Chapter 3

Disclaimer: Michiko-michan does not own Descendants of Darkness, nor Yami no Matsuei or any of its' affiliated characters.


Michiko-michan: I'm so happy, now it's chapter 3 WAN!! 14 reviews, I'm the best!

Tsuzuki + Watari: (Applaud)

Oriya: I can't believe you're so happy about it... (Groans)

Michiko-michan: I'm happy because I'm happy!! What's so wrong with that?

Muraki: Be nice Oriya, she's done a good job finishing this chapter and has even managed to get good grades on her tests.

Watari: You're just cheering her on 'cause she has you all over Tsuzuki, dear Dr. Perve.

Muraki: That's right! Why shouldn't I be happy? And it's a whole world better than grumbling at her like Oriya's doing.

Oriya: It's Lavender-eyes fault that I'm grumpy!

Tsuzuki: What have I done?!

Muraki: Nothing dearest, it's just he's having problems sleeping again...

Oriya: That guy didn't let me have a wink of sleep all night!

Watari: WHAT?!

Tsuzuki: (Blinks) I don't understand… is Oriya my boyfriend now?

Michiko-michan: Whoa, wrong pairing! You guys stick to your contract!

Muraki: Oriya...Mr. Tsuzuki...What in the name of the bloodstained goddess have you done?! (Twitching eyebrow)

Tsuzuki: What are you talking about!? And stop that Muraki!

Oriya: No, no, no, it wasn't Tsuzuki being with me that kept me up. It was Terazuma and Tsuzuki you morons! (Angry)

Watari: (Falling out from his chair)

Tsuzuki: ...

Muraki: ...

Watari: (Climbing up off of the floor) Dear God, that's even worse!

Oriya: (Still raving, not noticing their stunned expressions) They were fighting all night long! They didn't stop to rest, not once! They're just like two kids, why me?!

Watari: Ahh, don't scare me like that Ori! I was kind of thinking that Tsuzuki and Terazuma were having--

Tsuzuki: Shut up Watari or you'll traumatize me... (Hides his face behind his hands)

Muraki: I'm relieved it wasn't anything like that. (Sighs) But just for the record Mr. Tsuzuki, don't you dare have sex with that Tera-fellow.

Tsuzuki:(Cheeks bulge and he runs to the toilet)

Muraki: …Did I say something wrong?

Oriya:(Sleeps on the couch)

Watari: Yes ya did doc! Naaaw… (Looking at the snoozing Oriya)

Michiko-michan: Well, enough about that now. Hope you all enjoy the third chapter of this fanfic! Brownies for-

Terazuma: Hey you promised me that I would come back in this chapter asshole!

Muraki: You... (Twitching eyebrow)

Terazuma: (Notices the eyebrow) Gah!! Get this maniac away from me!!

Watari: Let's see... em… Nein! Attack! Muraki, let's see if you're just as good as Tsuzuki when it comes to kicking Tera's ass.

Oriya: (Snore)

Tsuzuki: I've never felt so sick in my life...-WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE!!

Muraki: Me? I've been here since the first chapter deare-

Tsuzuki: Not you! Hajime you fucking bastard, get the hell out of here!!

Terazuma: Why don't you and that albino freak go and get a room?!

Tsuzuki: Why you...

Muraki: Now, now...calm down you two-

Terazuma: Shut up you fucking-

Tsuzuki: Why don't you shut up you shape-changing freak?! I'm the only one who's allowed to talk to Kazutaka Muraki that way! Not you, only me! So take your ugly face and piss off or I'll make you-

Terazuma: (Runs away)

Watari: And the winner is 'Suki! (Grin)

Muraki: Mr. Tsuzuki...I wasn't aware that you was so protective when it was about me...

Tsuzuki: Argh, shut up! (Blush)

Michiko-michan: Okay, stop it now! I'm the author and I demand quiet!!

Watari: Quiet yourself, ya Swedish shrimp! You're waking up Ori!

Michiko-michan: I'm the author! You shut up!

Oriya: Dammit, all of you shut up! Just let me sleep!!

Michiko-michan: Okay, like I was saying before… enjoy the third chapter of this fanfic! Brownies for you!

Tsuzuki: Me wanna brownie!! (Cries)

Oriya: Quiet!!


OMG! Thank god that it was just a dream... But still… a very funny dream. How often do you see me wearing bunny-ears and Tsuzuki dressed as the mad hatter?

I think the most important questions is; how much did I have to drink last night? God, my head is aching and I feel like I've been smashed in the forehead by something hard and heavy. Maybe it was all that tequila...

Wait, there's someone warm and snoring next to me in this… holy shit, huge bed!

White sheets, white pillows the size of my desk at home and me in a white T-shirt with my boxer shorts on (thank god for that) and Tsuzuki! He too was outfitted in an over-sized T-shirt with boxers and we were both in this bed… But where the hell was this bed? I needed an explanation! And why was everything white, for goodness sake!

Had we been kidnapped?
Tsuzuki emitted another snore and as calm as a little child he continued to sleep there next to me. It was terribly cute but now wasn't the time to be appreciating it. Who had kidnapped us?! Time to wake my little cutie!
I leaned over and started to blow some air in his ear (that always works, folks!) and suddenly he just opened his eyes and looked at me a tired expression. He's got a hangover, all right!

"Please Watari, don't do that again or you'll see what happens." He said with a husky voice and an evil glare. He's like a woman with PMS when he has a hangover.

"Sorry Tsuzuki but I kinda need you awake. Look around; don't you think it's a strange situation we're in?" I asked with a raised eyebrow while Tsuzuki looked at me with a confused and sleepy expression.

"Like what?" He asked and cuddled himself in the blankets. It seems like he's going to be stupid today.

"Well, we're not in our own beds for a start and I don't think it's our hotel either." I said with patience, much like a mother explaining to her 5-year old son that hens lays eggs, not candy.

Tsuzuki's eyes widened and suddenly he jumped up from the bed and stared at everything from his clothes to the sheets beneath which we were sleeping. You could easily see the fear starting to develop in his eyes, suggesting he was all but prepared to hurl himself face first out the window.
I climbed out of the bed as well and tried to find some evidence as to where our bags and own clothes were residing.

"Where are we and where's my coat!" Tsuzuki shrieked as he all but upended the room in a desperate bid to unearth his treasured black leather garment.

"We should probably be looking for our money rather than your coat Tsuzuki." I pointed out, quite logically I felt but he seemed unable or perhaps unwilling to hear me. Poor Tsuzuki was going wild.

"But I was keeping my saved money for at least three or four good desserts with me! It was in my coat and I love my coat!" He screamed wearing an expression as though the world itself were going to end.

What money? Oh right… that money. God save the soul who has apparently swindled said savings because Tsuzuki will surely kick the crap out of them.' He's in full-blown rampage mode now.
And who wouldn't be? As far as I know, Tsuzuki has been saving that money for some months now because he wanted to go to that expensive restaurant with high quality desserts and that stuff costs a lot. Amazing that he had kept this secret from Tatsumi.
A noise was heard and I turned my head to the door. I suddenly felt stupid that I hadn't gone immediately to it, having convinced myself that we'd been kidnapped. How could I forget the door? I hope it's not locked.
I walked carefully over to it and Tsuzuki followed me at a tiptoe. I tried my luck but I seemed to have run out that day because it was locked.
Tsuzuki started to kick on the door and screamed so many unhealthy words that it would make your grandmas ear crumple like a dry leaf in autumn.
Suddenly a noise was heard again and we both backed up a few steps from the door.

"Ehh Watari, I think it's that person who kidnapped us." Tsuzuki said and took one more step back.

"Well, it's time to show them what Yutaka Watari is made of! Stand back Tsuzuki!" I said walked to the door, awaiting the person with a clenched fist.

No sooner had I prepared myself, then the door swung open and I threw myself at the person, not bothering to check who it was before I nailed my fist square into their jaw, almost lifting the sorry individual off of his feet. Hell yeah, points to Yutaka!
But when I looked at the body on the floor I got one hell of a shock.
What the fuck have I done?! The person was none other than Oriya Mibu! Someone hit me with a rock now and do it hard!


"Oh my god Tsuzuki! I've killed the person I love!"

Whoa, wait a little bit! Did Watari, the person who doesn't fall in love with anybody, just admit out loud to being in love with the man who's the best friend of the guy who was willing to cut my head off and failing that sexually harass me into an early grave?
What is wrong with this world?

Well, never mind that now. Having knocked out his 'love' Watari had given us a valuable opening to run our asses on outta there but I suppose the only way to get to the running, is to convince Watari that he has not killed the man, only knocked him out cold for a while.

