Mystic Force
I don't own Ranma or the Power Rangers.
The bike tears down the road at break neck speed. The Kawasaki weaves through the turns with reckless abandon. Either the rider does not care for his life, or he has total confidence in his abilities. But answer becomes irrelevant as the bike slows before coming to a stop on the side of the road. The rider moves the visor of his helmet up and looks down from the overview. The city is large, not the largest he has seen but still large. He looks down at the gages on the bike and sighs. "I guess I'll be stopping here for now." He turns his head to the right and then to the left. He finds what he seeks, a sign with the city's name. "Briarwood, huh?" He shrugs his shoulders. "Looks peaceful, god knows I could use some peace and quiet." But the earthquake that soon follows is quite the foreboding omen.
Things seem peaceful enough. The buildings show no signs of damage from the recent earthquake. The rider parks his bike near a grassy park. He removes his helmet. He passes a hand through his hair trying to remedy the helmet hair he is currently afflicted by. His eyes wonder around the area as he places a pair of sunglasses upon his face. Nothing odd is happening. People are milling about talking about the earthquake and checking out any damage that might have occurred. ("You think living in California they'd be used to earthquakes.") The rider thinks. He once again looks around trying to find a gas station so he can get gas and directions to a hotel and then the next city. His search has just started, and he will not rest until he finds his answers. His search for gas is interrupted by an elder man calling for help.
"Somebody please help me…" He mumbles. His voice is weak. And yet a crowd begins to form about him almost immediately. "It's my brother. We were walking just outside of town and something…some creature grabbed him and took him into the woods."
As soon as he mentions the word 'woods' grown men become fearful. Many turn and abandon the man. But not everyone.
"Imagine that V, him asking for someone to go into the woods." Zander whispers to multi-hair colored female friend. She doesn't respond. Instead she appears to be considering the man's plea.
"Won't someone help me?" The old man asks. More people begin to leave. They dare not enter the woods.
But finally someone answers. "I will." The young rider places his helmet on the handlebars of the bike and stands. "I have some time to kill."
The old man walks towards the young man. "Thank you so much," He says as he shakes his hand.
Zander looks at the newcomer in shock. He decides to save the Good Samaritan from almost certain death. "Hey, I'm Zander. You're new around here and probably not aware of all the facts." The biker nods and puts on a leather jacket. "And there's just one. You go into the woods, and you don't come back out."
The biker nods. "I heard." He nods his head towards the old man. "There's a guy out there who needs help. No one else seems to care." He and the old man begin to leave.
"I'll go with you!" Vida calls out. She looks around at those still gathered with anger and barely hidden disgusted. "Not everyone in this city is a coward."
"I'll go too!" Chip sounds too excited to be going off to his death. "I've always wanted to go on a dangerous quest." He looks at Vida. "This is a dangerous quest, right?"
Vida rolls her eyes and the newcomer arches an eyebrow. He shakes his head and turns to the old man. "Lead the way."
They arrive at the edge of the woods soon enough. The old man leads them to where his brother was taken. "Are you sure you want to enter? The woods are a very scary place."
The biker looks at the tangled mass of branches and vines. "I've seen worse." He looks around and feels one of the vines near him. "Kinda reminds me of Ryugenzawa," He mumbles. He stands and looks at the old man. "Why are you asking us these questions? Your brother's in trouble, shouldn't you be more worried about him?"
"Everyone's in danger." The old man's words are cryptic to say the least.
"Everyone's in danger?" Chip repeats the words with a smile. "Yeah!"
The newcomer sighs and pinches the bridge of his nose. "You're way too excited."
Just then a car horn sounds drawing everyone's attention. Two people have arrived in a jeep. Vida becomes angry and moves towards it. "Zander! I told you if you ever took my car I'd rearrange your limbs." Chip joins her, while the newcomer and the old man hang back by the woods.
Zander hops out of the jeep and tosses her the keys. "You're going into the woods and never returning, like you're ever going to see it again."
"He has a point," Chip reminds her.
"You're my sister, where you go I go," Madison tells Vida.
The old man studies the two that have arrived. And then in a whisper he says, "And so there are five."
But his whisper is not low enough. The biker's eyes, hidden by his glasses, have rarely left the old man. And as he spoke a frown formed on what was his expressionless face. ("What's up with this old man?")
They move into the woods single file. The eyes and heads of the four locals dart back and forth looking for anything out of place, any monsters that might roam the area. For some time they see nothing nor feel anything amiss. But then Madison speaks. "Did you guys just feel that? It felt really weird."
The newcomer nods. "I felt it too. Don't worry about it though, worry about where the old man's gone to."
"This is great! Ten seconds in the woods, and we're already lost!" Chip exclaims.
"Is he always like this?" The newcomer asks Madison. She can only nod.
Some time later the group is still lost in the woods. And Chip is still talking. "Dwarves, Goblins, Elves, and Trolls live in the woods. I also heard that a witch lives in here. She's hideous, with green skin and a black tongue with yellow drool that slowly drips from the corner of her mouth when she speaks."
