Summary- The Cullen family consists of Carlisle, Esme, Emmett, Jasper, Edward & Rosalie. Bella is friends with Rosalie,obviously she becomes friends with Edward, Emmett and Jasper too. Rosalie has left town to visit the Denali clan in Alaska. Bella is absent from school for about four days, Charlie is away on an out of town training course. Jasper takes Bella's homework over to her house only to find she is running an extremely high temperature of about one-hundred and eight. Story is about Edward and Jasper taking care of her when Carlisle goes to work and Esme is with Rosalie, and Emmett has taken a vacation in Australia. Where will this all end up?


Chapter 1- JPOV

Rosalie had left to go visit the Denali clan, she had been just dying to see Tanya again, Esme had gone with her. Emmett had been in Australia the last month, and wasn't coming back until the first. That left Carlisle, Edward and I.

We were pulling up into the school parking lot, I wonder if Bella was here today? She hadn't been at school for the last three days, I almost wondered if she was skipping, after all her father was away in Florida doing a training course. Much to my disappointment there was no old, pathetic, red, slightly rusting truck to be seen. I would have sworn I saw Edward looking for it too, I was probably just imagining things.

Edward parked the car and we got out into the rain, following the herd of people pushing their way through the doors. We headed off to our classes, Bella was in my first class, if she was here today she would be in class.

I took my seat, no Bella. She might just be late, right? It happens to everyone. But as the class went on, no Bella showed, the teacher was asking, no on knew where she was. "Well, could anyone take work to her? Does anyone know where she lives?" no ones hand went up. I cleared my throat.

"She's my sister's friend, I know where she lives." so at the end of the class the teacher handed me a stack of work. I took it to my locker before heading off to my next class. If Bella had decided to show, she would have been in Rosalie's class, but Rosalie wasn't here. I don't think she had even gotten the chance to tell Bella that she was leaving for a week.

Throughout the day teachers piled Bella's homework on me. I guess Mr. White had told everyone I could take her work. I couldn't even sit at lunch without having work for her drop down in front of me. By the end of the day I had a huge stack of work for her to do, notes from the teachers, notes for her to copy down, worksheets, notebooks, duotangs, and binders, I didn't think it was possible to have this much work in four days, but apparently it was more than possible. Thank god it's Friday or Bella would have a hell of a load of work to do.

Edward looked at me like I was crazy when I came out carrying my homework, the stuff the teacher piled on at the end of class, and Bella's monstrous pile of work from the last three days. "So I take it Bella was completely absent again?" I nodded as I threw it all in the backseat.

Edward had started the car and was waiting for Mike Newton to move his car. As soon as it was possible Edward sped out of the parking lot and we were soon on the highway. My plans were to just take my car over to Bella's.

That's exactly what I did as soon as we got in the driveway. I got in my car and started the drive to Bella's.

I parked my car in the driveway and grabbed her work. I made my way up to the door, I knocked but there was no response. Bella's way to familiar truck sat in the driveway, so she was home. I tried the door knob, it was unlocked. I slowly pushed the door open. "Bella?" I called cautiously into the house, no response.

I could hear ragged breathing, it sounded almost like panting, yet wheezy and barely audible. Whoever it was, was having problems breathing properly. I looked down frowning, only to see Bella laying on the kitchen floor. She was in a spaghetti strap top and short, pink pajama shorts. She had her shirt pulled up, exposing her stomach. I could tell from where I was standing she was extremely sweaty, pieces of her unbrushed hair stuck to her forehead, she was dehydrated, her lips were a pale, pale pink color, her skin was paler than usual, she was shaking, and she wasn't moving. She was breathing through her slightly parted lips, I heard that wheezy, discomforting sound every time she breathed.

She had the fan on above her, spreading her scent all around the room in strong waves. I put her work on the counter. "Bella, why are you on the floor? You should be in bed." I kneeled down beside her.

"Colder," her voice was dry and raspy. I placed my hand on her forehead, she jumped and then relaxed. I would have snatched my hand away if it wasn't for the fact she had moved closer. She was so hot, her temperature had to be over a hundred. She sighed and moved closer to me. "Cold..." she murmured. Instinctively I pulled her closer to me, pressing my cold body against her over-hot one. I couldn't leave her here like this.

"Bella, you need water, you're dehydrated." she didn't respond. I slowly laid her back down on the floor, and went to the fridge, her hand tried to keep a hold of mine.

"Don't go." she muttered.

"I'm not going anywhere Bella, I'm getting you water, I'll be right back. I'm not even leaving the room." I assured her. I opened the fridge door, there was a few bottles of water in there. I grabbed one and moved back to where I had been before. I set it down and gently pulled Bella towards me, she curled right into me. I opened the bottle of water and pressed it to her lips. "Drink." I commanded. Obediently she drank. After a few sips I pulled it away, she reached for it. "You can't drink too much at once, you'll be sick, you're already sick enough."