"Watari, he's not dead, just taking a very heavy nap. Now come on! We've gotta get outta this freaky kidnapper's harem!" I tried to say but Watari was too busy carrying our captor to the bed, to listen to me. He was even cooing in a soft, soothing bedside manner and caressing the guys' forehead as though he were about to die, for the love of..!

"I can't leave him here!" He complained and glared at me as though I were the most insensitive, unfeeling twat on the face of the earth.

"Fine then, I will go and search for our things okay?" I said and turned away from him and out through the door, entering the dark corridor beyond.

Is this a ghost house? Well then I'm in some big trouble. Oh dear. I may be a dead guy but I most certainly have never been a big fan of the old phantom, I'll confess.
And my head still hurts!
I walked into the darkness and my bare feet felt the coldness of the stone floor. Well it's not some scary-sounding floor because if it was I would have been running the hell out of there and screaming bloody murder at the same time. There's only so much a seriously hung-over mans nerves can take!
I looked to my right and jumped at my on reflection on a very tall mirror. Good grief how big this t-shirt is! And long! It's probably ending on my knees. It's more like a dress than a shirt.
But enough about that. Dear God, this place is spooky… Don't think about ghosts, no ghosts, noghosts Tsuzuki! My eyes fell upon a very big closet. Maybe my coat was in there and Watari's also? I opened it but knowing my luck I didn't find what I was searching for. There were only some white coats and jackets. Strange.
Who the hell would own a wardrobe entirely composed of white clothes, with no other colors to shake things up a bit?

Oh no… now the pieces are starting to come together. That guy Watari professed to be in love with… a big cold house, white clothing and that strange, almost oppressive atmosphere...That could only mean-

"Hello Mr. Tsuzuki." I heard a very familiar voice say and I prayed to the 12 gods that it wasn't him.

I turned around slowly, almost dramatically and sure enough, there stood the one person I'd hoped I'd left for dead in the burning debris of Kyoto, those many months ago.

Kazutaka Muraki.

'What the hell are you waiting for! RUN!' My mind screamed and knowing good advice when I heard it, I turned around in an almost robotic haze, bent both arms into a running posture and ran the hell away from him.

Yes, you read right. Asato Tsuzuki, reputedly the most powerful Guardian of Death in all the Ministry of Hades, Enma's right hand man, ran away like a little girl. Guilty as charged. But seriously, if you had spent as much time being groped by this guy as I had, running away would become an instant reflex for you too!

I skidded around the corner and charged towards the room Watari was currently occupying. I didn't know that I was that good at running and heading in the right direction at the same time but I guess when the motivation is great enough...

"WATARI!" I bellowed with all the force of my lungs and tried to open the door but it was locked. Locked. Oh my god! Why on earth did he feel the need to lock it behind me? … On seconds thought, I don't want to know.

"I'm busy right now Tsuzuki, bring the clothes back later! I trying to rescue the one I love!" He scolded from behind the door.

This can't be happening! Stupid idiot Watari! Open the door, dammit!

"He's not dead for the love of God! But you will be if you don't open this door right NOW- well… more dead then you already are- WATARI! Open the door you—"

"Mr. Tsuzuki, I didn't mean to frighten you. Come… let me make it up to you" I heard Muraki's purring breath come stealing up into the hallway behind me like a sinuous breeze. The hair bristled on the back of my neck as I turned and met that eager, steely gray gaze.

I looked at him with big eyes and felt paralyzed in every sense of the word. My back was pressed against the door as I watched this person whom I had taken to be dead step back into my life in a contradiction so sharp it could cause the very air to bleed between us. Has he come back to torture me? He was so close now…. right in front of me and he smiled that familiar perverse smirk. I prayed that he wasn't going to do anything further but knowing him he would. Oh, he would. His breath was nearing my ear and I felt shivers go down my whole body. …

Oh dear.

Suddenly, the pressure against my back disappeared and I fell backwards into someone's arm and got twisted around and back to my feet so quickly it was all a blur.
I saw disappointed shock register on Muraki's face as he looked upon the person in front of me with great distaste.

"One step closer Dr. Perve and I will punch ya' in da nose!" Watari said while holding me behind him. Great, so now he can help. Wonder what happened to love-guy?

"Do you really think you can stop me Mr. Watari?" Muraki said with a smirk on his face, looking at me like a wolf looks on his dinner before he takes a bite. Oh dear.

I heard a grunt from behind us and Watari and I turned our heads to see the brown haired guy, standing beside us, gingerly nursing his bruised jaw. I saw a small pink blush flare across Watari's cheeks and he tried desperately to focus his attention on anything other than his handiwork. Man, he must be embarrassed.

"Careful Muraki. The blondie has a strong fist." He said and smiled kindly at Watari. And I thought I was the one who could blush until my cheeks fell off! Poor Watari. But my thoughts concerning Watari's embarrassment were soon erased with the big question of the hour; where my coat and my other belongings where.

"Muraki, where the hell is my stuff!? My coat, my clothes, my goddamn underwear?!" I roared and tried to make him see that I was as angry as hell.

But as usual he just offered me that perverted look and smiled as though he were privy to all the secrets of the world.

"And why should you need any of that? You're just as beautiful in the clothes you're wearing now... or lack thereof."

"Okay, that's it...Give me my clothes dammit or I'll poke that eye out!" I screamed and made to rush at him, as though fully intending to follow through with my threat but Watari was quicker and grabbed me before I even had the chance to do it.

I tried to shake free from his grip but Watari only held tighter and didn't give me the chance to attack Muraki.

"He's not worth it Tsuzuki!" He said loudly and held me even tighter as I struggled and fought against his hold.
Muraki started to chuckle but cut himself off rather abruptly when he got a glare from the brown haired guy. Now that was very strange.

"I'm sorry if you've gotten the wrong impression of us. I know that my friend can be an asshole, but that's how he is." He said, flashing another tell tale glare at Muraki. A glare that Muraki curtly ignored. "My name is Oriya Mibu. I hope that you're not angry with us. We happened upon the two of you last night, in a rather intoxicated state and when you both blacked out shortly thereafter, we couldn't just leave you, could we?"

Watari and I looked at Oriya Mibu and I felt my anger start to gradually dissipate in light of his honesty.
Oriya sighed and moved closer. I backed a step, not because of him you understand but because Muraki was following him.

"My name is Yutaka Watari and this fellow here is Asato Tsuzuki." Watari said to Oriya, all purr and eyelashes. I grunted managing to convey in so few words my overwhelming lack of interest.

I felt a foot came crashing down on my toes and Watari glared into my watering eyes. It was a look that said; "Be nice or bye bye 'Suki".

Well, it wasn't as though it was easy to be polite with Muraki watching my every move in much the same manner that I look upon an apple pie. (Except Muraki wasn't drooling so much.)

But I could see the lust in his miss-matched eyes. That he can experience such human emotions after everything he has done is a miracle really. Isn't it enough that he tried to cut my head off and surgically attach his brothers' consciousness to my body? I mean, come on! What a turn off! I will never put so much as a finger on that man. I'd rather go and die! (Like that's gonna happen again.)

Watari and Oriya were chatting quite amicably with one another and I rolled my eyes at their display. Goddammit, aren't we supposed to be doing the going of the running right about now? And isn't anyone going to tell me where the Hell my coat is? I mean, enough is enough!

"I only plan to ask this one more time before I go on a rampage, where is my coat!?" I snapped and glared at Muraki, wishing that he would answer this time.

Oriya and Watari turned their heads to look on our little "conversation". Of course Muraki just smiled in his own wicked little way and for the love of god, he actually purred every word that came out of his mouth, out from those pale inviting lips... Oh dear, don't think like that Asato!

"Oh… they're somewhere close by. Though I do prefer seeing you in the clothes you are wearing now. After all the less you wear, the more your beauty is revealed to me, dearest…" He said and took the chance to slink in closer.

I felt my cheeks get hot and I tried to say something mean to him but I couldn't get a word out of my mouth, damn myself!
Watari sighed and placed himself between Muraki and me.

"I told ya doc, keep your seducing pale fingers off of my pal." He said with a warning in his voice and pointed with his own finger in front of Muraki's face. Somehow it feels like this has happened before.

Muraki frowned a little but that expression disappeared from his face and he started to smile another wicked smile.

"Like I said before, do you really think that you could stop me, Mr. Watari?" He asked and he smiled even more.

Watari looked at him angrily and put his hands on his hips, glaring challengingly at the taller man. Oriya and I looked nervously at both of them and then my fellow brunette took it upon himself to salvage the situation before things became truly ugly.

"I put your belongings in another room, as there is very little storage space here. I thought that it was better that way. And concerning your coat Mr. Tsuzuki, that is there also. I can show you both there." He said and started to walk out from the room, suggesting without so many words that we should follow.