The newcomer sighs. "As long as there's no nine headed hydra around here we're good. Witches I can…" He stops abruptly. The others turn to see what has happened. They are scared speechless. There behind the biker is someone dressed in a black cloak. The newcomer pushes his glasses higher up on the bridge of his nose. "You want something?" He asks as he turns to face this unknown.
The figure does not answer. "Anybody want to run?" Maddie asks.
"Tried, legs aren't working," Zander answers.
The newcomer and the cloaked figure stare one another down for a moment, almost as though they are waiting for the other to make the first move. Suddenly both their heads snap to the side. "We have company." The newcomer informs them.
The strangest creatures appear from the woods from all sides and completely surround the group. Zander, Madison, Chip, and Vida crowd up near the newcomer. It is then that the cloaked individual brings forth a wand with a white star upon its tip. With a twirl objects streak from the air and whisk the group of five teenagers away.
"That was fun!" Chip exclaims as he dusts the dirt from off his shirt. The five objects had been flying brooms, and they had deposited their passengers beside a gigantic tree.
"I'm beginning to get annoyed," The newcomer says.
"Well, newcomer, now you know why no one comes into woods," Zander says sarcastically.
"The name's Ranma," He informs the Australian.
They begin to take stock of their situation. "What is this place?" Vida asks as she points to the tree.
A woman's voice answers her. "I call it Rootcore."
Ranma place himself between the two groups. "Come on!" Madison yells as she grabs him and pulls him back into the tree.
The group enters a large wooded room a moment later. They are able to look around a moment before the woman's voice is heard again. "I thought it best to bring you here." She is standing on a balcony overlooking a table with some kind of half-globe in it.
"Hi, I'm Zander," The young man looks around before continuing. "Nice place you got here." He knocks on the table. "It's very woody."
She waves her wand once more. The brooms appear on a wall nearby. She removes his black cloak. "I am Udonna, welcome to my home."
"Wow this is awesome!" Chip exclaims.
"For once I agree," Ranma nods.
"When you five entered the forest you stepped into a magical dimension," Udonna explains.
"A parallel dimension outside of Brairwood?" Chip takes a deep breath. "Do we live in a great city or what?"
"Years ago there was a great battle in our dimension," Udonna continues. "Dark magic conquered our realm. And was about to enter your dimension, when we finally defeated them and sent them back to the Underworld. But at a great cost. The Gate was sealed with a powerful spell. However, during the recent earthquake a crack appeared in the Gate and evil has slipped through."
Zander raises his hand to interrupt. "Hi, remember me, Zander? I was just wondering…what does that have to do with us?"
"It could mean the end for both our worlds."
"The end, huh?" Ranma asks. "Could you please get to the point of the story?"
"Very well." The sorceress moves to a large book and motions to it. "This is the Xenatomb, The Book of the Unknown. In it is everything we do not know." The group moves to the book and takes a look. At first there is nothing. But then pictures and words appear.
"What language is that?" Maddie asks.
"It is the language of the Ancients. You will soon learn it." The sorceress begins to read. "It says that when evil rises again, five mystical warriors from the human realm will step forward." She turns to them. "You are those warriors. You are the Power Rangers."
"Nice!" Chip exclaims.
"Excuse me," Xander interrupts. "There must be some mistake. How are we going to defeat pure evil? Our high school football team hasn't even more a game in like six years."
"These are your magic wands." She hands each of the warriors a stick. On the ends has a different design and color. Yellow to Chip, blue to Madison, pink to Vida, green to Xander, and red to Ranma. "Never go anywhere without them."
"Udonna!" A young lady calls as she hurries into the room. "Udonna!" She stops as she sees the group. "Oh! Hello. Nice to meet you," She greets them. "Um…excuse me. Udonna," She leans in and whispers into the sorceress' ear.
Udonna turns to the group. "Stay here until I return. Do not go into the woods by yourselves." The with a snap of her fingers she seemingly dissolves into light crystals.
The young lady immediately imitates her. "I wish I could do that. I practice and I practice. But nothing." She finally remembers her guests and turns to them. "Oh, um…hello again I'm Claire, sorceress in training here at Rootcore."
Ranma sighs. "I'm done with this." He places his wand on the book and moves to leave. "I'm outta here."
Claire immediately gets in his way. "No, you can't go. Udonna said you had to stay here until she returns."
Maddie steps forward. "We'd all better go."
"Oh I know!" Claire takes a step back. "I will conjure a spell that will freeze you where you stand." She speaks but the spell backfires and turns her into a sheep.
Ranma shakes his head and walks back to the entrance. The others put their wands on the book and follow after.
The group leaves the safety of the tree and move out into the woods once more. Moments later they reach a sort of encampment, though it appears that it has seen better days. Creatures, many of them easily identified from children stories, wander through the camp. "Who are they?" Xander wonders aloud.
Udonna takes note of the group and walks towards them. "I should have known you wouldn't stay in Rootcore."
"What happened here?" Maddie asks.
"Looks like a battle," Ranma observes.
"Indeed." Udonna confirms. "Woodland village was destroyed. Tomorrow another. The Darkness destroys everything in its path until they find what they want."
"What are they looking for?" Chip asks.
