Disclaimer: geez, must u make me cry every time? (lol)

Warning: The end?


A dark gray haired tabby hurried through one backyard then the next, over fences and across unkempt grassy lawns for the most part. She wasn't as young as she once was, but giving the chance she would put any young whippersnapper in their rightful place.

The feline bounded over a medium size hedge and at once morphed back to her human self; all in the cover of night. The woman moved quickly, just like in her animal form she had a purpose. She reached the rear door to the light blue house and entered without complication. Her mind silently wandered over the fact that at least the door should have been locked at times like these, but that would also establish that what lies inside is held of great important value. And although it doesn't to those searching, it does for those who know.

The aging woman shook her head clear as she continued deeper into the home. She made her way across the tiled floor of the muggle-looking kitchen, and into a long hallway that led to the only light that shone in the whole of the house. It shined like a beacon from underneath the small crack below the closed door at the end of the hall.

She was beyond pleasantries and opened the dark wood door without even the softest of knocks. "Professor?" Her voice carried well in the quiet air.

"Minerva." Was the room's response.

The woman whipped around instantly when the soft whisper reached her ears. "Albus, I came as soon as I received your owl. Why did you not bring him to Hogwarts? I'm sure Madame Pomfrey would have cured and cared for him without being asked."

The just as aging man answered her, his tone gentle as if he was speaking to the children he taught; wanting them to learn on their own and only waking what needs to be shined on. "He is far worse than expected. And I believe you would agree that he would not want the stares of curious eyes when he is in this state. If the children had been on holiday, Hogwarts would have been his haven of choice." Albus paused, holding up his hand as he took a breath. "And you have just missed Poppy. She seems to have a six sense when this boy is in trouble; she has come and gone within the hour."

Minerva's mind was at ease for the time being, but when his words ceased she only had one question on her lips. "Where is he?" A slender finger was her answer. It pointed to the corner of the fire lit room to a make-shift bed.

Minerva held her breath slightly as she turned slowly; taking steady steps toward the form bundled up in so many blankets all your eyes could make out was the image of a giant marshmallow. But this Head of house new better than that, she had been there many times after this certain child's all night self-torture sessions. And each time her eyes fell on the sight she lost even more faith in the justice of this world of theirs.

A hand went instinctively to her mouth as it fell wide with shock at the pale, slightly blue and purple face that peaked out from beneath the haven of covers. A tinge of gray shadows lined the under part of his eyes, and the Professor needed to choke down a cry of pity for the Gryffindor who she had taught. "I assure you, Minerva, he appears in a better health than he had when we first retrieved him."

The headmaster's words did not really have the comforting affect she was sure he tended them to have. "What has our world come to, Albus?" Minerva wanted to know, her hand lowered from her face as she debated with her motherly instinct and professional imprint on whether or not to brush the strands of long hair out of the young man's face. The latter won when Albus spoke at her elbow.

"There are forces in this world that can not be identified." He spoke with a hint of experience in those shinning blue eyes of his. "We can search and search, and still not see the answers in front of us. But yet we will continue for we are bred to do so, and others are meant to give a helping hand." Albus did what Minerva failed to persuade herself to do, and brushed the long strands away from the restless man's closed eyes. The youth's face scrunched up at the smallest touch and a tiny whimper came from his closed up throat. "And he needs helping hands."

Minerva's eyes softened. "What happened to him in there, Albus? What monsters would do this?" She waved her hand toward the haven of blankets. "Not even Dementors sink this low."

The Headmaster remained quiet. His silence held with it a storm of rumbling thought. Flashes of thunders debates ringing through the air as if what he wanted was wrong, but so right. It was justice, and why should the innocent truly suffer for actions beyond their control? The aging man knew it was wrong. Knew the weight of the action. He was not going to let another one be taking.

"Albus?" Came Minerva's worried tone as the Headmaster removed his wand from the folds of his long navy blue robes. He placed the tip of the dark wood to the youth's temple. "Albus, you can not do that."

She held his wrist, and both stared at the contact. "This is a burden he does not need to bare, Minerva. And he will not have to; not the way others must." The Headmaster mumbled a few words and then moved his wand hand away from the wolf's temple, a blue strand of a memory came with.

The memory was placed with in the jar in Albus' other hand, but not before episodes of Remus' time in Azkaban shone into Minerva's vision. Her heart broke, and was shown in the wolf's face as the thread was removed. "Some hardships should never have happened."

Leaving the wolf at peace.

A.N. Okay everyone that's it. For this one. I have an idea for sequel...if you want it let me know; for real. Leave a review saying you want to read it, if not, im not going to write it. (lol)

Here is the title and the description, plus a little piece of the prologue:

'Mind Awakens'

'Two men embrace. One as if a lover found, the other as a brother lost now returned.'

'The yellowing paper confirmed their taunting. What he once wrote off as lies; shines brighter than the star he was named for, toward the path of truth. He was back on that crowded street as his clawed hands dug into the paper that beady little black eyes stared back from. I made you a promise, the black canine growled. And now I know; you're at Hogwarts.'