I walked after him and so did Watari and Muraki for that matter.
Watari quickly hastened to his side like a little cat chasing a butterfly and started talking non-stop with him. Good grief, Watari must be pretty smitten with that guy. Even if he hadn't so much as told me so, it wouldn't have taken long to see it. He must learn to hide it more.

Yeah, like I have the right to say that.
A felt a hand on my hip and I didn't need to look to know whose it was.
Muraki's breath started to tickle my skin again and shivers ran over my back. Sometimes I just hate that sensation.

"I've really missed you. I can't count how many times I've been thinking about you dearest, how many times I have seen you in my dreams…" He said and his other hand ran over my chest and he pushed me against the far wall.
I tried to push him away and when that didn't work tried to call on Watari but Muraki's pale hand came over my mouth, preventing me from saying anything.

"Hush, hush beloved. I don't want him to disturb our little enjoyment, ne?"

Watari and Oriya continued their walk and laughed together. Can't they see that someone needs some help?
Muraki's hand moved when Oriya and Watari had rounded the corner and were out of sight. He smiled at me while his silver eye stared into my cursed purple orbs.
I tried to look away but his hand ran over my cheek, forcing me to look at him.
A pale finger touched my under lip and he smiled even more.

"To think that I've finally brought you here, into my very home. It makes my whole body shiver..." He murmured and closed his eyes as though to fully savor and appreciate the sensation.
Oh dear, I can't take this anymore. His lips are so close to mine and I can feel the warmth of his breath stealing into my mouth and over my tongue.

"Take your hands off of me, you perve!" I said angrily and pushed him away. I tried to strike him with my hand but failed and I felt his fingers clasp my wrist in an iron grip and he turned it over so that the knuckles faced down towards the ground. It forced me to put my back to him and I hissed at the pain it sent through my muscles as he slid in against the curve of my spine, pressing his lips to my ear and engaging my residual attention by curving the arch of my hand over and away from the joint of my wrist. I almost couldn't fathom his words, exquisite though the pain was.

"Naughty Mr. Tsuzuki… Is that the way you treat the person who carried you in his arms all the way to his mansion?" He asked and I winced because of the agony he bestowed upon my caged wrist, damn him!

"Damn you, I don't care if I was bleeding somewhere and you somehow rescued me from a big, mean demonic monster, I would never thank you for the rest of my afterlife!" I roared and felt the grip to my wrist losing. Surprising, considering the heat of my words.
I spun around and tried to glare at him but it was hard with his overconfident smile. Damn I hate him when he does that!

"I have a suggestion for you, Mr. Tsuzuki."


Thank you God for showing me mercy, having created such a perfect person in this world. (Perfect and sexy as hell!)
His voice is just faultless, like music in my ears and the way he walks is just beguiling!

"Mr. Watari?" He asked and my pulse just kicked up a notch whilst looking into his dark (wholly sensual) eyes.

"Y-yes?" I said, sounding like a high-school girl in love.

He stared at me for a while and then sighed and continued walking. No points to Yutaka...
Suddenly he stopped in front of a door and with one of his delicate and slim hands he opened it and a flash of light speared out, hitting our eyes. Sometimes I hate that color white.
Oriya went to the wall closet and took out our bags and coats, smiling at me as he held them up for my inspection. Good lord, my legs are like spaghetti right now and I no doubt probably looking like a fool with drool hanging down from the corner of his mouth.
But I just can't seem to help myself! He's so sexy in his red yukata! I just wanna jump into bed with him right now! Okay, that was a bit slutty… Bad Yutaka!

"Your coats and bags, just as I promised Mr. Watari." He said and passed them into my shaking hands.

"You don't need to call me Mr. Watari, just say Watari." I answered, making a V-sign with my free hand and offering him a sunny smile. I hope this doesn't scare him off.

"All right then, you call me Oriya and I'll call you Watari, deal?" He said and gave me another smile whilst closing the closet. Hmm… wonder if he's ever made out in a closet…?

I'm naughty today.

He observed me for some seconds and then suddenly walked right up to me and then we were nose to nose. Somehow I recognize this episode. His brown eyes were piercing my own and every inch of my body was paralyzed, like he had a spell over me.
I swear my heart will jump out like in those cartoons and I will soon be howling like a wolf. And I don't mean in a Muraki-ish-way.

"Watari, would you join me for lunch?"

Oh gosh, I think my heart just done leapt right out of my chest!
I was so shocked by the fact that I had captured the pimp-boys attention so quickly, that I gasped and backed up a step. Breathe boy, I tell myself, feeling my body temperature rise several palpable degrees.

"Maybe I didn't phrase myself quite right… " He murmured, turning his head away and pursing his lips thoughtfully.

"No! No, it- it was fine! Really! I didn't really know my own feelings Oriya, so don't blame yourself!" I answered very quickly forgetting to take a breath such was my glee. Oriya sent me a question filled glance.

"What are you talking about…?" His expression suddenly lightened, as though something else had come to his mind. "I know! Do you want something special to eat? Muraki's got everything in his kitchen." He said cheerfully and I swear my bottom lip just about dropped down to the floor. Here I was idiotically thinking that he meant a date but it was just a question of whether or not I was hungry. Dear Jesus, unearth my coffin and inter me all over again because I may as well have never crawled out of the dirt!
Oriya had started questioning me about my favorite food and other things that I didn't have the heart to listen to, when I became even more distracted by a strange rustling noise that was coming from my bag. I opened it with a rush, throwing the coats on the floor in my haste to extricate the noisy burden.
003 came zooming out of my bag in a feathered fury and started to bite me on the ear.

"Whaa! 003 stop that! Bad owl!" I shrieked, trying to catch the little bastard with my hand but failing each and every time. Oriya watched the scene with an amused smile and 003 finally seemed to notice his presence and weaved out of my reach in order to perch on his hair.

"What a cute one. Is he yours?" Oriya asked, reaching up with one finger to stroke the annoying little birds' head, as he nestled into the dark brown locks of his hair. Oh, why can't I be an owl?

"Yes, his name is 003 and he's not cute...Only disturbing." I muttered and glared at 003, as I leant over to pick the coats up from the floor, sighing quietly to myself. This just sucks. For a moment there, just a moment, I thought that prince charming was asking me on a date or something.
Bye, bye dream, it seems like getting that date is going to take a long time.

Poor me… I felt pretty down. I needed 'Suki round to help me fix my mood… maybe I could steal some chocolate from him and then we could drink tequila or something...

Speaking of Tsuzuki… where the Hell was he?

More importantly, where the Hell was Muraki?


"What kind of deal?" I asked, getting a very bad feeling about where this might be going.

Muraki just smiled at me and I had to suppress a very strong urge to kick him in the head.

"Don't worry dear Mr. Tsuzuki it's nothing terribly heinous. It's just a suggestion." He said and I very dearly wanted to laugh in his face. How many times has he tricked me into falling for his traps, simply by telling me there was nothing to be worried about? Ha! Not this time!

"Oh, no Muraki! Last time we made a deal I ended up pressed against a wall, with you slobbering down my neck. And I would bet my soul that you didn't play fair!" I snapped and crossed my arms whilst glaring at him.

"You say that as though I forced you into the game. Why not just admit that you enjoyed it…?" He said, in a teasing tone of voice and my cheeks immediately started to burn as though they had been exposed to the sun. I swear I could soon be frying eggs on them.

"I did not!!" I yelled and my cheeks got redder and redder by the second. Damn his manipulating mind!

"Oh yes you did…" He said with a mocking smile.

"Did NOT!"

"You did too."

"I did NOT!"

"Did too."

"Did NOT!"

"Did not."

"Did t-, NO dammit! You and your cheap tricks! Go to hell!" I yelled and turned around, crossing my arms like I was a spoiled eight-year old child.

"Mr. Tsuzuki..."

"No, you just want to make fun of me and I'm not falling for it again!" I declared in a very confident voice. I had to stay in a position of power here.

"You really are a fool, dearest but I see that you're not about to be agreeable any time soon, so I'll drop the subject for now." He said and I turned around, catching the expression on his face. Somehow… everything he said just sounded cold to my ears.

"Mura-" I manage to say but his pale index finger was placed over my lips, stopping me from letting out another word. The directness of his actions made me blush and Muraki smiled, his face considerably lightening in the face of my bashfulness. His angelic features were so striking… so beautiful, even in such close proximity. He positively hypnotized me, loathe though I am to admit it.
I heard footsteps coming and I guess he did that too.

Why do you do this to me, Kazutaka Muraki?

