Sesshomaru and Kagome: A Dangerous Love

Chapter 15: And So It Ends

A month ago.

Kagome's eyes flashed open in a frenzy. Sweat dripped from every pore of her body, glistening against the dim moonlight glaring at her through her window. Her skin glowed radiantly with the shimmering sweat. Her breath was out of control and her hair clung to her neck and face. She threw off her covers and scooted off the bed.

It's amazing how one little dream can change a thought. A state of mind. A life. She rested her hands on the window sill, peering out and staring to the midnight sky littered with stars.

Kagome began to realize what her heart was telling her. Her utter distaste and disgust for the dream she had just had. It still sent shivers up her spine. Why had she had this dream?

Inuyasha trailed kisses back up to her mouth, their tongues colliding passionately as the intensity increased.

Kagome shuddered at the thought, guilt tugging at her conscience for even having such a dream. "Inuyasha…" she whispered.

Unknown to her, a figure stood in her doorway, listening to her every word.

"Inuyasha, I don't love you anymore." she said as a lone tear strolled down her cheek, her memory replaying the dream that had just occurred. The sight of the half-demon kissing her, touching her, inside of her…It made her insides crawl. "There was a time when that dream came and it was a great night's sleep…But now -- Now that I have Sesshomaru, it was a nightmare." she whispered to herself. She fell to her knees, sobbing. The dream was so realistic, every detail forever etched into her mind. It was a blessing in disguise, her dream. Her heart now had fully pushed Inuyasha out, and made complete and total space for Sesshomaru.

Her sobs never ceased, even as a masculine arm wrapped around her, holding her tightly to him. "Tell me your dream."

Kagome stilled instantly. What would he think of her? What would he say? "Whore! I never want to see your ugly face you bitch!" -- That's what her mind knew what would happen, but her heart protested.

"I dreamt about Inuyasha."

The mere mention of his name made his insides burn with jealousy and pure malice, but his exterior self displayed nothing but pure apathy.

"He…He was inside of me, our bodies coming together, making the love that I know my body was only made to make with you."

His expression showed no falter, but his grip around her tightened.

"But now I know…That Inuyasha does hold a piece of my heart."

Sesshomaru's seemingly nonexistent heart dropped at this.

"He shares the same amount of my heart that my mother, my brother, and my friends do." she quickly added. "But you…Sesshomaru, you hold more than anyone."

Sesshomaru picked her up, the corned of his lips slightly upturning, giving him the expression of happiness, something that did not come easily to him. He set her down gently on the bed and covered her back up. "Good night."


- - - - - -

Now in the story.

Kagome's eyes shifted nervously as she walked down the long hallway. Her breath was uneven and her heart was racing. She saw the office door come into view and took in a deep breath. She slowly opened the door and walked in.

"What is it." Sesshomaru asked, busy doing work.

"I need to talk to you."

Sesshomaru could sense the urgency and nervousness in her voice so he looked up.

"I'm pregnant."

Sesshomaru's lower jaw slightly dropped, his hand dropping the writing quill he was previously using. The only sound now made was the object's fall, as it seemed to echo louder than a scream. Sesshomaru stood up from his desk, paperwork the last thing on his mind. He walked over to Kagome, a nonchalant expression on his face. He swept Kagome up into his arms and spun her around in a semicircle, crushing her lovingly to him. He bent down and placed a tender kiss on her lips, then looked into her eyes.

This was the moment he had been waiting for, the moment he thought would never come. The only thing that could have made their relationship closer was a child. And now they were going to have one.

"I love you more than anything, Kagome."

Kagome's eyes slightly widened. Very rarely did he say her name…In fact, she couldn't even recall the last time her name passed his lips. She wrapped her arms around him tightly, as he did the same. "I love you, too." she replied, tears of joy welling in her eyes.

- - - - - -

6 months later.

Kagome's belly was plump, to say at the least. She had a big bulge, sticking out. Her figure still remained slim, save her enlarged breasts (much to Sesshomaru's liking), and more of a rounded face. Other pregnant women would be envious of her figure. She was blessed.

2 months later.

She now only had about twenty days before she was expecting. Sesshomaru had sniffed out the gender of the baby, but Kagome refused to let him tell her.

Kagome was now in Sesshomaru's room, as it seemed more fit. There was a crib next to the bed, just for the baby. Other actions had been taken to prepare for the baby, such as toys, a nursery room, and other little things.

Kagome was rather obsessive with making sure everything was perfect for when the baby came. Sesshomaru had stayed up countless nights finishing about four month's worth of work, so he would have time to spend helping Kagome with the baby.

1 month later. Baby time.

"Push Kagome." Saya's voice called out, the other maids growing jealous of the fact she spoke to Lady Kagome so informally, despite the fact Kagome had said many times that everyone should call her 'Kagome' and 'Kagome' only.

Kagome breathed fast, panting for breaths of air. She was tired of pushing. She had been doing it for what seemed like hours.

Sesshomaru was beside her, allowing her to hold his hand. Whenever Kagome had seemingly given up on pushing, Sesshomaru would say a few encouraging words and she would continue.

"Come on, you can do this." said Sesshomaru's calm voice.

"No…I'm too tired." Kagome whined, resting her head back on the pillow. "It hurts."

"I know, but you're almost done."

Kagome nodded and scrunched her face up, pushing as hard as she could.

"One more push Kagome." Saya instructed her.

Kagome took in a deep breath and pushed with all her might, hoping to get this over with.

Saya quickly wiped the baby of wet blood, though didn't thoroughly clean it as she figured she would do it after Sesshomaru and Kagome held it.

Saya handed Kagome the screaming and crying baby whom was wrapped in a blanket.

