1x2 By-the-Sentence Snippets: Domesticity
by Aki Midori
Pairing: Heero Yuy Duo Maxwell
Rating: PG
Warnings: Language, shounen-ai, slight angst
DiSCLaiMerS: Gundam Wing ain't mine. XD
BlaHs (because Aki always has to have one!):
Ok! Hope this is a pleasant surprise for all those who knew me on the other realm of fandom-ness. Tee-hee. My first shot at a Gundam Wing ficcie, or in this case, sort-of-ficcie. Hope you guys would enjoy!
1. When Heero showed up on Duo's doorstep after the war, saying he wanted to 'find his purpose now that he wasn't a soldier anymore', he wasn't really surprised to see the soft smile of understanding on Duo's face before he disappeared into his room to pack his own clothes.
2. They're weren't flying first-class, but Duo thought that it was OK, since it was amusing to watch Heero fight for self-control as an over-zealous three-year-old seatmate all but climbed into his lap whilst shouting 'Heewo! Heewo! I saw yoo on TV! Heewo Wuy! Mama, Heewo's on the plane wi' us!' at the top of his healthy lungs.
3. Heero's smile was nothing short of smug when the tyke scrambled over to Duo's lap, screaming 'Horsey! I'm playing Horsey with Dew-oh Mackel's hair! Giddy-up, Mr. Mackel!', much to said Dew-oh Mackel's chagrin.
4. By the time the three-year-old's embarrased mother succeeded in prying off her son off the war hero's hair, Duo was more than ready to give Relena a thorough bashing; all that 'war hero' publicity crap was getting on his nerves!
5. The house was dilapidated, and there'd probably be frogs and bugs and -gasp- snakes hiding amidst those overgrown weeds, but when Duo saw the almost-hungry way Heero's eyes took in the peaceful scenery, Duo gave the real estate agent a friendly slap on the back and told him that yes, they'd buy the house.
6. Heero couldn't really help but laugh, but Duo looked so adorable bouncing around the messy lawn on one foot when he accidentally hammered his toe, trying to fix the white picket fence he so desperately wanted to have.
7. Heero hadn't really planned on getting a puppy, but when he saw Duo's face light up like ten thousand exploding Leos as a puppy happily licked his face, he had no choice but to cave in, long before the request was even voiced.
8. Duo was expecting an argument when he declared that the puppy's name would be Commodore Wilkins, but he was more than shocked to find out that not only Heero accepted the name, he also went out of his way to buy the puppy clothes 'fit for his glorious name'.
9. Commodore Wilkins couldn't decide whom he loved best - Duo, the fun daddy who'd play with him almost all day out in the lawn, or Heero, the stern daddy who'd secretly pass him chunks of meat under the table when he thought Duo wasn't looking.
10. Duo firmly believed that Heero could be anything he wanted to be, and do anything he wanted to do, and he'd have his full support, but he was still pleasantly surprised when Heero told him that he wanted to establish and run his own bookstore, and would Duo want to help him out, by any chance?
11. It was most annoying to find Duo all but sprawled over the newest shipment of books, but Heero could forgive him for that carelessness, because he looked like adorable big kid, sleeping with a thick book of fairy tales draped over his face.
12. They've been housemates for three years now, business partners for two, friends for far longer, but looking at Duo wipe at an inconspicious speck of a dust off their pristine coffee-table, Heero couldn't really get over the fact that Duo is much more of a neat-freak than he would ever be.
13. Duo wasn't by any means a morning person, but when he groggily stumbled into the kitchen and saw Heero fumbling about wearing a hot-pink apron with giant words 'KISS THE COOK' splayed out in front, he made it a point to never sleep in again for the rest of his days.
14. Duo hated tea, but he found himself making a pot of it anyway, just to ease that frown off Heero's handsome face.
15. He didn't really remember when he'd thought Heero's face to be handsome, but he guessed it was probably around the time he started to notice the fact that Heero's lips are downright kissable.
16. The bookstore's account be damned; Duo making a pot of tea even after his self-professed hatred against it would make up for any headache the stupid numbers would cause him.
17. Migraines are a bitch, but Duo thought it wouldn't be so bad after all, if he could get Heero-massages like this every time the dang headaches attack.