"We'll talk later beloved, when the others are not around..." He answered, taking his finger away and moving it to my cheek. Then, without any warning whatsoever, I felt his lips take the place of that finger.
A shiver went down my spine as the palm of his hand slid into the small of my back, touching me through the thin white material and making me feel as though my whole body were about to melt away. I lost my mind completely while he sucked on my lips hungrily, his tongue making wet, provocative sounds as it slid in and out of my mouth, like an eel in a cave.

And no matter how much I tried to remind myself that I didn't want this, my desire screamed and yearned for it. I could feel a sharp tingle go shooting up into the nadir of my stomach. My groin seemed to fluctuate. I could feel an exquisite tightness assume control of my pelvis and as Muraki slid himself against me, registered his return of the sentiment. Cloth rubbed against growing hardness, shooting pleasure through my body and I felt the strangest desire to simply step out of my pants and bring that heat together…

"Tsuzuki!" I heard and finally my mind took over from my body again and I pushed Muraki away with trembling hands.

Watari was standing behind us, staring at me with eyes so wide he resembled 003.
His mouth was hanging open a little and he dropped all the things he had in his hands, whilst continuing to stare at me in shock.

"Seems like he caught us." Muraki whispered in my ear, tickling it with his warm breath. I don't think he was the least bit sorry about that. On the contrary, he seemed implicitly pleased that he'd been able to go behind Watari's back like this and get what he wanted. "If you want some more, don't be ashamed to come after me. I'll make it worth your while…" His tongue trailed up over the shell of my ear and on that departing note, took his leave and disappeared into the darkness of his own home.

"Asato Tsuzuki... I thought you hated that bastard?" Watari asked with a scolding voice.

"I do hate him Watari." I said but received a raised eyebrow in response.

"Oh really? Then how comes this?" He asked and turned around, wrapping his arms around his body making it look as though someone else were holding him and made some moaning noises while saying things like 'Oh Muraki'.

"Stop that!" I roared and blushed a bit at his childish actions.
Watari laughed and picked up the things on the floor. I walked over to help him and to my delight, found that my coat and bag were there too.
003 chirped and landed on my head, immediately trying to make a nest of my short hair. It's no use 003!

"Ya know 'Suki, I was so close to having a date…" He muttered and sighed.

"Really? What happened?" I asked and bit my lip. Maybe Watari got rejected or something… Still, I couldn't help but be grateful for the convenient change of topic.

"He just wanted to eat some lunch in Dr. Perve's kitchen!"

Oh dear… Maybe Watari is just taking this too negatively but he looks so sad and weary. He really must have feelings for the guy...
But I can't let my friend be defeated so easily. It would be like everything he ever said to me would be a waste! Having Watari's confidence has always been a long-time goal for me and I will not let some pimp-boy destroy Watari's ego!

"Don't think like that Watari! Maybe he was just trying to find a way to spend some more time with you without seeming too forward about it? You did just meet after all. Asking you to eat lunch here is the safest option for him." I said and hoped that Watari would realize that.

"You think so?" He asked and looked at me with his big golden eyes.

"I do! So, what are you waiting for? Get in there and blow his socks off!" I answered with a smile. Now his age old confidence was more likely to resurface. Already, I could see hope starting to dawn in his eyes.

"Tsuzuki, there's no time to waste! Let's find the bathroom, I've gotta have a shower!" He said excitedly, grabbing my hand and dragging me along behind him at a flurried pace, as he attempted to negotiate the cold, winding corridors of Muraki's home.
I had to take special care not drop all my things but Watari didn't seem to notice my plight. He was really running fast, on his search for the shower and his grip on my hand was really tight.
Suddenly, in the midst of all this rushing around, we overtook Muraki (Well, it is his home) and Mibu who stood in what I think must have been the living room. Naturally, Watari seemed to notice that and simply jammed on the brakes so he could stop and stare at the guy, which caused me to bump into him with such force that we fell, bags and all, onto the expensive carpet. All legs and ass and elbows. That was just humiliating, Watari!


Well, I'm ever so sorry about that, Tsuzuki. It's not my damn fault that this place is so big and don't ya think that it was more humiliating for me, having to fall in front of him?


I guess so but why do you want to go to the bathroom, moron? Who knows what Muraki keeps hidden in there? I'd hardly be surprised if he piled his corpses one on top of the other in the bathtub or shower stall.


Well, it's worth the risk because I need to take a shower! If I'm going to make him fall for me I have to look great! By the way 'Suki we must stop, they're looking at us like we're crazy.


Okay then...

"So eager to see me again Mr. Tsuzuki?" Muraki asked in a teasing voice and smiled with a lazy sort of assurance. He seems to enjoy having me falling at his feet, the damn idiot!
Before I could do anything about getting him to close that damn mouth of his (without kissing, nyah what I'm saying!?) Watari opened his mouth.

"Hey Perve, where's the bathroom?" He asked and glared evilly. Good thing Watari tries to show Muraki where the line is drawn when it comes to your best friend.

"It's down that hall Mr. Watari. The last the way Mr.Tsu-" Muraki managed to say but Watari was too quick to let him finish his sentence, he just grabbed me again and dragged me away from them.
Some seconds later we were in front of that last door Muraki mentioned and Watari pushed me in and he followed.

"What the fuck are you doing!?" I roared at him and suddenly some pajamas were thrown my face.

"Look through my bag for a deep brown turtleneck and those light blue jeans okay?" He said standing in the shower all naked and not making enough of an effort to hide himself behind the curtain yet. I couldn't help but blush. But hey, that's how I work.
The sound of water hitting the porcelain was heard and I searched diligently for the requested clothing, even if it was really hard because it seems like he has everything in this bag. I managed to find the jeans and the turtleneck and I also unearthed a towel for him and some soap. His hand came snaking out from behind the curtains like he magically knew that I had found the soap and I obediently pressed it into his palm. This twin-connection scares the shit out of me sometimes.
I took a seat on the floor to wait. Five minutes later, without any warning Watari flung the shower curtain aside, stepping out with the towel around his waist. He smirked at me from beneath his bundled up hair and took the awaiting clothes from my arms.

"Take a shower too. I'll get some clothes from your bag." He said and looked at himself in the mirror, unwinding his hair and letting it fall about his shoulders.

"Yeah. And you just try and relax," I muttered taking off my clothes and walking into the hot inviting water.

Somehow to shower in front of Watari has never been a problem for me. But when it's anybody else, it always has been.
You could just say that I feel safe around him but not when it's about his potions and experiments.
Now that I think about it, this bathroom is really big. And nice. I guess this is where Muraki usually takes his morning shower… Now it feels just strange to stand here and think that it is here where he usually stands, every morning of every day.
And here's even his shampoo and stuff. I took one of the bottles and opened it and smelled it. The scent of roses and other delightful aroma's filled my lungs and the smell of Muraki wandered around in my mind.

"The scent that has been in my dreams..."

"Yo Tsuzuki, wanna borrow some of my soap?" Watari asked, his voice snapping me out of my trance. Damn my wandering mind and this hot water that's running along my body…

"Yes please." I answered and reached my hand out through the wet shower curtain and took the soap.

After what seemed like ten or so minutes (during which Watari damn near hyperventilated himself into a witless fit) I was finished and stepped out from the shower. It only then hit me that I didn't pack a towel in my bag. I guess I had no other choice but to borrow one of Muraki's plain white towels.
Sure it's strange and somewhat disgusting but Watari's towel was just too wet… what else could I do?

"You're so slow! Here I picked these out for you." My blond stressing friend said and flung a pair black jeans and a black shirt with white details on it into my face, with altogether too much force. Geez… he's too much today… I actually still have a hangover, dammit.

I put on the clothes and sighed a very deep sigh. It's all been too much today. Muraki was one of the biggest problems as usual. And what's this suggestion he's got for me?
And what will happen after this little visit? I guess it's only right that I should shout it out in the Judgment Bureau; that I've found out that Muraki is alive and where he can be found. I can see the chaos that would result in, not to mention the amount of paperwork… The pros just didn't seem to outdo the cons! ...Damn you Muraki!
Watari, still in the midst of perfecting his appearance, shot me a guilty look over his shoulder and sighed. What's wrong with him now?

"Tsuzuki, I'm sorry… I forgot that Muraki is making you uncomfortable and that was egoistical of me to think that you could manage it alone, while I'm flirting with Oriya." He said and gazed at me with a guilty expression, like a child caught doing something wrong.

"Watari, it's no big deal. I could manage Muraki and the Count at the same time just for you." I said meaning to ease his feelings. It was just half-true what I said but for him, I think I would have actually gone through with such a promise. ...He's the best friend I've ever had.

"Really?" The blonde said and smiled, the corner of his lips lifting.