Ranma's eyes survey the destruction while his hand moves back to his jacket. He removes his sunglasses and places them upon his face once more. "Me." Udonna says. "And then they will come for you."
"I don't recall agreeing to fight," Ranma says.
"It is them!" Someone shouts. The group of teens turns to the village. A man with a pitchfork is walking towards them. "It is them! The protectors are here! Hail the Mystic Force!" All those who have gathered kneel.
"I always wondered what it would be like to be worshiped," Xander jokes. "It's not so bad."
Ranma shakes his head. "Well then your worshipfulness, why don't you take care of that thing?" They all look in the direction that the newcomer has turned. The four youths gasp. Walking towards them is a giant black monster of some kind.
"Ok, that's bad!" The villagers scatter.
"Take out your wands!" Udonna orders them.
"Um…we kinda left them back at the tree," Chip admits.
"All right stand back." Udonna steps forward and removes her wand. She holds it aloft and shouts. "Magically Source, Mystic Force!" A magical circle of some kind passes over her body. Then in a flash of white light and snowflakes she is covered in armor. "Furry of snow! White Mystic Ranger!"
"Now that's cool," Vida admits. Chip readily agrees with her.
Udonna, meanwhile, jumps high into the air and delivers a blast of magic from her staff. The beast, however, blocks it with ease. She dodges its counter and goes on the defensive.
It is at this point that Ranma notices something. "We have company."
"Huh?" The others follow his gaze. Out of the trees and bushes surrounding the village the same odd humanoid creatures from earlier have appeared. "Well the way I see it is we have two choices," Chip begins. "We can surrender and be destroyed or…"
"We can fight," Maddie finishes for him.
"I don't give up, so there's only one option," Ranma informs them.
"Hold on a sec," Xander stops him from jumping into the fray. "There's another option. Plan Xander. I'll just reason with them." He steps forward and greets the creatures. "Hi, name's Xander. We're not really from these parts so if it's okay with you guys, we'll be on our way, ok?" Their answer is a swift kick to the chest that sends him back into the waiting arms of Ranma.
"Nice plan." He stands Xander up and after making sure he's okay turns to the creatures. "Can we fight now?"
"Guess so."
The battle begins in earnest as two of the creatures unless an odd attack and rocks the area and causes a small explosion. "Lovely," Ranma's mind races. His eyes quickly scan the area. Everything is taken into consideration. His eyes fall on Udonna first. ("She's busy.") Next the creatures. ("Obviously powerful, limited intelligence, most likely grunts.") Finally the four teens with him. ("Very little experience in fighting.") He sighs and pushes his sunglasses up a bit further. ("Conclusion?") He takes his fighting stance, one arm stretched out before him parallel to the ground, palm facing back towards him; other hand behind his back. "This should be fun," He mumbles in Japanese.
"What did you say?" Xander asks.
"Don't worry about it. Avoid getting killed." And with that he rushes forward.
The battle is tough on the other four. Ranma, on the other hand, seems almost bored. ("Little skill just like I thought.") He thinks as he avoids a sloppy charge and trips the creature with an outstretched foot. ("Thankfully they seem to be more interested in terrorizing the others and not killing them.")
Just then he hears Udonna. "Just remember to use magic all you have to do is believe in it!"
Thankfully the others seem to take to their magic rather well and defeat their opponents.
"You're iced!" And with a snap of Udonna's fingers her opponent shatters into a thousand pieces. She then surveys the field. She nods when she sees that four of the Rangers have learned to harness their magic. But her eyes go wide under her helmet when she looks at the fifth and finally one. There standing in the center of a group of beaten and broken Hidiacks is Ranma. He doesn't have a scratch on him. But what amazes Udonna most is the lack of magic. ("I didn't feel him use any magic and yet he defeated every enemy with ease.")
"Very nice," She says. They have regrouped after their run in with the soldiers of the Darkness and are now relatively safe. "You truly are the ones. Are you up to the task? Are you now ready to accept your legacy?"
"Oh yeah! Bring it on!" No surprise Chip is the first to accept.
"I'm in. I killed some serious evil back there!" Vida exclaims.
"This is so unlike me, but I'm sticking with my sister." There is no doubt in Maddie's voice.
"Someone's got to look after these guys, right?" Xander asks as he puts his arms around his friends' shoulders.
They turn to Ranma, who has been silent since the fight began. "No." Is his one word response.
"Are you sure?" Udonna asks.
"Positive. I have my reasons." He turns and begins to walk.
Udonna nods. "Very well, Claire will see you out of the woods."
"No need." He points. "The city's this way, it's a couple of miles til the edge of this dimension then I'll be back in the normal woods."
Udonna's eyes go wide. "Why yes, that's right. How did you know that?"
Ranma does not answer he simply moves forward and disappears into the trees.
A few moments later he stops and turns back. Looking over his shoulder he can see the lights of explosions. For a moment he hesitates but then continues on. "It's none of my concern." He reaches the edge of the forest. "I'm not that person anymore."
Yes Ranma is acting oddly. Things will be explained as time goes by. The storyline will follow the basic Power Ranger storyline.