Editor's Note: My daughter wrote this and asked me to post it for her. Please review but consider the source and be nice. Feel free to use this as a benchmark if anyone accuses you of writing like a fifth grader.

Today's Friends and Tomorrow's Heroes

Note to Readers: I am Pilgrim's daughter and I'm only 10

Chapter1. Sister!?

The sun was beginning to set. The group in front of me seemed aware of my presence although I didn't know if they were friends or not. In the group were three mortals (one was a monk), two demons, and the half-demon Inu-Yasha, who serves the mortal girl who can see shikon shards. My name is Haru. Tayto, my adopted child, was scampering through the trees above me. She's a 7 year old fox/squirrel demon with a mischievous nature. I said, "Tayto, watch out--there's a demon nest up ahead. It must be where they're going, but why?"

A cry from up ahead pierced the silence. "There it is!" There was a crash and a demon smashed through the trees in front of me. I moved too fast for it to react. I darted forward and raised my claws. It flew straight through my claws and was cut into six pieces. Only then did I realize it was a crow demon. I looked at my claws. They were bloodsoaked. My hand felt warm. I looked more closely at my claws. Then, I saw it! A shikon shard, so bloody that you could hardly tell what it was. Then there was a yell. "That demon has it!" cried the mortal girl, looking towards me.

"That's not a demon, Kagome," said Myoga. He is a flea demon who serves Inu-Yasha, though he has a tendency to bite him. "She's a half-demon! Master Inu-Yasha I suggest you be careful, sh…."

"Shut up! She's a girl and she doesn't even have a weapon," Inu-Yasha interrupted. I smiled. He didn't know what he was playing at. He unsheathed the Tetsusaiga and jumped. I was expecting it however and as I leaped nimbly aside I unsheathed my hidden blade. The blade was gold with silver letters written down the front that spell the sword's name, Sun's Flame. I looked up at the sky – there was no moon. I looked at Inu-Yasha and found something wrong. He smelled like a mortal, his hair was turning black, and he didn't have dog ears. I realized that he turned mortal on the night of the turning of the lunar cycle-- the new moon. Too bad for him, I thought, because on the new moon I become a full demon. Since I am 3/4 demon and 1/4 mortal I can change into the forms of the different demons I am a fourth of. I am 1/4 Winged Dragon Demon, 1/4 Fox Demon, 1/4 Giant Dog Demon, and 1/4 mortal. The night I became mortal is the full moon and I can stay a mortal as long as I want. Inu-Yasha jumped again. He soared through the air and slashed above my head. Unluckily for him he turned mortal just before he slashed. Poor Inu-Yasha! Suddenly a blast of wind nearly pulled me off my feet. It was coming from the monk's hand. "What next?" I asked myself.

Oh no! Inu-Yasha turned mortal! I thought, I forgot it was the night of the new moon.

"Kagome where is the shard?" Inu-Yasha asked me.

"She threw it on the ground a few minutes back," I replied. Miroku, a monk (and a lech) was using his mystic wind tunnel, a void within his hand, to attack the half-demon. Something came flying out of the trees. With a snarl the half-demon transformed into a silver, winged dragon. She knocked Miroku down, caught whatever it was, grabbed the shard and flew off! It took a moment for it to all sink in. The wind tunnel had no effect on her and she was a full demon. I broke the silence by saying, "Where is Myoga? I want to squish him."

"Hmmm?" asked Inu-Yasha.

"Oh, Inu-Yasha, I see you beat her," called Myoga as he hopped toward us.

"We didn't win—she retreated AND she was a full demon so shut up," Inu-Yasha shouted at him.

It took four and a half months to find her—she was standing in a clearing waiting for us. The sun was setting. The demon or whatever she was drew her weapon. Then it happened. Her hair started turning red, her claws and fangs disappeared, and the silver wings turned to white, silvery, bright light and faded into nothing. She had turned mortal! Quickly, I looked at the sky. The full moon shown down into the clearing.

"Well are you ready to stop running and fight me?" called Inu-Yasha, "Or are you just too scared in your mortal form?"

"I'll fight." Her voice was musical. "But I don't have the shard." Then she attacked. She was incredibly fast. The kick made Inu-Yasha fly backwards through five trees and made a big dent on a rock. "Still want to fight me?" she asked.

"That doesn't scare me," replied Inu-Yasha.

She just smiled. Then she said, "If you want to know my name, it's Haru." Inu-Yasha tensed. A loud crash made the forest tremble. It made both Haru and Inu-Yasha fall down.

"Hello, you two," a cold voice said from above. We all looked up. A giant, and I mean giant, dog, stared down at us. Then the giant dog, who was actually Inu-Yasha's brother Sesshomaru (who was a full demon) in his true form, said, "It's been a long time since I've seen my two younger siblings together."

"What?!" Everyone except Sesshomaru yelled. Inu-Yasha and Haru stared at each other.

Then Haru said, "I'm three-fourths demon. I can change to the demons I am 1/4 of. One night of the lunar cycle I'm a full demon, and then a different night of the lunar cycle I'm mortal."

I helped Inu-Yasha beat my brother, and then I explained everything. I called Tayto over. She and Shippo, a young 7 year old fox demon, became very good friends. They asked me about the shard and I told them about the demon who called himself Naraku (an evil demon or should I say half demon) and how he took the shard from me. Then it came, the big day. Kirara was flying above us, Sango on her back. Naraku was standing in front of us (Naraku was reborn and Miroku's wind tunnel had reopened, though it didn't grow wider unless it was cut.) I unsheathed Sun's Flame and it began to transform into something. It looked like a blade of crystallized fire. "Huh?" I said looking at the weapon. "It's never done this before."

"Oh my!" said Myoga.

"Do you know what this is?" I asked.

"Yes, that's the sword of unbeatable power fashioned by your father himself."

"It's just the same as Inu-Yasha's Tetsusaiga." I said.

"Oh, too bad."

"I found it in a mountain above a giant dragon demon with two faces. I saw the claw and knew that my father had left it there."

"Hey, Haru, this is a battle, not a conversation, so will you shut up and focus on Naraku?" yelled Inu-Yasha. It took a while but we finally defeated Naraku.