"Yes, I would do anything for you!" I said after briefly hesitating, which made Watari glow like a sun in a summer of pride and joy. When he did that I couldn't help smiling too.

After that conversation, I was finally finished and ready to challenge Muraki and his suggestion, leaving a free area to Watari so that he could charm his lover-boy.
I hoped that he would give me chocolate as thankyou because I'm really starting to feel those hangover cravings. What time is it anyway? It must be around lunchtime now according to the grumbling sounds my stomach were emitting.
Muraki should have had the sense to give me some food. I'm hungry as all hell. My soul for a cinnapon!
Watari and I took our bags and snuck out of the bathroom, only to run into an old man who seems to have been waiting for us. Good grief, he scared the shit out of us!

"My master and his friend are awaiting your presence in the Salon." The old man said and smiled, indicating to us that we should follow him.

Watari glanced at me and I shrugged to indicate that I too was puzzled. What's going on here I wonder? Does Muraki simply assume that Watari and I are going to stay here?
Well in that case I say no. I can stay for lunch but not for the night or anything. Tatsumi is going to kill us if he finds out about our barhopping, never mind what kind of trouble associating with Muraki would get us into! ...I don't want to think about it...

"Let me take your bags please." The old man said, stopping in front of the door. Watari shot a second glance at me, before dutifully handing over his bag. I picked out my mobile in case I needed to call 911, or something! Or if Tatsumi were to call to yell at me. I have not painted Terazuma's desk pink, I'm innocent!
The man disappeared with our bags and I was starting to feel nervous and I guess Watari was too.

"We can't stand here forever!" He said and gave me a big shiny smile before opening the mahogany door and we both looked in nervously.

The "salon" was shining in bright light and Pimpie-boy and Muraki were sitting next to one other on one side of an expensive-looking table, which was filled with cups and a pot of coffee. Thank God because this headache is killing me.
Muraki looked over as we entered and grinned. What the heck was he so damn happy about!?
Watari tugged my arm and together like a twin brothers joined at the shoulder, we took our seats next to each other, facing Muraki and Oriya on the opposite side of the table.
Muraki wearing his white pants and jacket with a gray shirt underneath and looking at me with not so innocent expression, while little (not that he was so little mind…) Watari's boy was wearing casual pair of tan slacks with a dark belt and a plain white shirt. I couldn't help but notice that he had left the top few buttons undone and if it had failed to escape my attention, then it sure as Hell hadn't escaped Watari's. The kid was going to drool…
I glanced sideways just to confirm my thoughts and bit back a sigh. Sure enough, there he sat, drooling as though it were going out of fashion. As if this day couldn't get any worse!

"Well, lets have some coffee, shall we?" Oriya said taking the pot by the handle and filling all four cups with the dark, steaming liquid. The brew had a wonderful scent, though I couldn't quite place it…
He took one of the cups and gave it to Watari with an elegant gesture that seemed to favor the underside of his wrist. He offered the blond a little smile and I could only assume that this wasn't his norm of behavior, having noticed Muraki's brow shoot up in response.
Watari just smiled, no doubt delighted by the attention and picked up another cup, which he gave it to me, not so much as moving his eyes an inch from Oriya. He almost slopped half the hot liquid in my lap; such was his distraction from the task!
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, turning my back on this embarrassing display only to catch the tail end of another of Muraki's perverted smiles. Okay, I'm definitely tired of this! These people were torturing me; I could report them to Amnesty International!

"Well, I suppose we owe you guys a word of thanks for dragging our drunk asses' here last night!" Watari said brightly. I just sat there, gaping, unable to believe that he just said that.

"I wouldn't have thought that it was a proper conduct for Guardians of death to get intoxicated, is it?" Oriya asked with a silly sort of smile, which caused Watari to go beat red all over his face. I couldn't help but blush a bit too, knowing that he was right.

"Not to mention how close you got to Oriya, Mr. Watari." Muraki said, with a sinister sort of smile. He'd probably been waiting for an opportunity to embarrass Watari a bit, which he certainly succeeded in. Watari's face was now so red it looked as though he had been slapped up, down and side-to-side.
I glared at Muraki, which only resulted in him looking at me with a satisfied grin on his pale face.

"Well, he at least, not faint like a girl such as your little Laven-I mean, like Mr. Tsuzuki did." Oriya said calmly, but whilst glaring from the corner of his eyes at Muraki. Muraki returned this challenge with interest and I got the distinct impression that our two hosts were having some kind of war of their own with Watari and I as the weapons.

"Mr. Tsuzuki, Oriya, did not smack his head with a garbage can lock, like Mr. Watari did." Muraki finally said and took a congenial sip out of his coffee, while I ashamedly giggled a bit. What a shame that I missed that!

Watari shoot an angry glare at me and I had a feeling that from the look of his face that he was planning something mean in retaliation.

"One more giggle and I tell them about you-know-what..." He threatened and smiled wickedly at the same time.

"What do you mean 'You-know-what?'" I asked nervously, ignoring the curious looks of Muraki and Pimp-boy.

"I'll say one word and then walk away; Balcony." He said with an altogether too evil smile and my eyes widened. Why oh why did he have to remember that?!

"Why you-" I managed to say before the old man interrupted me by entering the room dragging a serving trolley along with an array of wonderful dishes adorning it. I guess I must have been drooling when I was handed a plate of my own, adorned with something that looked like fish and small crabs. A grade food art, as far as I was concerned!
I'm finally in heaven.

"Ah, Sakaki, coming with the food?" Muraki asked and smiled to his loyal servant. Poor old man who has to live with that perve…

"I selected our meal today, gentleman. As you can see, this dish is grilled salted ayu, which is a delicious type of sea fish." Oriya's low smooth voice explained, his hand languishing decadently above his own dish. "I had it positioned on the plate to suggest they are swimming downstream. And these are two small steamed crabs, of the variety that can be eaten whole. This trail of streaked salt is an aesthetic touch, intended to suggest the sand they have crossed. A wonderful meal if you ask me." Oriya said while Watari just sat drooling over him. I don't think he had taken so much as a single look at his plate.

"How do you know so much about food, Oriya?" Watari asked and Pimp-boy just chuckled a bit.

"I guess all these long years working in a restaurant have paid off my dear Watari." He answered and smiled seductively at Watari. My poor friend seems lost now... Geh, a restaurant my ass. More like a brothel, Pimpie!

Sakaki placed a rice dish down beside everyone's main meals, which I gathered was red rice made from Adzuki beans. It had a strange sort of pinkish tint but it doesn't matter it still looks good to me!
He poured us some green tea in new traditional Japanese style cups and I could feel my stomach grumble and I really hoped that we could eat soon. The smell of the food was delightful and again I drooled but stopped gazing at the food when I felt someone watching me.
I looked up and saw Muraki resting his cheek on his palm while looking at me and when he saw that I was glaring at him he only smiled as though it made no difference. He offered me another lustful stare and with his little finger he touched his bottom lip in a seductive manner as if to say 'Come and taste Tsuzuki'.
I felt my cheeks burning up and Muraki just grinned like he had won a battle between us. Watari coughed to distract, which I was thankful for.

"So what do Guardians of death do anyway, besides get drunk?" Oriya asked and chewed a bit of the fish.

"Well, you could say it's our job to bring back people who should be dead but still remain in this world, just to give you the short version." Watari answered and I noticed that he forgot to breathe the same time he talked. I just continued eating the delicious dish and trying to ignore Watari's attempt to flirt with Pimpie.

Suddenly I felt a sting of pain in my throat, worse than it was yesterday. Maybe I was actually catching the flu or something.
I started to cough a bit to ease the pain but the only thing I got was some worried glances from Watari and strangely enough Muraki too.

"Is that thing still in ya throat?" Watari asked while I was coughing like hell and got even more glances on me.

"Y-Yeah." I manage to say through the coughs and some seconds later Oriya walked away and came back with a big glass of water and gave it to me.

"Drink." The emotionless pimp just said and like the good boy I am, I did just that. Imagine my shock when I felt the most disgusting taste in the world hit my tongue, something that tasted like a sour mix of salt and crushed up aspirin.

I couldn't help but cough even more as tears started running from my eyes. I tried to breathe, my throat feeling altogether too much like a wound with salt rubbed in it and I cursed every pimp in the world.

"Tsuzuki! Are ya ok?" Watari asked me and took the glass from my hands. I tried to glare at him but it didn't work with my teary and no doubt bloodshot eyes.

"No! How the hell do you think-" Was all I managed to say before the pimp shoved the glass in front of my mouth and with the other hand forced my mouth to open, so that I could swallow more of the disgusting concoction. This is worse than being used as a guinea pig by Watari. I could hear Muraki gasp in shock.

