A/N the reason why I started to write this story is because of a friend who got himself into trouble. Therefore this story is dedicated to him

Ok..that's my second fanfic so far..pls keep in mind that my first language is not english.

and i know there is no Olivia and very little of Elliot in this chapter..but this will change! i promise

Disclaimer: T

well..having said everything..i hope you like it and if so please review and tell me what you think.

god bless



„Hey Dickie are you coming to Josh's party?!" Matt asked his friend while putting his schoolbooks into his locker.

"Uh..I dunno man..." Dickie answered biting his lower lip "school's a bitch and I still haven't finished my history project about the civil war.."

"C'mon man, you can't turn me down! That's THE event of the year. All the hot chicks will be there! Even Rachel is coming!" Matt said trying to convince his friend. "You are just afraid that Mommy and Daddy won't let ya go" Matt went on smirking "Gotta be a hard having a dad as a cop..".

"Dude, what the fuck are ya talking about? Of course they would let me go. I'm not a wimp or something.." Dickie said slamming is locker door shut.

Did I just say that? Oh man I'm so screwed!! My mom will NEVER allow me to go there..and my dad..asking him would be a waste of time! They are way too worried because they KNOW that kids get drunk on such parties.

"What time does it start?" Dickie asked looking his friend straight into his eyes.

"Yeah man! I knew you wouldn't weasel out! It's gonna be awesome! Party starts at 8pm at Josh's house. No parents, just booze and hot chicks." Matt grinned patting Dickie's shoulder.

"See ya tomorrow then!" Matt said walking away.

"Yeah..see ya.." Dickie thought sighing.

How the hell should I convince my parents? Telling them the truth was out of question. But lying to mom is like trying to trick a lie detector. I'm so screwed. But what's wrong with having fun at weekends?! Josh parents are really cool, they allow him everything. I wish my mom was like his mom, not so concerned and strict.

"Kathleen, Dickie, Lizzy!" Get down here dinner is ready!" Katy called her kids while turning off the oven.

"Ok. Now or never" Dickie thought to himself. Biting his lip he tried to steady his nerves. Lying to his mom would be the hardest thing he has ever done before. But he wanted to go to Josh's party so badly…

All three kids were sitting at the table eating spaghetti. Liz talked about here new crush Bobby. Kathleen remained quiet, trying not to burst out laughing.

"Hey Dickie, how come you're so quiet?" Liz asked in a teasingly. "You're the one talking all the time.."Dickie said glaring at his twin.

Taking advantage of the situation Dickie looked at his mom.

"Actually mom, I wanted to talk to you about something.." Dickie said trying not to blush.

"I wanted to ask you if I could sleep at Kaleb's place tomorrow?" Dickie said trying not to sound like he was lying. "We have this project going on in school, you know about civil war and stuff, and he umm Kaleb, he is really good at it and he offered to help me with my part and I thought it would be a good idea since I'm not really good at it…"

"Kaleb?" mom asked raising her eyebrow. "I thought he was not cool to hang out with?"

"Um…well that has changed mom. He is really nice, and I thought it might be a good idea." Dickie answered trying not to bite his lip.

"Ok. Kathy said "That's okay with me you just have to call your dad and tell him to pick you up at Kaleb's house."

Oh no! I forgot! It was my weekend ALONE with dad. How could I forget?! I really wanna see him!!

"Can I call him now?" Dickie asked getting up. "Yeah sure..." Kathy said surprised.

Getting up Dickie ran into the living room and started dialling his dad's cell number.


"Hey dad, it's Dickie"

"Hey son, how're you doing?"

"Fine thanks. And you?"

"I'm fine. I just got home from Olivia's. She needed help fixing her sink…"

I knew it! Dickie tought There was definitely something going on between his dad and Olivia.

"Well..dad there's something I need to tell you. I really need help with my history project, and a friend offered to help me, which means that I'll be sleeping at his place. Would it be okay if you picked me up there?"

Surprised at his sons determination for school Elliot said "yeah that's no problem! Just give me the address and I'll come and pick you up at, let's say 11am.? That okay with you?"

"Yeah. Thanks dad!"

After saying goodbye Dickie hung up. He felt bad for lying to his mom and dad. He missed his dad, it was weird not having him sitting at the table eating dinner with his family.

But he also knew that it was time to accept the fact that his parents got divorced and both moved on.

Well…I wouldn't be surprised if my dad started dating Olivia. I mean she is so hot!!

Laughing at his thought Dickie went up to his room and started to pack his stuff for tomorrow.

Knock Knock..

"What?" Dickie said annoyed by the knocking sound.

"Can I come in or are you hiding a girl in your room?" Liz said restraining laughter.

"Come in…" Dickie said turning his TV off "What do you want?" he asked looking up from his bed. " I know you lied!" Liz said looking down at Dickie. "How do you know?" Dickie said glaring at his sister. "I'm your twin. I can tell when you're lying."

Damn, he thought..she was right!!

"So? What are you going to do about it? Telling mom or dad?

"No..I'm not childish. I'm just curious, has this something to do with Josh's party?"

Surprised by her question Dickie shot up from his bed "No.."
"Yeahh…very convincing Dickie." Liz said faking a smile.

Feeling annoyed by Liz's questions Dickie gently shoved his sister out of his room. "That's none of you business Liz."

Before Liz could reply Dickie closed his door and turned his TV on.

She knew that it would be useless trying to talk to him so Liz went into her room.

What's going on with him? I saw him talking to Matt. I don't like him..he's such an idiot. He has had many girlfriends..well way too many!!And Dickie..well he is the exact opposite of Matt..and I just don't get it..why does Dickie like to hang out with such a jerk?

Still concerned Liz went to her room and started reading her book.

should i write more??