Hello everyone. This is my first Fic ever. I gave it a shot and started off with something simple.
Disclamer: I do not own HunterXHunter or any of its characters.
Gon In Wonderland
Part I – Down the rabbit's hole
Leorio checked the thermometer and made a face. "Yup, no doubt about it. You have a fever Gon." He faced the spickey haired boy lying in his bed with his sheets pulled up to his chin. He frowned. His cheeks where slightly red, his face was very warm and his eyes looked tired.
He turned to his silver-haired friend who was sitting in the bed right next to him, keeping him company and said annoyed "Killua! Why didn't you get sick too?" Killua turned to him in surprise "ME? A Zoldick assassin getting sick? Never! Besides, I never thought you would get sick with a little rain!" Kurapika entered the room, interrupting the conversation, carrying a tray with water, sandwiches and fever reducers.
He laid it down near Gon on a little table and, while taking the fever reducers out, commented "Well, neither of you should have been playing outside in this rain in the first place. Here, drink these." He passed the pills to Gon along with a glass of water. They boy took then obediently and then gave the glass back to Kurapika. Leorio cheerfully put his hands on his hips and smiled to Gon:
"Right, off to bed with you! Sleep cures any illness!" Killua teased him while getting up "With that kind of advice, why do you want to be a doctor anyways?" Kurapika smiled as Leorio and Killua were starting to poke each other again and turned to Gon, who observed the scene with sleepy eyes. "There are sandwiches on the tray if you're hungry. Try and go to sleep; you'll feel better in no time, Gon." And started to exit. "Call if you need anything!" said Killua as he closed the door to Gon's room, leaving the boy alone. He whined to himself "But I don't want to be in bed…" He rested his head in the fluffy pillow and relaxed for a bit.
Back in the living room, Kurapika had taken the couch and was happily reading a large thick book while enjoying the sound of pouring rain outside. Killua was playing video games, eyes stuck to the television and Leorio, having no desire to cram anymore medical books into his head, soon went to join him. They kept the volume pretty low because of Gon, and Kurapika was thankful as well. The sound of the rain far outweighed the sound of punches and kicks from the game as Leorio's character was quickly being beaten by Killua's.
Back at Gon's room, the boy quickly found out that he was far more tired than what he originally thought, slipping into a silent sleep mere minutes after the door closed. He had a dream. One of those weird dreams that one gets when you have a high fever and you're recovering. But this dream was the WEIRDEST Gon had ever had…
He found himself lying in a field. It appeared as if he had been napping under a huge tree that casted shade over the small little hill he was standing in. He scratched the back of his head "Where am I? Wasn't I in my room sleeping?" He checked his forehead. There was no more fever. A light breeze made the grass wave. Then he heard a noise. It seemed like someone was running… towards him? No, not running… hopping? He turned his head to where the sound was coming. There was a figure heading towards him. When it came closer, Gon let out a surprised "oh!" and ran towards the figure with a smile. But stopped half of the way with shock. "Huh?! …What's going on?"
The figure was none other than Kurapica himself. Only this time, he was a little… different. There he came, hopping towards Gon, dressed in a very colorful attire consisting on a suit with dinner jacket. His shirt was pink, his trousers where blue and his jacket was violet. He also wore a purple hat with a blue ribbon. His shoes where enormous and, from his blond hair, popped out two white fluffy rabbit ears! In his hand he had a large clock with a golden chain going to his pocket, in the jacket, the other hand held onto his hat so it wouldn't fly away. He was half hopping, half running and saying to himself desperately "I'm late! I'm so late!!! She'll have my head for sure!!!"
Gon stared in amazement and the only thought he could put together was "Why does Kurapica have rabbit ears and is dressed like that???" Kurapica passed through him and Gon woke up from his daze. "AH! Wait! Kurapica!!!" Kurapica stopped and looked at Gon. "My, my, it seems I'm not the only one late." He grabbed Gon and started pushing his back and saying "Quickly, quickly! We must not be late!!!" Gon was not even more confused "Ku-Kurapica!!! What's going on? Why are you dressed like that? And where are we go-"But Gon didn't finish his sentence, for a large "Waaaaaaaaa!!!!" replaced it as he was pushed into a hole in the ground by Kurapica. He jumped into the hole as well.
Gon found himself falling, but he was falling much much slower than in real life. It was comfortable and he soon found himself with arms wide opened, pretending to be a bird and laughing. On the walls of the big big hole there where all kinds of shelves with all kinds of objects in them." Someone must live here…" he wondered to himself as he passed a toothbrush and shortly after, a vacuum cleaner. Suddenly, Kurapica came falling down and quickly caught up with Gon. He, of course, tried his questions again. "Kurapica, where are we going?" Kurapica was still looking at his clock with a very worried face, but he turned to Gon nonetheless and finally gave him an answer "Going? Why, to the palace, of course! We mustn't be late! Oh, she'll have my head if I'm late. For sure!" he said as he started falling much much faster than Gon.
"Kurapica! Wait for me!!!" he said, but it was no use. Kurapica was gone and all that there was left was the black end of the hole. Gon tried "jumping", swimming, running, moving his arms and legs around like crazy, but nothing worked. He was still falling oh so slowly…
And suddenly, he started falling at a very high speed, catching him off guard. He landed on a big pile of leaves. Coming up for air and shaking the leafs off his green outfit and spiky hair, he climbed down the pile and landed softly on the ground. He was in a curvy hall. He scratched the back of his head "Hum… where did Kurapica went? He said something about a palace…" He thought about the places he had visited before… but none of them had a castle. He eventually gave up and thought "Might as well try to find Kurapica again… He sure has a strange way of dressing…"
Well, here it is the first chapter. I was going to put Leorio as the White Rabbit, but I couldn't resist Kurapica in Bunny ears. Oh, by the way, I use the names from the anime, not the manga. They're easier to write. I'm not a review-maniac, but I would apreciate some reviews, since this is my first fic. I'm already starting on part 2. Hope you liked it.