After some truly disgusting moments, he finally took the awful glass away and to my horror I saw that he had forced me to drink the whole thing. I had a very big urge to hit him and make sure that he didn't wake up from it. But instead I just hissed and glared at the son of a bitch.
I know that my best friend has some sort of feelings for him but that didn't mean that he could just treat me how he wanted!

"What the hell did you just do?! Yousick confusing motherfucker die in hell you bastard!! I roared, wiping away the tears from my checks.

"TSUZUKI!" Watari roared back and tried to strangle me with both his hands but I managed to punch him on the elbow, which he winced over. To my anger I saw that both Muraki and Pimpie were chuckling over our behavior.

"Does your throat still hurt?" Mibu asked and chuckled, seemingly unaffected by my outburst. To my surprise my throat wasn't itching anymore and I felt heat come to my cheeks and the bridge of my nose. Oh shit, he actually helped me. Now I just wanted to run away and hide but something very delightful came before I had the chance. Desert.

The old man Mr. Sakaki, had come back and was now serving up some plates with the most delicious thing I'd ever seen in my life. The yummiest chocolate desert in the world, topped with cream and brimming with the scent of cinnamon. I felt my mouth watering and I just couldn't wait to dig my teeth in that soft and heavenly thing.
Judging from Watari's face he was thinking along the same lines as me. Although we probably weren't thinking about the same desert here.

"Excuse me gentlemen but are you two related?" Mr. Sakaki asked and Watari and I looked at each other skeptically. I couldn't believe that he had asked that. I mean seriously, do we even look related? Watari's half gaijin and I'm a whole-looking Japanese! Maybe the old man needs some new glasses.
But I could see in Watari's honey-brown eyes that he had something in his mind.

"Of course we are!" He said with beaming pride at his answer, earning some question filled looks from both Mibu and Muraki. " 'Cause when we were little I used to do this to him!" He said and took a handful of my dark hair and pulled my head back sharply on my neck.

I screamed like hell and I swear that the sound made Muraki's platinum hair stick out in points. Mibu choked on his cup of tea and Mr. Sakaki looked on with big eyes. But what did they think would happen, if Watari pulled my hair like that? It hurts!! He must have done it on purpose. I punched Watari in the stomach and made him wince but he recovered fast from it and hooked one of his arms around my neck, like you would a little child and ruffled my hair, laughing at my desperate attempts to escape.
I heard Mr. Sakaki saying something like "Sir, I'm going out for a while" and when Watari finally released me I saw Muraki and Mibu's duplicate big eyes.
Watari snorted and crossed his arms like a spoilt child.

"What, can't I do things like that to my own little brother?" He asked and grinned, giving an exaggerated casual shrug. Mibu chuckled and I rolled my eyes again. I guess Watari was back to flirting with him again. Honestly, they're at each other like some horny rabbits.

Speaking of horny rabbits, Muraki's looking at me again and I can't even enjoy my desert when his fixated on me like that.
His eyes were gazing with adoration and lust. I really wanted to eat my piece of cake but how can you swallow anything with him looking at you?
As if that wasn't enough, I could feel a strange sensation on my left leg, like something was running up it. I glanced under the table just in time to see Muraki's right foot, without the shoe; maybe he was taking it of under the table, not using his hands? That's quite a technique but back to the point: Muraki's foot was on my leg.
I tried to move my leg away so that he couldn't reach it but somehow Muraki was stopping me, by using his other leg to pinch my own in place. Curse that strange-eyed bastard!
Trying not to disturb anyone else, I kicked away his foot and quickly brought my legs safely back against the side of the couch and continued to eat my dessert. I thought all was well, until I happened to notice Watari, who suddenly sat up, as thought something had bitten him and flashed an equally coy and delighted expression across the table at Mibu. The Pimp looked back at him, seeming a bit confused and then he too jerked a little in the very same manner and glanced under the table, looking slightly uncomfortable at whatever was going on underneath it. He wasn't the only uncomfortable one around here… damn that Muraki still looking at me!
But Muraki's grin soon disappeared and then he too glanced under the table and a very strange and slightly horrified expression crossed his face and turned his head away, as though suddenly and acutely embarrassed. Watari, obviously feeling left out, took his turn in glancing at the Under-the-table-top Theatre and apparently got the same nasty shock as Muraki because he too looked away, his checks flushing an incredible red. Mibu glanced at me, clearly confused as to what was going on and I shrugged to indicate that I was as clueless as him.
Then a thought came to mind… maybe Muraki had made another attempt to play footsies with me after I had kicked his foot away and got Watari instead of me! Watari, thinking (or rather, hoping) that it had been Mibu, had reciprocated by stroking the Pimp's leg. Mibu, naturally surprised, had probably moved his leg away and then when Muraki had made another move he and Watari had, well, obviously made a good go of it... The whole thing sounds a great deal dirtier than it actually was but I have to admit, it gave me great satisfaction! Well I must say, this is what happens when you mess with Asato!

After a while, we were all were finished and Mibu was picking up all the plates like a good little boy and took them into what I guess was the kitchen.
Watari gazed after him and I took him by the arm to make him come back to this world.

"Watari, don't leave me please?" I asked him and sincerely hoped that he would stay with me because Muraki was watching my every move.

Watari looked at me like I was asking a dumb question.

"Don't worry, Tsuzuki, you can count on me. Come Hell or high water, there is nothing, absolutely NOTHING on this planet that would make me forsake my very best friend to indecent assault and prolonged sexual molestation, you hear me? ABSOLUTELY nothing." He assured me and smiled a genuine smiled.

"Could someone please get their ass in here and help me with the dishes? I'm not a bloody housekeeper Muraki!!" I heard Mibu call and sure enough, when I looked back towards Watari he was gone. That damn blond git!

Now I was left alone with the man I hate the most in this fucking world. Muraki. And on the top of that he was chuckling at my bad luck.

"What the hell do you want?! Haven't you been trouble enough?" I asked and looked at those silvery orbs filled with mocking.

"Well, not enough it seems" He said and just continued to smile that wicked smile of his.

"No! Dammit, it's more than enough you damn psychopath! As soon as I get back to Meifu I'm going to tell every damn person there that you're alive and then we're going to make a fucking barbeque of you!!" I screamed out.

"Barbeque?" He just asked and pushed his glasses up his nose, seeming entirely unconcerned by my outburst.

"YES! A freaking barbeque after your goddamn trial!" I continued and suddenly he laughed. Why is that man laughing at me? How could he possibly laugh at a prospect as grim as that?

"Mr. Tsuzuki, I don't know if you understand the problem." He just easily said and with a not so innocent look on his face.

"What do you mean…?" I couldn't help but ask and feared the worst.

"If I go on a trial, so will my friend Oriya. He's, how can you say, a part of all this?"

"What...?" Was the only thing that came out of my mouth.

"Oriya has been covering up a great deal of my activities and if I'm not mistaken your judicial system will also hold him equally accountable. At the very least, he may be charged on the account of pervading justice. At the worst, accessory to murder. Both, uh… how is it that you put it, Mr. Tsuzuki…? Barbeque-able offenses, wouldn't you say?"

He was right. If Muraki got judged, it would not be him alone that went down but the person who helped him would be held accountable too. Oriya was responsible for not only covering up the murders, but for preventing future murders from taking place, simply from lack of action against his friend. In so saying, he was guilty, indirectly, for the taking of people's lives because he had allowed Muraki to continue his bloodthirsty reign without hindrance. What Muraki was saying was, that if he was going down, then Mibu was going down too. That would mean that the person who Watari loves would...

"Would you hurt your friend, who obviously has feelings for Oriya, by doing something so selfish? Wouldn't he hate you after that? What was it you said to him in the bathroom, my dear…? Oh yes, 'I would do anything for you'...The question is, will you, sweet Mr. Tsuzuki…? Would you do anything for his happiness? Or are you still wholly consumed with concern only for justice?"

"What do you want, Muraki?" I asked, feeling hatred course through my blood.

"That you keep that cute little mouth of yours shut about me." He leaned close, his features considerably dark. "Choose… And choose wisely, my dear. Me and my friend in a downfall or your friendship in a downfall."

Oh Watari, I don't want you to go through the same sorrow again. I don't want this... And I especially don't want to lose your friendship.

What should I do?


Okay, so I'm feeling a bit mean about leaving Tsuzuki alone with that pervert doctor but Oriya Mibu, baby!
Maybe doing the dishes is not the most romantic thing in the world but I can always imagine that I'm at his home and we've just finished dinner together. And then later we'll be doing some nicer things... Slutty thoughts Yutaka, behave!

"Watari?" I heard that wonderful voice say and my daydreams were erased.

