sunset that put him in a calm state of mind. Letting out a deep breath, Roxas leaned down on his pillow and pulled the thin sheet over his frail body. Snuggling into the blankets, his eyes growing heavy with exhaustion. Yawning, he finally slipped into dark bliss, as he half-heartily listened to the buzz of conversation below him.


He didn't know how long they had been on the road after he had fallen asleep. All he remembered was waking up in a slight daze in the middle of the night when the RV had finally come to a complete stop. The first thing he noticed was the sting of chilliness that settled itself on his exposed skin, he burrowed lazily back into the sheet and his nose felt like ice as it pressed against his forearm. He heard the footsteps on the floor of the hallway and he heard his mom helped prepare Riku and Sora's pullout bed. He didn't even notice the other body climb into the Tumor with him.

"Roxas…" Axel's warm breath ghosted around his cold ear. Making him sigh a bit at the warmth. Since when did it get so cold in the RV?! Axel didn't seem to get the response he was hoping for so he continued to speak. He placed his hand on Roxas' shoulder and shook him a bit. "Roxas…"

Roxas' tightened his eyes slightly, he was sooo tired, he wouldn't even be able to open his eyes if he wanted to. "Hmm..?" Roxas managed to mumble into his arm. He was so quiet Axel barely heard him. The redhead however, seemed to notice how exhausted his friend was so he continued to whisper in his ear. He had his hand still placed firmly on the other's shoulder, warmth was spreading through Roxas' shoulder and it continued to seep deep within his veins around the area.

"We're parked for the night, Riku's mom just pulled over into some sort of trailer park…" Axel sighed quietly and his breath tickled Roxas' ear. Against his own will, Roxas began to slowly slip from consciousness. Axel continued to ramble on about the 411 on the RV conditions. "You've been asleep for a while, and you missed a bunch of stuff that happened on the highway the way here. I swear to God, we saw this huuuuge…"

Roxas didn't hear anything after that. His brain wasn't complying with him. It wanted rest, and rest it would get. After a while Roxas felt Axel slip away from him and the coldness returned to his shoulder. The last thing he remembered was a thicker comforter blanket was being placed onto his body.


A/N: Sorry for all grammar mistakes and shit! C: This is just for fun so don't be bitchin' to me if you don't think it's perfect. HOWEVER! I wanna improve my writing so basically just ignore what I said above…haha, I should just delete the first part but I'm lazy and I'm just gonna pretend that my keyboard doesn't have a delete button: sdkj5k$rkjkdfmrwW$6b lololololol, I can't delete it cause I have no delete button! Weeee!! $6545654yfgedr6 (har har, crack.)