Kagome smiled, tears coming to her eyes as she held the baby. Her mouth formed the word "Ohh…" but words never escaped. "Shh…" she hushed in a coo, rocking it slightly.

"That's our baby girl." Sesshomaru said, a smile placing itself on his lips. The servants took in the sight quickly, then left, leaving the three to themselves.

Kagome smiled at the word 'girl'. "Oh!" Kagome exclaimed in a whisper. "What should we name her?"


"Ai?" Kagome asked curiously. It was rather beautiful, it meaning love. She smiled down at her baby. "Hello Ai. I'm you're mommy." she said softly, and then looked over to Sesshomaru. "And this is your daddy."

- - - - - -

8 years in the future.

Ai ran in to her father's office. She was naked. "Hi daddy!" she exclaimed.

"Ai, what has your mother told you about running around without any clothes."

The small girl huffed and crossed her arms. "She always tries to doll me up daddy!" she pouted. Her hair was white with a silver tint to it like her fathers. Her eyes were chestnut brown like her mothers, and she was about the same size as Rin was when she was her age.

Rin was now sixteen years old, maturing quite well. She had already married (much to Sesshomaru's disapproval) and lived with her husband. Sesshomaru paid weekly visits to make sure her husband was in line and treating her well.

"Go get dressed."

Ai sighed but nodded, knowing that if she didn't listen she'd be punished.

6 more years later.

"Moooooooooom!" Ai yelled, knocking loudly on her parents' bedroom door.

Sesshomaru opened it and stared down at his fourteen-year-old daughter. She sported a tight, pure black top and white pants resembling Sesshomaru's.

She had now learned how to fight, and she was damn good at it. Most of her friends she hung around with were males, and she was always causing mayhem.

Kagome came to the door. "What is it?"

"Some kid's parents are here and they want to talk to you."

Kagome raised a suspicious eyebrow at her daughter as she stared innocently back at her. "This is the second time this week, Ai." she said and walked passed her, heading toward the castle entrance.

Sesshomaru still stared down to his daughter.

"What! I didn't do anything, I swear!"

Sesshomaru put a hand on the door, waiting for an explanation.

Tears welled up in her eyes and she stared to the floor. "He called me a worthless half-breed. Said I didn't deserve to be living here." she said, sniffing.

A low growl resonated in Sesshomaru's throat.

"So I punched him in the mouth." she said.

Sesshomaru placed a hand on her head and then walked toward the entrance. He peered out the entrance and saw Kagome talking with two very angry demons. He walked out slowly to confront the two.

A slight gasp filled the man's mouth as he saw Sesshomaru approach. "Do you know what your daughter did? Well, I'll tell you. She hit our little boy for no reason!"

Sesshomaru's eyes slid to a trembling figure, clenching dearly to his mother's leg. "Is that so." he said and shot the little boy a glare. "Ai was giving him what he deserved. Be thankful she spared his worthless life."

Kagome looked questioningly to Sesshomaru, whom in return, gave her an 'I'll explain later' look.

"Peh! Just watch your daughter, she's gonna grow up to be a wild one she is."

- - - - - -

10 more years later.

"You're leaving this all to me!?"


"But…But…What if I can't handle it?" cried Ai's now mature voice.

"You can." Sesshomaru reassured her. "Your mother and I are going to settle down somewhere. We will let you know when we find out."

Ai sighed. "Alright."


Kagome was now 41 years old, her body not looking a day older than 15.

"Why is it that you do not age?" Sesshomaru asked as they walked along a path in the forest.

"I guess the time flow is so different since I'm not from this era."

Sesshomaru said nothing, but concluded that she must be right. It was a good thing, though, since he was a demon and demons outlive humans by hundreds of years. Though, he knew she didn't have that long. The years would catch up to her sooner or later.

"I don't know why I have the feeling that I do, but I think my time is near." she said. As if reading his mind.

"I will follow you."

"No. Ai needs someone to be there, even if she is grown and strong. "

- - - - - -

22 years later.

Sesshomaru ran his hand across a long pile of grass. Flowers rested upon the grave, and he was thankful that she lived as long as she did. Ai had not taken the news well, but instead left the Western Lands on a lone journey. 'I didn't even expect her to make it past fifty, I'm glad she did, though.' he said as a single tear treaded down his cheek.

He stood up from his crouching position and went back into the castle, which he had taken over again after Ai's departure.

"Hello me Lord."

"Hello Jaken."

Jaken watched as his Lord made his way to his office. He sighed, 'Goodbye Kagome' he thought to himself. He wouldn't admit it, but Kagome was just as dear to him as Rin or his Lord.

- - - - -

Sesshomaru soon followed after his mate, allowing himself to be killed in battle. Despite his assumption of living his afterlife in Hell, an angel protested and he was accepted into Heaven.

He met the angel whom tried her best to get him into the beautiful place, and to his surprise, it was none other than Kagome.

The End

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Author's Note: Okay guys, I know, I SUCK at epilogues. It's the hardest part of a story in my opinion.

Haha, I'm not sure if many of you remember, but in the very first chapter I said "No, this will not be one of those fics where Sesshomaru will start crying or smiling or some impossible crap like that xD" and well...I did both of those, even though what I meant at first was "Sesshomaru won't be happy-happy joy-joy". Ah well, I hope I kept him in character.

For those who didn't quite catch it, Kagome never REALLY slept with Inuyasha. It was a dream, sorry for the clicheness of that.

So, review for the last time? I'd appreciate it.

For those who thoroughly enjoyed this one, I have recently started a new Sesshomaru/Kagome story called Tick Tick Boom. Go to my profile and check it out if you're interested ;D

It was great writing this story! Thank you everyone who reviewed!