"Yes Oriya?" I replied and hoped that my voice was seductive and spoke more than a thousand flirty words.

"You broke a plate..."

And low and behold I had broken a plate! I'd been squeezing it so hard between my hands that the damn thing had actually cracked right down the center!

Well it's that damn doc's plate so what the heck! But it's still embarrassing that I had to do it in front of Oriya, the one person I had been trying to impress. Oh lord.

"Can I ask you a personal question Watari?" And I think my mind almost exploded when he said the word 'personal'. This could only mean something juicy!

"Sure Ori!" I answered and he looked at me with that slow, dreamy smile, causing my legs to turn to spaghetti again.

"Why did you refer to me as 'Your love' yesterday night?"

Of all the fucking questions in the world! And why the hell did I need to say a thing like that in my awkward drunkenness, damn myself!
Think of a plan Yutaka!!

"Well when I'm drunk I have a bad habit of just… blurting out stupid, not necessarily true things!" I answered trying to look cool and unconcerned but in secret I was cursing myself.

Suddenly he moved in close to me, so close that our noses touched and our eyes became entrenched in one another's. His breath was on my lips and I was dying to close that gap between us and touch my mouth against his own. This is torture but a sweet one.

"So you didn't mean it? …Or did you… Yutaka?"

Oh my fucking holy god... Did he just say...?
As these thoughts were racing through my head, Oriya leaned back from me with a coy, wholly sensual smile. Dear God, I'm going to die.

"Let's fix some coffee. The dishes are finished." The longhaired man said, opening a shelf and taking down some new cups and other various nick knacks, with which to make coffee.

"Okay then…" I managed to say and I couldn't help but sigh. I really wanted some more action…

I was off in my own little world as I poured the newly made coffee, casting furtive glances over at Oriya while he was preparing a biscuit tray.
His hands' were working so delicately with every move… Oh why couldn't those long fingers move across me?
The long dark hair was swaying beautifully around his cheeks, those soulful eyes seemed to sparkle and a smile was playing on his lips.
Why is it so goddamn hard, Yutaka?! Make a move man!

I took a deep breath, psyching myself up.

"Ori- " Imagine my surprise when the words' I intended to say were pressed away by his questing lips. My eyes popped wide open in unregistered shock but equal delight!
He was kissing me in a way no one has ever done and my knees were going progressively weaker, my senses completely taking over from my mind.
That kiss… was made of heaven. No fucking bastard can kiss like Oriya Mibu. No one could move their lips quite so passionately, with such palpable heat… I forgot to breathe; I was so into this kiss.
But it ended too fast, much to my great disappointment. When he took his mouth away I was so stunned that I couldn't think of a single word to release from my swollen lips.
He smiled flirtatiously at me and picked up the tray supporting the coffee and biscuits, making his way over towards the door. He looked over his shoulder and winked at me, indicating that I should follow him. Oh man, I was going to follow him all right!
His eyes were looking over me seductively and it was more than enough to snap me back to my senses. Man, I'm in love!

"Did you like it?" He asked in a teasing voice and I glared a bit at him.

"I would have enjoyed it if it were a bit longer Ori!" I said making my voice as seductive (and inviting) as I could.

He just smiled at me and pushed open the door leading back to the Salon. I followed him; eyes roving covetously up the back of his tailored trousers. It held my attention so astutely, that it took a while to notice that Muraki was not harassing Tsuzuki, which in itself was a most unusual occurrence demanding of attendance. They were just sitting there, looking at each other, with a strange albeit unmistakably matching expression of simultaneous understanding. Have I missed something big here?

"Hey 'Suki, what's going on?" I asked, giving him a big cheesy smile. Yeah, I was happy. Bite me.

But when Tsuzuki turned his head in my direction, my smile disappeared. His large, almond shaped eyes swam with melancholy and confusion. What in the world could have happened to make him look like that?
After a long mutual stare, Tsuzuki turned his head towards Muraki and his purple eyes channeled a myriad of emotions, displaying most prominently a fiery hatred towards the platinum blond fiend.

"Okay then…" It came out from his mouth like a defeated whisper and Muraki smiled triumphantly and I suddenly feared the worst.

"What do ya mean 'Okay'? What's going on?!" I yelled, feeling panic rush through my veins.

What did that blond devil make Tsuzuki agree with? After everything he put him through in Kyoto! Wasn't that enough? Now he's just forcing Tsuzuki back into the same net of traps, that sadistic bastard!
I made to storm across the room with every intention of smacking the manipulative asshole senseless but a hand was closing around my arm before I could take so much as two steps. Tsuzuki's hand.
His fingers were clenched so tightly about my wrist that they were digging manacle like into the bone. He looked upon me with eyes imploring, seeming to say without words 'please don't'. Oh Tsuzuki what's is happening here?
I wanted to ask him outright but with Muraki and Oriya's eyes on us I couldn't say anything. I would have to ask him myself in private.
A sigh slides out of me but I forced myself to smile, sliding my arm around Tsuzuki to show that I would protect him and at the same time glared at Muraki, who just ignored me.

"Why don't we take our coffee in the lounge?" Oriya asked, flashing Muraki a look that seemed to say in no uncertain terms that he was to behave himself. Isn't that cute? My dream-boy is saving me from an awkward situation! Just kiss me again, baby!

"Very well. Come along then." That silvery blond said and walked out from the room with my dark haired honey shepherding his exit.
Tsuzuki and I followed along in their wake and soon entered the lounge area; which was essentially just a somewhat smaller version of the Salon, with a large bay window overlooking the rose garden. Two comfortable ecru sofas framed a small oval shaped table on which Oriya placed the coffee tray. Tsuzuki and I sat together on one of the sofas with Muraki and Oriya on the other, facing us.
Oriya served the coffee, Tsuzuki and myself first, then Muraki and then finally himself. We sat there with the steaming mugs in our hands, sipping our coffee while listening to the quiet of the morning. It would have been nice at any other time but I was still so concerned as to what might have passed between Tsuzuki and Muraki that I couldn't relax. Man, this was depressing.
Despite this, I couldn't help but notice that Oriya was once again flirting with me. Can't get enough of me I guess!
But as alluring a distraction as this was, I simply couldn't shuck free that sting of concern over my dear purple-eyed friend. He was just sitting there with a lip like a verandah, staring into the surface of his black coffee, deep in his thoughts and entirely switched off to the rest of the world. Well, I couldn't very well have this! Time to take some action and instill some levity in our situation!

"Ya know Tsuzuki, I feel it only fair to punish you for that punch you gave me earlier..." I said, while sipping some more of my coffee. Tsuzuki looked at me with suspicious eyes.

"What do you mean?" He asked warily, those violet orbs glued on my face. I couldn't help but chuckle to myself.

"What I mean is, I'm going to tell these stiff guys about what you did on that balcony!" I answered, pointing at Oriya and Muraki with flourish. Tsuzuki's eyes grew doubly wide and he almost choked on his coffee.

"What are you talking about, dammit?!" He yelled at me and a faint blush was slowly coming out on his face. He knew perfectly well what I was talking about of course but if he wanted to pretend that he didn't remember it, well, all the more fun for me!

"What happened?" I heard the doctor ask and saw that Tsuzuki's blush went even redder.

"Yeah, tell us about it. We could use something to lighten the mood." Sexy Oriya said, which became the clincher. I just had to spill the secret then! Sorry 'Suki but I can't make Oriya disappointed!

"A couple of years ago, the Summons Department went on its' annual company holiday. Our boss selects the area we'll be vacationing in by throwing a dart at a map of Japan." I made a pitching movement with my arm, making sure to wobble it in an exaggerated fashion so that my audience had a good idea what kind of a shot our Chief was. "By some miraculous twist of fate, the dart hit Sado Island and we were able to spend four wonderful days at the beaches of the West coast of Senkaku bay. You know, they have a sign there that says 'Warning! Beautiful women!'" I laughed to myself, appreciating the memory. "And boy was it true! Beautiful girls and guys! If I didn't know any better I would have thought I had died and gone to Heaven! Anyhoo, we booked a hotel right there on the beachfront. Cost a pretty penny but every once in a while we're allowed to splash out. Naturally, our first night there we all ate and drank not unlike a bunch of pigs and got pretty blotto to say the least. Tatsumi, he's the secretary of our department," I said, explaining for Oriya's sake. Muraki I knew had already made our Mr. Stingy's 'heh' acquaintance. "Got so angry at how much Tsuzuki and I were drinking, that he locked us out on the balcony and wouldn't let us back in! I mean, in our state! I suppose a fall wouldn't have killed us, owing to our particular constitution but still! There we were, locked out in the middle of the night with nothing to do but talk to the people walking beneath the balcony, on their way to parties and the like. Tsuzuki and I got chatting to this one really sexy guy and we were trying to invite him up, all for the purpose of letting us back inside you understand."