18. Relena showing up on their doorstep was a shock to the both of them, but when she threw herself onto Heero and planted a rather passionate smooch on his mouth, Duo fervently wished he didn't stop his best friend from killing the twit, way back when they first met.
19. Heero couldn't fathom why Duo was so mad every time he answered Relena's calls; it wasn't as if he was encouraging the girl's less-than-subtle overtures, and it really wasn't as if Duo was his boyfriend, anyway.
20. Duo didn't really believe in hearing one's heart break, but he was sure he felt something within him shatter when he heard the words 'You're not my boyfriend, anyway' spill from Heero's lips, even if he knew it was the truth.
21. The silence in the kitchen that night was so thick, Duo swore a bullet could slice through it, should he ever try to fire one - and he badly wanted to do so.
22. Heero thought he had no right to protest when Duo took to clubbing almost every night, because he's 'not Duo's boyfriend, anyway'.
23. Heero couldn't sleep because Duo hadn't gone home yet; he draped his arm over his eyes to block the memory of Duo walking away with some random guy he met at a random club, all dressed up and giddy and happy and fuck, as if he didn't mind the random prick's hand moving around in random places all over his body.
24. When Heero finally took his arm away, he found out it was wet.
25. Duo thought that the random guy he was with was a total prick, and that Heero was a much better company, even if 'he wasn't his boyfriend, anyway'; screw it all, he's going home.
26. He found himself walking around the peaceful neighborhood, bathed under the soft light of the full moon; looking up at the millions of stars twinkling on the velveteen sky, he bitterly thought that the night would be much better if Heero were walking with him, even if 'he wasn't his boyfriend, anyway'.
27. Duo arrived home to find Heero sprawled on the couch, with an arm draped across his face; looking up at the sound of the door closing, Heero lept up right into his arms and burrowed his face into Duo's shoulders.
28. Duo couldn't help but notice that his shirt was slowly getting wet.
29. When Heero said he was sorry in a voice so forlorn, Duo couldn't help but whisper his own pained apology; arms tightened around him, and everything was OK, even if 'they weren't each other's boyfriend'.
30. Get-togethers like this are a welcome change in their new lives, especially after three-years of non-communication, but if Trowa ever so much tried to hug Duo again, Heero would release Commodore Wilkin from his cage and command him to inflict bodily harm upon Trowa until the man couldn't ever set foot in their home, ever again.
31. Hearing Heero whisper the sinister plan out loud, Duo chuckled as he told Heero it would be a moot point, since Trowa could tame even the wildest of lions; and besides, Commodore Wilkins is a poodle, and poodles don't have the capacity to 'inflict bodily harm' upon anybody, and that he doesn't have a cage - he has a play pen.
32. Heero decided to hate Wu Fei today; who the fuck does he think he is, wrapping an arm around Duo's shoulder so casually?
33. Duo thought Heero's jealousy was amusing, but when Quatre casually draped himself across the couch and rested his head on Heero's lap, he himself was planning to release the vicious Commodore Wilkins from his playpen- er- cage.
34. Quatre has been feeling weird vibes from his long-lost friends all afternoon, but taking into consideration the Unresolved Sexual Tension that has been steadily brewing between Heero and Duo, Quatre was pleased to dismiss it as the 'good kind of weird' vibes.
35. Heero considered himself a patient man, but when Quatre tossed him a teasing smile after giving Duo a playful smooch on his cheek, he found himself screaming for Commodore Wilkins to toss his three friends out into the lawn.
36. Wu Fei, Trowa, and Quatre have no idea who the hell Commodire Wilkins was, but they thought it wasn't too polite of their friends to toss them out so abruptly, especially since they haven't seen each other for three years; wanting to screw each other silly was definitely NOT a good excuse for their behavior.
37. The soft beams of the moon escaping through the open slats of Duo's window fell on Heero's sleeping face; Duo thought it was the most beautiful thing in the world.
38. Heero begged to differ; the most beautiful thing in the world was Duo curled up on the couch with Commodore Wilkins, holding a cup of hot chocolate in his hands as he watched the pitter-patter of the rain against the blurry glass of their windows with a soft smile on his beautiful lips.
Comments and criticisms are welcome, greatly appreciated, and always responded to!
Luv luv, Aki