She sobbed, a tear silently rolling down her cheek. She was boiling, burning up, she was dehydrated and probably should be on medication. She continued to take in slow raspy breaths. The sound made me shiver. "Bella, you should probably see Carlisle, he's already left the hospital now, but he should be getting home any minute." she nodded but I don't think she was completely comprehending everything I was saying. "I'm going to take you over to my house Bella and when Carlisle gets home we can see what he can do." she nodded again. I slowly picked up her fragile body one arm under her knees and the other supporting her body, if there was ever a time I thought she was fragile, it was now.

She was sleeping again, her forehead rested against my arm. I could feel her sweat soaking through my shirt, I didn't mind though. I took her out and laid her down in the backseat. I went back and locked the door, grabbing the house key that sat on the counter, I left her work there, she wouldn't be able to do it anyways. I quickly went back to my car, I started it up and turned the air conditioning on for Bella, she sighed when she felt the cool air.

I kept an eye on her from my rear view mirror, she barely moved. Carlisle's car wasn't in the driveway when I parked the car, it should be there in a minute or so. I carefully picked Bella up and sure enough, as soon as I did Carlisle's car sped into the driveway. He frowned when he saw me and frowned more when he saw Bella.

He got out of his car and hurried over. "She's sick." as if that wasn't obvious.

"Bring her in the house." I followed Carlisle onto the front porch and into the house. "Edward, can you get a blanket out of the closet in my study?" Edward was there in a flash carrying a light blue comforter. Carlisle took it and laid it out on the ground, he signaled me to lay Bella down.

I carefully laid her down on the blanket, trying not to disturb her too much. As soon as I moved away she rolled onto her stomach. "Jasper go get her some water, Edward can you roll her over and sit her up so I can take her temperature?" I went to go get Bella some water, when I came back, I felt a pang of jealousy as Edward held Bella, brushing her hair out of her face. I set the water down on the coffee table, as the plastic device beeped.

Carlisle removed it from her mouth, Bella curled in to Edward. Carlisle looked surprised when he read the thermometer. "One-oh-eight." he announced. She was definitely burning up. "I think all we can do is give her an Advil and keep her cooler, for now anyways." Carlisle's pager went off. He groaned and then turned to us. "I hate to do this, but it looks like you're on your own for a while, there's an emergency at the hospital, looks like someone got in a major car accident." he grabbed his bag and headed back out the door.

I sat on the couch as Edward sat, holding Bella, rocking her back and forth slightly. I pulled out the little homework I had and began working on it, the odd time I would look up, getting continuously jealous as Edward held Bella, she curled right into him just as she had me. I finished my homework and sat it on the coffee table.

I watched them, my jealousy continuously growing. I was the one who found her, I was the one that brought her here, and now I was stuck watching Edward take care of her. The phone rang so I went to answer it.


"Hey, Jasper, could you please remind Edward not to let Bella drink a whole bunch of water, she'll get even more sick."

"I'm sure he already knows that, I'll tell him though."

"Thanks Jazz."

"No problem." Carlisle hung up, just as I hung up I could hear Bella throwing up. I closed my eyes and pressed the phone onto the hook. I held it there for a moment, not moving. I shook my head, to rid of all the thoughts that surrounded the situation. I soon found Edward holding Bella's hair back ans she threw up in the toilet. "You let her drink the whole glass of water didn't you?" he glared at me, he is such an idiot. "And I didn't even go to medical school..." I murmured.

Bella finally stopped throwing up and practically just passed out on the floor. Edward looked like he didn't know what to do. "Why don't you go do your homework or something, I'll take care of her." he looked at me and then at Bella again before slowly getting up and leaving.

I scooped Bella up and carried her like I had before, taking her back down stairs and laying her on the comforter. I soon found her head in my lap. I brushed the hair away from her forehead. My fingers grazed her neck, I recoiled immediately, the back of her neck was burning hot! I saw she had a hair elastic on her wrist.

I carefully slid it off her wrist. Now how exactly did it work? I looked at the elastic and the her hair. Right, you see girls doing it at school all the time, I see Rosalie do it all the time... if she can do it, it really can't be that hard, can it?

I gathered all her hair up and tried to figure out how to wrap the elastic around it. I tried multiple times and I could tell even Bella was getting annoyed with my attempts. I was getting frustrated... over a freakin' pony tail!

Finally I just pulled her hair through it and then twisted it and pulled her hair through until I couldn't anymore. I was just about to pull the elastic back out when I realized something... it was staying in... Oh my god! I figured out how to tie a hair elastic!... it only took me... I looked at the clock... an hour to figure it out...

A/N- Please R&R, keep in mind I was just bored and didn't know what to write... but I love Jasper so I wrote this... flames are welcome.