Oriya gave me a small smile that said he suspected this wasn't the whole truth of the matter.

"If I recall, I think Tsuzuki's exact words where 'Come on up, Sexy! We'll give ya a good time!' but then this strange sort of look stole over his face…"

"Watari…" Tsuzuki drawled warningly but I was already far too invested in my story to just leave it there.

"I guess all that alcohol finally got the better of him because the next thing I knew, he was bent double over the balcony and he'd puked on the poor guy!" My burst of raucous laughter following the conclusion of my story was cut short by Tsuzuki's sharp little fist slamming into my stomach. Ouch! Bad 'Suki!

"How could you embarrass me like that?! I've told you a thousands of times NOT to tell people that story!" Tsuzuki screamed, his face as red as a tomato. He leaned over and started to strangle me with both hands and between the laughing and the throttling, I felt quite certain that I was just about ready to expire at any moment. I tried to signal that I was in trouble but all I could hear was Oriya laughing appreciatively and the doctor chuckling too! What a wonderful laugh my Ori has...
Tsuzuki finally took his hands away from me and hid his red face between them instead, glaring out from between his fingers like a cranky critter in a hole.

"It's not that bad. What Muraki did to me when we were in university was much worse." Oriya said and snickered at Muraki's facial expression. Damn this was fun!

"You can tell them that story, Oriya. I just hope you realize that if you do, you forfeit your own life..." He said in a contrarily casual town as he sipped some of his coffee. Oriya just smiled but he didn't seem prepared to test the doctors leniency and let the subject drop.

Tsuzuki chuckled and finally relaxed a bit. Thank god for that! He seemed to forget just how strong he is when he's nervous! He could have cracked my throat with such a grip!
The doc set down his coffee and stared at him across the rising foam, smiling a small hidden smile. Don't think you can get Tsuzuki that easily Dr. Muraki. I'll be sure to keep an eye on you! … When Oriya isn't around.

Suddenly the door to the lounge swung open and the old guy from before entered with a courteous bow. He had some letters in his hands, which he gave to Muraki. Must be nice not having to check your own mailbox, eh doc?
I sipped some more of my black coffee while he talked to his servant and Tsuzuki took the chance to spoon some more sugar into his drink. He's way too addicted to sugar that boy! If he were mortal, he'd have serious diabetic issues by now, I bet.
Oriya was just gazing into his cup and I couldn't help laying my eyes on him. He's so cute when he's thoughtful. Suddenly, his dark eyes come into contact with mine; as though he had felt me staring and heat quickly rose to my cheeks. He just smiled at me and embarrassed I turned my head away just in time to see Tsuzuki's teasing smile being directed back at me.

"Quiet will ya?" I managed to say in response to the curious and mocking look my purple-eyed friend was giving me. He just concealed a small laugh behind one of his hands.

I felt someone's gaze upon me, only this time it was not Oriya. I looked up into Muraki's silvery stare, which he had leveled upon not only me but Tsuzuki as well. He wore a perplexed expression as though he were diligently trying to figure something out. He waved away his loyal servant and took the letters in his hand, continuing to look at us as though the solution to this unregistered conundrum was written upon our faces. The sound of the door closing was the only noise in the room.
He turned his eyes away from me and gave his full-undivided attention to Tsuzuki. His stare was intense and Tsuzuki seemed to grow extremely nervous being subjected to the full-uncensored consideration of it.

"Mr. Tsuzuki, does any one of your friends know that you're here?" He asked softly but his eyes were hard.

"No, how should anyone know?" Tsuzuki asked and his eyes swam with deep undiluted confusion.

Muraki simply sighed and displayed the two letters in his hand. There was one in plain white that bore Tsuzuki's name and the other one was orange with my name upon it.
The very same as those we had received at the Ministry yesterday! But how…?
Muraki handed me mine and Tsuzuki his. We accepted them and then we both looked at one other, neither having the courage to open theirs first. Tsuzuki was biting his lip and those violet eyes of his showed his emotions very well.

"It's the same like yesterday Watari…" He finally said to me and Muraki's silver eyes got thinner.

I shrugged and tried to give the impression that it didn't bother me, nearly as much as it actually did. I just opened it without any trouble, Oriya watching my every move and I felt like he was seeing right through my façade.

"Don't worry, it's probably just the same shit like yesterday." I said to Tsuzuki and sure enough, with a shake, distributed the same light orange petals from the torn sleeve of the envelope. Only this time, much to my great surprise, a piece of paper tumbled out. ...And what's more, it was orange too!
With trembling hands I took the letter off of the table, shaking free the few orange petals that clung to its' surface. I examined the text on it, nothing that the person who had composed this must have had an excellent hand in calligraphy. But not the time for that Yutaka.

"You bled when I touched you, yet cried when I left you.

I bloomed a short time, while you loved me.

I'll come for you soon, my confident Sunflower."

Somehow, these words made me feel very nostalgic. A sense of dé ja vu, as though this has happened all before.
Tsuzuki looked at me with his letter clutched between pale fingers but not yet composed enough to see what was in it.

"What does it say?" He asked me and I sighed a bit, feeling a feeling I hadn't felt in a long time. A feeling I cannot even remember.

"It says 'You bled when I touched you, yet cried when I left you. I bloomed a short time, while you loved me. I'll come for you soon, my confident sunflower.' "I said with a bitter voice, not knowing exactly why.

Tsuzuki just looked at me for some time, then he looked at his own letter and his eyes wandered about the surface, reading the same delicate calligraphy. And suddenly his whole face was pale, maybe even paler than Muraki. Wait, no one can be as pale as him.

"What does it say?" I asked Tsuzuki and saw the doctor just staring at the white petals from Tsuzuki's letter. I too saw that some of these were bloodstained.

"Nothing…" He just said, ignoring my concern and trying to shove the letter back into its' envelope with hands that weren't altogether steady. I felt a sting of irritation and swiped the letter from his hands, hearing a small complaint in response but I just waved it aside.

No earthly music could surpass the melodic sonnet of your screams.

Beset within the bonds of Eden's garden

I shall come for you soon, innocent White Rose.

So short but still so disgusting and a blatant act of harassment besides. No wonder that Tsuzuki looked the way he did.
But one thing lingered in my mind; who is this person writing such things to us? Who is this maniac... And why on earth did he call me a sunflower?

"I want to go home...Or something." I heard Tsuzuki whimper in a very soft and weak voice. Worry stung the lining of my heartstrings again.

"Tsuzuki, maybe we should take a walk." I offered, although I'm not much for going home yet to be honest. We had a case to solve and I wanted to spend some time with my sexy new love!

"A walk? "My purple-eyed friend asked, his sullen eyes imploring me wearily.

"Dear 'Suki, we have a case to solve and we have to talk with Tatsumi. He's probably a bit angry with us for not touching base last night like we were supposed to." I answered and stood up, taking my friends hand and dragging him away from the sofa. I would not remember until later that we had left the envelopes upon the coffee table, precisely where we had opened them. And we'd made rather a mess with those flower petals too but oh well… Muraki has a maid service, unlike the rest of us poor working class schumcks who have to clean up our own houses.

"Leaving so soon?" Oriya asked and I couldn't help but notice he looked a bit sad.

"You're both welcome to come back later." Muraki said, smiling at Tsuzuki.

Tsuzuki's facial expression abruptly changed and he looked as though he were about to scream 'NO!' but before he had the chance I stomped on his foot.

"Of course we will!" I said and smiled in Oriya's direction, whilst Tsuzuki cursed and spluttered, hopping about on one foot. Like I was going to let Oriya get away so easily!

I dragged Tsuzuki from the room and we appropriated our coats from the old man Sakaki, saying bye bye to the perverted doc and my sexy, naughty boy.
As we left from the grand front entrance, I felt the sun kiss the freshly washed skin on my face and felt that it was it going to be a nice day.

I could only hope.


Michiko-michan: My, my, that was a long chapter! Well, see ya later and hang in there! And thanks to my friend Shenai who's helped me out with this!

All: Bye bye!

Tsuzuki: I still want a cookie!!

Oriya: For the last time, QUIET!

Watari: See ya in chapter four, happy readers! Hopefully Ori won't be so grumpy then… (Strokes Oriya's head in order to soothe him back to sleep)

Muraki: Good-bye...and sleep well, doctors orders. Otherwise, you'll all be miserable old wretches like Oriya.

Oriya: You're the reason I'm a miserable old wretch!

Michiko-michan: Now, now, boys… be nice…